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Innovative circular solutions and services for new business opportunities in the EU housing sector

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Social conditions for the co-creation of all HOUSEFUL services and co-created materials

A detailed review of the social and cultural restrains synergies and drawbacks found during the social engagement process for the cocreation of CEBOs evaluating the results obtained through the social network analysis and the qualitative methods applied defining an adequate strategy for demonstrating S2 solutionThis deliverable is related to Task 32

Social perceptions and beliefs in circular economy at building scale (version I)

A report regarding initial social decisions derived from the needs concerns and expectations of the previously identified stakeholders Task 31 involved in the cocreation process will be presented This report will be used as an initial comparison reference to be consulted in subsequent stages of HOUSEFUL project leading to the final demonstration of S2 solutionThis deliverable is related to Task 32 To be updated in M42 including results from Demo 1 D35

Report on end-users requirements and CEBO on residential buildings

Information gathering regarding endusers needs related to the CEBO on residential buildings will be done This information will be used to define a valuablebydesign service through implementing a Quality Function Deployment methodology which will be the basis for the development of the rest of the work in WP2This deliverable is related to Task 21

Social assessment

A social assessment report will be prepared to present the social impact results of the circular solutions implemented in demo buildings The results of the social and behavioural indicators assessed will be presented with the aim to reveal the final impact of the social aspects on stakeholders and especially from tenantsThis deliverable is related to Task 54

Report on public communication, networking and clustering activities (version II)

Updated version of D7.7

Market study (version I)

Detailed identification, characterization and quantification of most promising markets for the HOUSEFUL services, SaaS included (D6.3). Most important local business and stakeholders who could be interested in implementing HOUSEFUL solutions will be listed, coordinating with task 3.1. Furthermore, a strategic scope extension to other EU territories considering key indicators and future project volumetric estimations will be calculated. This deliverable is related to Task 6.1.

Existing market circularity solutions and product

Market analysis and prospection looking for available circularity solutions and products establishing a comprehensive European framework providing key data and descriptions of each of them as well as giving support to task 31 regarding stakeholders identification and analysis A coordination between this deliverable and D61 economic information regarding market analysis will be promotedThis deliverable is related to Task 26

Circular economy audit: Baseline calculation for Demo 2 and Demo 3

Following the same methodology used for the development of D41 this Deliverable reports the results of an exhaustive circular economy audit on the initial status of the Frontrunner buildings 2 and 3 in the four targeted vectors ie water waste energy materials and in four dimensions ie technological social environmental economic considering the identified KPIs and calculation methods set in WP2 D23 The baseline data will be also a key element for the technical definition specifications task 42 optimization task 43 and monitoring task 44 This deliverable is also related to Task 41

Impact study of HOUSEFUL services on linear business models

Establishment of the impact of circular solutions on local stakeholders linear business models by Business Model Canvas, multilevel perspective and Climate Change Adaptation Innovation Approach. Synergies among D6.4, WP3 workshops and WP4 tasks will be capital to properly reach the local stakeholders. This deliverable is related to Task 6.4.

Validation tests of technologies in S5, S6, S7 and S8 solutions at lab scale. Includes the Safe-ty and monitoring plan for S7 and S8

The D4.4 summarizes the results from the laboratory tests deployed for the validation of S5 (rainwater and greywater treatment with NBS and O3/UV commercial system), S6 (unsegregated water treatment with NBS and O3/UV commercial system), S7 (blackwater and biowaste treatment for biogas production through AnMBR, dAD and absorption solution for biogas cleaning), and S8 (stabilized biowaste from AnMBR ad dAD used for producing high quality fertilizer/ compost). A safety and monitoring plan for S7 and S8 solutions will be included. This deliverable is related to Task 4.3 (Subtask 4.3.1 and Subtask 4.3.2).

BIM models and material passport of the Spanish and Austrian demos: Demo 1 and Demo 4

The D4.3 will present a detailed review of the inventory of used materials of the Frontrunner buildings 1 and 4 considering both material passport strategies, the definition of deconstruction plans for afterlife applications and the BIM modelling for the demo sites. This task relates to the establishment of HOUSEFUL solution S3 for mentioned buildings but will be also used for the definition of technical specifications and execution projects in Task (D4.2). This deliverable is related to Task 4.1.

