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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

CLEVER Cities - Co-designing Locally tailored Ecological solutions for Value added, socially inclusivE Regeneration in Cities


Standardisation Roadmap for NBS

D5.7 Standardisation Roadmap for NBS (M60)Roadmap will include considering most appropriate ways to implement or influence standards for CLEVER Solutions and encouraging active engagement in the relevant standardisation processes to pursue implementation.

Replication report by FE (1 report per FE)

D3.1 Replication reports by FE (M60)FE will compile a replication report each analysing the replication process at the end of the project, reflecting on the implementation of the NBS roadmap developed in M15 as well

Synthesis report on data integration into European monitoring and reporting practices

D4.5 Synthesis report on data integration into European monitoring and reporting practices (M60)Report will synthesise the data integration with EU level data and knowledge platforms and reporting structures (based on monitoring of FR) and upscaling of local data to EU level (cities as examples of efficiency of EU monitoring), which will benefit EU reporting mechanisms and the advancement of the EU NBS Evidence Base

Guiding framework for CLEVER activities

D1.1 Guiding framework for CLEVER activities, including guidance on stakeholder mapping, designing urban living labs, and utilizing EU data platforms and priority areas for CLEVER Cities (M6) An iterative and collaborative process will develop a CLEVER Cities Guidance which meets the needs of the identified target groups: a first draft guidance (v.0) will be developed by ECOL in close collaboration with the Thematic Experts, based on a synthesis of the city-relevant WP methods tested in CLEVER Cities. This draft will be presented, discussed and validated at a joint FR/FE 2-day stakeholder workshop in M40 with ca. 50 participants to inform its further development

1 CLEVER Solutions Basket

D5.6 1 CLEVER Solutions Basket (M59)The CLEVER Solutions Basket (CSB) will involve the expansion of the business, financing and governance models by integrating all of these innovative solutions – as well as the technological ones - into a holistic view. To ensure transferability, a classification will be made distinguishing between different types of NBS considering that every urban district will need tailor-made NBS strategies. It will allow other cities worldwide to learn from the experiences gained in CLEVER Cities and to include replicable NBS into their own urban regeneration strategies.

Analysis report on global, EU, national policy

D1.2 Analysis report on global, EU, national policy framework and barriers and opportunities for FR/FE (M10) Based on the priority areas of sustainable (urban) development, a set of EU and global policies and relevant national and regional policies will be identified and analysed by ECOL and FR/FE (using a common template). Findings will be validated via an e-consultation process by the AB and local partners (to be turned into policy briefs in WP7). Gaps and opportunities for action will be compiled in a brief report by M12.

Interventions report analysing the implementation

D2.4 Interventions report analysing the implementation process and long term co-management plan in the Front Runner cities: D2.4.1 Hamburg (FHH), D24.2 London (GLA), D2.4.3 Milan (CDM) (M57)FR will compile interventions report analysing the implementation process including a CAL specific long-term co-management plan. TEC will guide and supervise the overall process to ensure coherence of work-steps between FR.

Periodic technical and financial reports

D8.1 Periodic technical and financial reports (as per Grant Agreement)FHH will coordinate the preparation of and submit all required periodic and final financial and technical reports and project reviews for the EC summarising progress on project tasks, deliverables and budget usage and reporting any deviations and corrective actions put in place. All reports will be delivered according to the Grant Agreement.

