Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SealedGRID (Scalable, trustEd, and interoperAble pLatform for sEcureD smart GRID)
Reporting period: 2020-01-01 to 2022-12-31
General Outcomes: 1) To both enhance and promote the industry-academia cooperation, and create a long-term cooperation programme among beneficiaries, towards devising a secure platform tailored to the SG characteristics; 2) To organise secondments of ERs and ESRs with the main objective to foster exchange of knowledge and strengthen the collaboration among academia and industry, as well as putting in place mechanisms to take advantage of the acquired know-how; 3) To conduct top-notch research complemented by practical experimentations and measurements, besides pursuing research excellence at national, European and international levels; 4) To develop a high quality knowledge sharing and career plans that are personalized to the needs of ERs and ESRs and are in agreement with the short- and long-term objectives of the RISE programme; 5) To offer to each seconded researcher top-level knowledge-sharing programmes, equipment, facilities and real-life experimentation platforms with a view to reinforcing their own background and complementing it with the active participation in a multi-disciplinary programme between industry and academia; 6) To organise networking activities to foster sharing of knowledge among the participants of the project, as well as disseminating the results of SealedGRID to the widest possible scientific and industrial communities.
Research Outcomes: 1) Analysis, design and optimization of key management and authentication in the SG; 2) Analysis, design and optimization of trusted computing and privacy protection in the SG; 3) Analysis, design and optimization of authorization and security interoperability mechanisms.
Technological Outcomes: 1) Design and development of simulation/emulation tools; 2) Design and development of a proof of concept testbed; 3) Assessment and release of a prototype.
The final result of the project was a platform that includes the following modules: 1) Key management and Authentication; 2) Trusted Computing and Privacy Protection and 3) Authorization and Security Interoperability.
By the end of the project the following goals have been achieved: 1) The SealedGRID platform was presented to the interested stakeholders; 2) The participating secondees have gained cross-sectorial research knowledge; 3) The secondees have widened their network circle; 4) They have assisted the strong connection between industry and academia; 5) They will have participated and become familiar with state-of-the-art technologies and have obtained and increased scientific skills; 6) They have found new potential that may be helpful in their career development either as independent researchers or as prominent engineers inside their institution; 7)The cross-national notion of the secondments will also contribute to the researcher’s personal development and fulfillment.
The geographical mobility will indirectly set a new culture and enhance the lifestyle of the participants. They may participate in multicultural research teams and experience the benefits of cultural diversity. Not only will the SealedGRID platform impact the participated fellows and the beneficiaries but it also benefit to utility companies, distribution operators, security companies and the European and global society.