Reference methodologies and KPIs in circular economy analysis

Establishment of the most relevant calculation methodologies and KPIs to be considered in the circular economy analysis to be deployed during the project. The technically pre-selected KPIs will be then considered when engaging stakeholders in task 3.1., as well as for the circular economy baseline evaluation (D4.3) and for the validation of HOUSEFUL solutions at building scale (D4.6). This deliverable is related to Task 2.3.

Social engagement strategy for the co-creation of HOUSEFUL solutions as new services in Demo 2 and Demo 3

Updated and final version of D31

Project leaflet

The HOUSEFUL leaflet, addressing European stakeholders at large, will provide information on the main characteristics of the project and its expected results and impacts. Key key information and messages will be adapted to properly engage the different stakeholders identified in Task 3.1. This deliverable is related to Task 7.2.

Description of the BCM methodology and implementation rules in real scenarios

Detailed explanation on BCM methodology developed during the project for identifying the degree of potential circularity business opportunities of a building also considering real scenarios validation will be developed This BCM methodology will be fed by all the previous tasks included in WP2 and results from WP4 This deliverable is related to Task 24 and Task 25

Policy recommendations

Report on policy recommendations at local regional national and EU scale to promote the transition to circular models for the housing sector based on HOUSEFUL case study experience and data WP3 WP4 WP5 Information regarding legislation and regulatory barriers identified in WP3 and D61 will also be integrated This deliverable is related to Task 66

Market study (version II - final)

Updated and final version of D61

Flyers (Communication materials for stake-holder engagement)

The flyer will inform local citizens and stakeholders about the HOUSEFUL solutions demonstrated in the project, including the SaaS, with simple and easy-to-understand messages. The flyer will have a common visual identity, but contents will be customized according to the specificity of each Frontrunner building. This deliverable is related to Task 7.2.

Report on public communication, networking and clustering activities (version III - final)

Updated and final version of D711 being D711 and update of D77

Report on public communication, networking and clustering activities (version I)

Report regarding the activities related to communication strategies deployed during the project with respect to public communication, including articles and interviews, videos (D7.3, D7.4 and D7.9), press and news releases and pageflow (D7.8); networking and clustering activities, such as participation in fairs and conferences, activities with other circular economy projects and events attended and organized by the project. This deliverable is related to Task 7.4.

Environmental and economic impact assess-ment

This report will present the environmental and economic benefits achieved after implementing the circular solutions in frontrunner buildings Quantitative results of the environmental impact assessment will be presented The results of the Life Cycle Cost LCC analysis will be presented with the aim to evaluate the economic feasibility of the HOUSEFUL model proposed in each frontruner buildingThis deliverable is related to Task 52

BIM models and Material passport for the Spanish and Austrian demos integrating HOUSEFUL solutions

Updated and final version of D43 and D413 including HOUSEFUL solutions in the four Frontrunner buildings

Social perceptions and beliefs in circular economy at building scale (version II - Final)

Updated and final version of D32

Social engagement strategy for the co-creation of HOUSEFUL solutions as new services (Final)

Updated and final version of D31 and D34 It includes results from the Demo 1 finally obtained once dwellers live in the refurbished building

Measurement &Verification

A Measurement and Verification MV report will be produced presenting the energy savings achieved after refurbishment processes in frontrunner buildings The report will provide details about the IPMVP option used as well as the independent variables considered for conducting the energy assessment in each demo buildingThis deliverable is related to Task 53

Social engagement strategy for the co-creation of HOUSEFUL solutions as new services (version I)

A detailed review on the stakeholders’ identification and analysis process for the different CEBOs and DEMO locations will be done. Definition of the social engagement strategy that will assure proper co-creation actions during the project, establishing a clear roadmap for Tasks 3.2, as well as defining the basis for the demonstration of S2 solution. This deliverable is related to Task 3.1. To be updated in M26 including results from Demo 1 (D3.4)

Circular economy audit: Baseline calculation for Demo 1 and 4

This Deliverable reports the results of an exhaustive circular economy audit on the initial status of two Frontrunner buildings, Demo 1 and Demo 4, in the four targeted vectors (i.e. water, waste, energy, materials) and in four dimensions (i.e. technological, social, environmental, economic), considering the identified KPIs and calculation methods set in WP2 (D2.3). The baseline data will be a key element for the technical definition specifications (task 4.2), optimization (task 4.3) and monitoring (task 4.4). This deliverable is related to Task 4.1.