Market analysis report

D51 Market analysis report M26Market analysis will include an analysis of the market forces such as threat of new entrants and substitutes bargaining power of buyers and suppliers as well as industry competition as well as a mapping of other relevant factors and interest groups influencing the relevant market such as public regulation It will also analyse the specific structures of competition as a basis for strategies in accordance to the business environment The outcome will be a short report for each CLEVER solution analysed providing a blueprint for market strategy development

Report on business, financing and governance models

D53 Report on business financing and governance models M 24Report will summarise the developed business governance financing and investment models for the CLEVER solutions that can ultimately deliver the replication or take up of these solutions in other European cities Bankability and feasibility of financing mechanisms will be ensured in order to support cities in applying the CLEVER solutions

Exploitation strategy/ plan

D74 Exploitation strategy and plan M14This document will address the positioning in respect to similar NBS initiatives the description of promising results and parameters to evaluate exploitation potential and recommendations to promote result adoption and exploitation and illustrate the conditions for sustainability A list of scientific articlesreports will be added It will link up to WP8s preliminary exploitation agreement in M12 at the 1st ACA and feed into the final exploitation agreement in M58

Evaluation report on NBS replication process in FE

D4.6. Evaluation report on NBS replication process in FE (M58)CLEVER Monitor will be applied to assess the soundness and strength, i.e. the success potential of the established FE replication processes based on reviews of planned (T3.2) or established (T3.5) governance and management procedures and the established UIP. Outcomes will be summarised in report.

CAL specific co-implementation plan

D2.3 CAL specific co-implementation plan (M15)PEA/GW, ELI/WWFO and STEG will facilitate the CALs development of place-specific co-implementation plans outlining the operational arrangements for realising the Stimuli in phases (construction, inauguration, long-term operation and maintenance), with roles and responsibilities, financing, timelines and methods (M15).

Co-creation plan and co-design of solution (CAL)

D22 Cocreation plan and codesign of solution CAL M12At the 1st ACA CALs will present prepare both cocreation plans and codesigned solutions to prepare implementation of a CLEVER Stimulus

Urban NBS plan

By M18, all FE will start developing the urban NBS plan for Council resolution by either developing a new or adapting an existing plan. Latest by M48, the draft urban NBS plan will be completed. However, time-plans of FE will vary to respect local political calendars and opportunities. This will leave a 18 months period for preparing and implementing the political debate and Council resolution. In year 5, each draft urban plan is reviewed by two peer FE. Each FE will develop an Urban NBS Plan.

Policy briefs and audiovisual materials to foster the exploitation

D7.8 Policy briefs and audiovisual materials to foster the exploitation (M60)Stakeholders will be provided with easy access to solutions and lessons developed especially in T1.4 City Guidance tool (layouted, formatted, printed and distributed by ICLEI ES under T7.4.2) and WP5 models via 7 policy briefs (1 policy brief at EU level developed by ECOL, 1 for each FR and 1 for each FE developed by cities and coordinated by HWWI), 6 video interviews (with practitioners, policy makers or political representatives), podcasts based on Transitions Academy webinars (WP6), the participation in partners’ events, face-to-face briefings of decision makers and media interviews.

Participation in the organisation of a joint final conference of SCC02 cluster

D7.5 Participation in the organisation of a joint final conference of SCC02 cluster (M64)The conference will present project findings, discussion and conclusions for the role of NBS in European Regional Development policy and will be the occasion for networking with other NBS projects. It will be held in conjunction with the other SCC-02-2017 project and/or organized in the FE MAD.

Visual identity

D7.1 Visual identity (logo, templates and branding guidelines) (M4) A project logo, branding guidelines for CLEVER Solutions, Word and Power Point templates will be developed to provide an authoritative and recognisable visual identity (M4). Adverts, brochures, posters, newsletters, infographics, 1 promotional video, 1 general presentation and 1 press pack will be produced and distributed at events as well as at external stakeholder events. ICLEI ES will provide summary documents on outcomes from T4.4 and T.4.5 for T2.4 workshops.

Other communication products and channels

D.7.7 Other communication products and channels (M60)Digital & media campaigns are to be implemented through online and social media channels - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest, Youtube - as well as traditional media (both specialist for city practitioners and general for a broader reach) and advertising campaigns - e.g., natural hazards and crime reduction information campaigns in Thamesmead. A regular project newsletter will be sent to key stakeholder groups.


