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I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Report describing the diagnosis of the Replicators and establishing the baseline for monitoring.
RURITAGE brandThe developed RURITAGE brand and the and related marketing plan and communication strategy will be included in this deliverable
RURITAGE Practices RepositoryOpen Repository collecting and mapping, for each RM, the key SIA related and cross-cutting themes characterizing model heritage-led rural regeneration strategies.
White paper ‘CNH as a driver for sustainable development in EU and beyond'The white Paper will illustrate and enhance the value of CNH as a driver for sustainable development
RURITAGE exploitation strategyThe report will define the main steps and strategies to be taken for exploiting project results
Call for additional Replicators and Selected Replicators agreementThe published called and the agreement signed by the additional Replicators will be included
RURITAGE troubadour reportThe digital diaryphoto journal of the troubadour will be published and presented at the final conference
Dialogue BreakfastA summary of the dialogue breakfast will be included in the document together with the list of participants.
Guidelines for stakeholders’ identification and engagement within the RHHsThe guidelines will support Rs to select the local stakeholders to be involved in the RHH
KPIs Definition and evaluation proceduresThe report will define and present the selected KPIs and the procedure defined to evaluate those
Monitoring programme and proceduresThe report defines programmes and procedures to be implemented for the monitoring phase
RURITAGE Inventory of Lessons LearnedOpen and dynamic Inventory providing the Key Success Factors of successful heritage-led regeneration strategies, their replication potential, related barriers and obstacles
Role Model Regeneration Enhancement ReportThe report will describe the innovative strategies developed by RMs within their RHHs
European Vision Paper for urban and rural regeneration through CNHIn conjunction with the end of the ROCK project this vision paper will be published and launched
Rural regeneration activities: data, results, conclusions and recommendations reportThe report will include data coming from KPIs and from the comonitoring and will provide a complete overview of the data analyzed and the impact achieved in each replicator Moreover it will provide recommendations for further replication
Report on Multilevel and multidirectional knowledge and innovation in Rs and RMsReporting activities, No. of participants, and main findings of each workshop
Progress report on networking with EU initiativesProgress report on networking with EU initiatives Draft version M18 M36
RURITAGE Heritage-Led regeneration Plans for the ReplicatorsThe report will include and describe describing the foreseen actions, the agenda for their implementation, the involved stakeholder, and the human and financial resources involved in each Replicators
Canvas business modelsThis report will present the tailored solutions for the 6 Rs and provide specific recommendation to replicate such solution
RURITAGE Serious Game KitThe kit will include information and guidelines for institution interested in being trained and in using the game (DIY approach) for enhancing CNH in rural areas
Report on Bilateral knowledge transfer and brokerage from Role Models to ReplicatorsThe report will collect and reports activities No of participants feedbacks and main findings of staff visit
Report on the involvement of communities in cultural heritageReport on the involvement of communities in cultural heritage the case of the Rural Heritage Hub
RURITAGE methodology for Community based Heritage Management and Planning (CHMP)This report provides guidance for the co-development, co-implementation and co-monitoring activities in the Replicators
Policy recommendations for the integration of CNH within RIS3The developed policy recommendations and the results of the workshop runned in task 65 will be included this document
Summer schools and Master programmes and reportsReport of the summer schools organized and of the master programme
RURITAGE Heritage Led regeneration plans - updates from RsThe report will be an updated version of Del 34 and will include deviations and adjustments made by Replicators during the implementation of their heritageled regeneration plans
Guidelines for the RURITAGE Resources Ecosystem sustainabilityThe report will describe the guidelines and training procedures for the usage of the RURITAGE Ecosystem platform
Communication and Dissemination PlanThe RURITAGE dissemination and communication plans and the local communication plans for Rs and RMs will be included in this report First draft will be produced at M4
Communication packVisual identity developed, website online, social media accounts activated.
Final conferenceReport of the final conference
The system dynamic based model used for the monitoring of the RURITAGE strategies implemented in the Rs will be presented for understanding and assessing heritage-led rural regeneration
RURITAGE Resource EcosystemSoftware, user and developer manual, and report on the architecture of the open and interoperable platform composed by the ATLAS and the associated tools supporting RURITAGE data management, organization, mapping and visualization.
RURITAGE Replication ToolBoxIt will contain both the software composing the Replication Tools, the inventories of Lessons Learned, the DSS and the e-book.
DSS light versionA light version of the DSS will be made available for Rs to develop their heritage-led regeneration strategies
My Cult-Rural ToolkitSoftware and the associated report about the functionalities of the My Cult-Rural Toolkit and its user interface. This report will also include a user manual and a developer manual.
FAIR findable accessible interoperable and reusable Data Management Plan defining collection treatment management and storage of data within RURITAGE It will be updated at each reporting period M24 and M48
Geo-referenced system mapping and managing the multiple functions and dimensions of rural areas and landscape-human interactions for RMs and Rs.