First approach of BCM methodology and implementation in theoretical scenarios

The BCM will establish a global calculation procedure able to determine the potential of reusability and recyclability of the materials physical solutions water and waste and the energy life cycle under a common approach and considering potential interrelations As the first approach to the BCM the methodology will be implemented in some theoretical scenarios defined in Task 22 to obtain a first database of results This database will be used in a mathematical sensitive analysis to establish the weighting factors of the main KPIs aiming to simplify the BCM as much as possible This deliverable is related to Task 24

HOUSEFUL assessment plan

An assessment plan will be developed with the aim to define the principles and the framework to be considered for assessing the impact of the circular solutions implemented in each frontrunner building. The assessment plan will present the methodology to assess the impact of the solutions at three different levels: 1) environmental and economics; 2) energy; and 3) social. This deliverable is related to Task 5.1.

HOUSEFUL website

Design and launch of the HOUSEFUL website, where a description of the project (objectives and expected impacts), news, progress and milestones accomplished, direct connection with the SaaS solution developed in WP6 and other related external platforms and initiatives will be available for consultation. This deliverable is related to Task 7.3.

Multimedia tools: 1 PageFlow, 1 VNR and 1 web video produced and distributed

Production of a PageFlow digital storytelling tool enabling to incorporate many editorial formats into a richer narrative to enhance HOUSEFUL marketable solutions a Video News Release to disseminate the projects main outcomes addressing the broad audience via TV media and a web video summarizing the main project outcomesThis deliverable is related to Task 75

Best Practices book

The Best Practices book will provide an overview of the main project achievements best practices lessons learnt and recommendations Contents will be retrieved from the main outcomes of the demonstration activities described in the deliverables of the different WPs and will be packaged in a direct and effective graphic layout The Best Practices book will be available in both electronic and printable formatThis deliverable is related to Task 74

Project presentation video

A short animation video addressing multiple stakeholders with key basic messages, facts and features of the HOUSEFUL project and its foreseen impacts in the circular economy of buildings will be produced to present the project in an easy-to-understand way. The video will be accessible on the website, promoted on social media and used in events to introduce the project. This deliverable is related to Task 7.3.

Call-To-Action video

A specific video format based on animations and infographics aimed at engaging stakeholders in frontrunner buildings and inviting them to undertake actions will be produced to support citizen and stakeholder engagement activities. This deliverable is related to Task 7.2.

HOUSEFUL SaaS - Final version

Delivery of the final version of the SaaS, with open access to all public at Month 54. This deliverable is related to Task 6.3.

Report of demonstration and implementation of HOUSEFUL solutions at building scale. Includes the Technical monitoring programme

A detailed report regarding results during demonstration stage of HOUSEFUL technological solutions (S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10 and S11) in the Frontrunner buildings will be presented. These results will be directly related to the selected KPIs of D2.3, providing data for the environmental, economic and social assessment of HOUSEFUL solutions (WP5) and the subsequent exploitation and business models analyses of WP6. The deliverable will be divided into 3 main parts which will include: 1) Management of permits (Subtask 4.8.1). All permits for the technological implementation of HOUSEFUL solutions will be identified, managed and sought for approval in each Frontrunner building. For that, technical specifications for each HOUSEFUL solution in each Frontrunner building will be the basis for the management of these permits, considering specific risks, ethics concerns and project milestones. It is worth to mentioning that “Els Mestres” building (Demo 1) has initiated the procedure for their refurbishment before the HOUSEFUL kick off. The refurbishment includes some of the HOUSEFUL solutions (S3, S4 and S10). Then, management of some permits has been initiated for the successful demonstration of S3, S4 and S10 during the refurbishment. 2) Implementation (Subtask 4.8.2): the report will include a description of the procedure used for the installation, start-up and optimization of HOUSEFUL solutions in each Frontrunner building (S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, S10 and S11), as well as and the quantification of KPIs (defined in D2.3) demonstrating the achievement of project results. 3) Supervision of technological solutions Subtask 4.8.3 and Task 4.4): Includes the Technical monitoring program of the project. This deliverable is related to Task 4.8.