D7.3 Website (M6) A professionally designed project website will act as the main online window for the project, presenting background information, objectives, partners, news, events, activities, key outcomes, resources and tools, as well as downloadable documents such as the Guidance for applying CLEVER Solution. Transitions Academy webinars may also be webcasted through the website. ICLEI ES will also set up digital media channels through social networks.

Final version of CLEVER Cities Guidance (v.2)

D1.3 Final version of CLEVER Cities Guidance (v.2) (M62)A final draft version (v.1) will be presented at a stakeholder workshop in M50 to guide final fine-tuning. The final version will be uploaded to the CLEVER Cities website and relevant platforms (e.g. CitiesWithNature, Oppla) and presented at the final conference.

CLEVER Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

D4.1 CLEVER Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (M6) By M6 the ‘CLEVER Monitor’ will establish a robust overarching and integrated monitoring and assessment framework tailored to CLEVER Cities. A first step will be identify gaps of provided criteria, indicators and guidance for measuring the challenges to urban regeneration addressed by CLEVER Cities. Based on this, a tailor-made CLEVER Monitor will be established and ensure it supports the local co-monitoring strategies and effectively assess the impacts of CAL against the four key urban regeneration challenges within and beyond the project’s lifetime (T4.4).

Conceptual View on Smart City Approach

D5.2 Conceptual View on Smart City Approach (Guideline) (M60)It will be demonstrated how the CLEVER Solutions can systematically contribute to realizing the vision of a smart city. Methodological guidelines will outline how CLEVER Solutions can together with city’s smartness components be integrated into smart city monitoring schemes.

Monitoring Strategy in the FR interventions

D4.3 Monitoring Strategy in the FR interventions (M12)Agreement on objectives (rather qualitative) and targets (quantified) in UIP to provide a ‘distance to target’-benchmark for co-monitoring and determine methods for data collection and measuring (incl. sensoring, statistics, narratives and stories, surveys, visual material, etc.) to be used in local monitoring strategy.

Urban Innovation Partnerships (UIPs) launched

D2.1 Urban Innovation Partnerships (UIPs) launched (M6) In close collaboration with T1.1, guidance on stakeholder mapping, each FR (by M3) will identify, map and invite district-level stakeholders to be involved in the UIP (incl. local citizens, civil society organisations, businesses, academia, (landscape) planners and architects, representatives of relevant public administrations (e.g. health, security & police, environment, urban planning).

Regional solutions catalogues

D6.1 Regional solutions catalogues (M60)The regional solutions catalogues will include solutions for PLACES, PEOPLE, PLATFORMS and PROSPERITY with a particular emphasis on the innovation along MATERIAL, METHODS, MANAGEMENT and MONITORING aspects as well as the key features of the project. It will draw on discussions and lessons from the Transitions Academy to ensure the final regional solutions catalogues reflect all input generated in WP6. Pending the availability of co-funding, the CLEVER solutions catalogues will be further expanded.


Integrating NBS in cities through co-creation: a practical guidance for CLEVER Cities.

Autoren: Mahmoud, I.; Morello, E.; Salvia, G.
Veröffentlicht in: European Climate Change Adaptation conference ECCA2019, Lisbon, 28–31 May 2019 – extended abstract and Screen 4 | Poster session 4 | PO039, Ausgabe 1, 2019
Herausgeber: ECCA 2019: European Climate Change Adaptation conference 2019
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35753.85604

Integrating NBS in cities through co-creation: a practical guidance for CLEVER Cities.

Autoren: Mahmoud, I.; Morello, E.; Salvia, G.
Veröffentlicht in: “Urbanistica Informazioni”, Interruptions, Intersections, Sharing and Overlapping. New perspectives for the territory. Francesco Domenico Moccia e Marichela Sepe (Eds.), Ausgabe 1, 2018
Herausgeber: Rivista bimestrale urbanistica e ambientale dell’lstituto Nazionale Urbanistica (INU Edizioni)

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