6 WebinarsAt least six webinars will be uploaded on the Digital Heritage Hub on the topic mentioned in Task 25
Storytelling VideosOne video will be produced for each replicator to support them in reshaping their image and one video will be produced for the RURITAGE brand
Eskelinen T, Donlon J, Saarela AM, Auvinen H,
Pubblicato in:
The ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovating Our Common Future, 2021, ISBN 978-952-335-467-8
LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications:
Rosa Tamborrino
Pubblicato in:
World Heritage and Contamination. Proceedings of the XVIII International Forum ‘World Heritage and Contamination’, 2020, ISBN 978-88-492-3937-9
Gangemi Editore spa
Conticelli Elisa; Claudia De Luca; Aitziber Egusquiza; Angela Santangelo; Simona Tondelli
Pubblicato in:
Planning, Nature and Ecosystem Services, Numero 1, 2019, Pagina/e 323-332
Federico II OpenAccessUniversityPress
Conticelli Elisa; de Luca Claudia; Santangelo Angela; Tondelli Simona
Pubblicato in:
The global city. The urban condition as a pervasive phenomenon. The global city. The urban condition as a pervasive phenomenon., 2019, ISBN 978-88-31277-01-3
Aisu International 2020, Insights series
Elisa Conticelli, Claudia de Luca, Angela Santangelo, Simona Tondelli, Michelle Perello, Javier Lopez
Pubblicato in:
Regional policies, cohesion, internal and marginal areas Proceedings XXIII National Conference Volume 03, Numero 4, 2021
Planum Publisher and Italian Society of Urban Planners
Tamborrino, Rosa; Patti, Edoardo; Aliberti, Alessandro; Dinler, Mesut; Orlando, Matteo; de Luca, Claudia; Tondelli, Simona; Barrientos, Francisco; Martin John; Cunha, Luís F.M.; Stam, Andries; Nales, Aad; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Amirzada, Zahra; Pavlova, Irina
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Numero 12962074, 2022, ISSN 1296-2074
Elsevier Masson
Łucznik, Klara; Serrano, Joane V.; Martin, John
Pubblicato in:
AVANT,, Numero 20826710, 2022, ISSN 2082-6710
Osrodek Badan Filozoficznych
"Claudia de Luca, Simona tondelli, hanna elisabet åberg"
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, Numero 4, 2020, ISSN 1970-9889
Laboratory of Land Use Mobility and Environment
Claudia de Luca, Simona Tondelli, Matteo Giacomelli, Fulvia Calcagni
Pubblicato in:
Urbanistica Informazioni, Numero 1, 2020, Pagina/e 39-42, ISSN 2239-4222
Rivista online fondata dall'Istituto nazionale di Urbanistica
Claudia de Luca, Javier López-Murcia, Elisa Conticelli, Angela Santangelo, Michelle Perello, Simona Tondelli
Pubblicato in:
Sustainability, Numero 13/9, 2021, Pagina/e 5212, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Rosa Tamborrino; Mesut Dinler; Edoardo Patti; Alessandro Aliberti; Matteo Orlando; Claudia De Luca; Simona Tondelli; Zahra Amirzada; Irina Pavlova
Pubblicato in:
Sustainability; Volume 14; Numero 8; Pages: 4575, Numero 20711050, 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Francisco Barrientos, John Martin, Claudia De Luca, Simona Tondelli, Jaime Gómez-García-Bermejo, Eduardo Zalama Casanova
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Numero 49, 2021, Pagina/e 250-259, ISSN 1296-2074
Elsevier Masson
Barrientos, Francisco; Egusquiza, Aitziber; de Luca, Claudia; Tondelli, Simona; Martín-Lerones, Pedro; Olmedo, David; Martin, John; Pavlova, Irina; Gómez-García-Bermejo, Jaime; Zalama Casanova, Eduardo
Pubblicato in:
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, Numero 16 (2), 2023, Pagina/e 1--17, ISSN 1556-4673
Association for Computing Machinary, Inc.
Santangelo Angela; Tondelli Simona
Pubblicato in:
AND, Numero 2, 2021, ISSN 1723-9990
DNA Editrice
Aitziber Egusquiza, Mikel Zubiaga, Alessandra Gandini, Claudia de Luca, Simona Tondelli
Pubblicato in:
Sustainability, Numero 13/9, 2021, Pagina/e 5069, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
John Martin, Dominica Williamson, Klara Łucznik, John Adam Guy
Pubblicato in:
Sustainability, Numero 13/13, 2021, Pagina/e 7128, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Carlotta Pivetti, Claudia de Luca, Elisa Conticelli, Simona Tondelli
Pubblicato in:
Urbanistica informazioni, Numero 278, 2019, Pagina/e 66-71, ISSN 0392-5005
INU Edizioni
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