Validating circular performance indicators

Auteurs: Nika, Chrysanthi-Elisabeth; Expósito, Alfonso; Kisser, Johannes; Bertino, Gaetano; Oral, Hasan Volkan; Dehghanian, Kaveh; Vasilaki, Vasileia; Iacovidou, Eleni; Fatone, Francesco; Atanasova, Nataša; Katsou, Evina
Publié dans: ISSN: 2073-4441, Numéro 23, 2021, ISSN 2078-2489
Éditeur: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/w13162198

Selective separation of CH4 and CO2 using membrane contactors

Auteurs: D. Hidalgo, S. Sanz-Bedate, J.M. Martín-Marroquín, J. Castro a, G. Antolín
Publié dans: Renewable Energy, Numéro Volume 150, 2020, Page(s) Pages 935.942, ISSN 2352-5541
Éditeur: elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.12.073

A review of nature-based solutions for resource recovery in cities

Auteurs: Johannes Kisser, Maria Wirth, Bart De Gusseme, Miriam Van Eekert, Grietje Zeeman, Andreas Schoenborn, Björn Vinnerås, David C. Finger, Sabina Kolbl Repinc, Tjaša Griessler Bulc, Aida Bani, Dolja Pavlova, Lucian C. Staicu, Merve Atasoy, Zeynep Cetecioglu, Marika Kokko, Berat Z. Haznedaroglu, Joachim Hansen, Darja Istenič, Eriona Canga, Simos Malamis, Margaret Camilleri-Fenech, Luke Beesley
Publié dans: Blue-Green Systems, Numéro 2/1, 2020, Page(s) 138-172, ISSN 2617-4782
Éditeur: IWA Publishing
DOI: 10.2166/bgs.2020.930

Nature-Based Units as Building Blocks for Resource Recovery Systems in Cities

Auteurs: Eric D. van Hullebusch; Aida Bani; Miguel Carvalho; Zeynep Cetecioglu; Bart De Gusseme; Sara Di Lonardo; Maja Djolic; Miriam H. A. van Eekert; Tjaša Griessler Bulc; Berat Z. Haznedaroglu; Darja Istenič; Johannes Kisser; Pawel Krzeminski; Sanna Melita; Dolja Pavlova; Elzbieta Plaza; Andreas Schoenborn; Geraldine Thomas; Mentore Vaccari; Maria Wirth; Marco Hartl; Grietje Zeeman
Publié dans: Water, Vol 13, Iss 3153, p 3153 (2021), Numéro 24, 2021, ISSN 2078-2489
Éditeur: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/w13223153

Assessment of two-stage anaerobic digestion of blackwater and kitchen waste for reducing environmental impact of residential buildings

Auteurs: Natalia Rey-Martínez; Rubén Rodríguez-Alegre; Xialei You; Sergio Martínez-Lozano; Eduard Borràs; Julia García-Montaño
Publié dans: Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, Numéro 33, 2023, Page(s) 101090, ISSN 2352-5541
DOI: 10.1016/j.scp.2023.101090

Factors influencing the social perceptions and choices towards circular renovation in the housing sector.

Auteurs: Beatriz Medina, David Smith, Inés Fábregas, Christina Reis, Tamara Vobruba, Adela Crespo
Publié dans: Architectures for Next Generation EU Cities. Challenges, Key Drivers, and Research Trends., Numéro Book, 2022, Page(s) 115-129
Éditeur: Ernesto Antonini e Jacopo Gaspari

Proyecto HOUSEFUL “Soluciones y servicios circulares innovadores para nuevas oportunidades de negocio en el sector de la vivienda de la Unión Europea”

Auteurs: Antolín, J., Álvarez, S., Hidalgo, D., Castro, J.
Publié dans: VI Congreso de Edificios de Energía Casi Nula, Numéro October 2019, 2019, Page(s) 266 - 271, ISBN 978-1692-234782


Publié dans: Eco-Architecture VII: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature, Numéro Volume 183/2018, 2018, Page(s) 83-91, ISBN 9781-784663018
Éditeur: WIT Press
DOI: 10.2495/arc180081

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