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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs

Descripción del proyecto

Nuevas estrategias y técnicas para evaluar los efectos socioeconómicos del cambio climático

El cambio climático afecta a numerosos sectores del mercado, como la agricultura, la silvicultura, la pesca, la industria, la energía y las infraestructuras, así como a los ecosistemas y la salud. Por eso es de vital importancia cifrar los riesgos y los costes del cambio climático en Europa en todos estos ámbitos, aunque suponga un gran reto. El equipo del proyecto COACHH, financiado con fondos europeos, aborda este reto mediante modelos de impacto espacialmente explícitos, modelos macroeconómicos con resolución subnacional, técnicas estadísticas de reducción de escala y métodos innovadores que no están basados en modelos. En el proyecto se abordarán los efectos sobre la competitividad y el crecimiento al analizar el nuevo concepto de puntos de inflexión socioeconómicos inducidos por el clima a escala europea y nacional, y se producirán funciones de daños climáticos para ayudar a los usuarios a evaluar escenarios y tomar decisiones.


COACCH will develop an innovative science-practice and integrated approach to co-design and co-deliver an improved downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe, working with end users from research, business, investment, and policy making communities throughout the project. COACCH will advance the evidence base on complex climate change impact chains, assessing their market, non-market, macroeconomic and social consequences in the EU. It will integrate spatially-explicit impact models, macroeconomic models with subnational resolution, statistical downscaling techniques and innovative non-modelling approaches, covering market (agriculture, forestry, fishery, industry, services, energy, built environment, infrastructure) and non-market sectors (ecosystems, health). It will explicitly look at competitiveness and growth, as well as at the social and economic repercussion of major global climate change in Europe. COACCH will deliver new knowledge on the impacts and economic consequences of climate tipping points of major concern for Europe, and explore the new concept of climate-induced socio-economic tipping points, at European and national level. COACCH will advance the economic valuation of climate action, identifying short to long-term mitigation and adaptation policy under climate change, including extreme events and tipping points. It will compare the respective performances according to different criteria of decision making under uncertainty, reducing uncertainty around valuation. The project will also produce a new generation of climate damage functions accessible to various users. Finally, COACCH will use a wide range of innovative communication and dissemination activities, to promote easier access to the results and ensure the outreach and impact of the project, and contribute to major international scientific networks and reports (IPCC, Climate-ADAPT platform).

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 989 657,31
73100 Lecce

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Sud Puglia Lecce
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 989 657,31

Participantes (13)