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An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - FLEXITRANSTORE (An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources)

Période du rapport: 2020-05-01 au 2022-04-30

FLEXITRANSTORE aims to contribute to the evolution towards a pan-European transmission network with high flexibility and high interconnection levels. This will facilitate the transformation of the current energy production mix by hosting an increasing share of renewables. Novel smart grid technologies, control and storage methods and new market approaches will be developed, installed, demonstrated and tested introducing flexibility to the European power system.
Following the current trends and EU regulations FLEXITRANSTORE has identified two main strategic objectives:
•To enhance and accelerate the integration of renewables into European Energy systems.
•To increase cross-border electricity flows across Europe.
1st RP:
• Addressed the ethical issues and requirements of the project
• Performed a survey on grid flexibility among major stakeholders of the electricity value chain and academics
• The reference architecture of the three-stage methodology to integrate innovation technology into flexibility studies has been finalised.
• Regulatory gaps and impacts relating to flexibility were identified, and a basic techno-economic assessment for flexible services was performed.
• An exhaustive analysis of the demonstrators’ requirements was performed and the first detailed conceptual Architecture of the FEG platform was designed.
• The design, analysis and the detailed engineering phases for each one of the demonstrators has been finalized
2nd RP:
• The flexibility study methodology developed by WP2 was applied to the cases of Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria and on PCI projects.
• The first prototype of the FEG platform was delivered.
• The engineering, construction and integration of the container for the BESS and local BESS SCADA development have been performed for the case of the ADN and WPP demos
• The DLR de-icing demo has been operational for more than a year. The sensors for the de-icing solutions demo have achieved important milestones in year two with successful installation at both test sites in Bulgaria and Slovenia.
• The Power flow controllers were installed in the Greek demo site. The relevant tests were performed. The devices were decommissioned from the Greek substation.
• A new market platform was developed by ED to host the matching algorithm developed by BME. This module is fully integrated within the FEG and is currently in use by project participants and external users as well.
3rd RP
• Global energy storage business models were studied with emphasis on ownership type, technology, and market options served.
• Continuous fine-tuning and finalization of the Market Design and Business Models for flexibility services
• Deliver a proposal for a market design on the integration of renewables, the acceleration of market coupling activities in the SEE region, and the transition to a low carbon future using flexibility sources.
• Three business model canvases were defined for high potential lively combination of large-scale storage applications.
• Value proposition, key partners, channels, customer segments, relationships, key resources and activities, revenue streams and cost structure were defined
• Commissioning and deployment of the ADN demo in Cyprus and the WPP demo in Greece were completed. All connections to systems were established. The piloting was performed and results and lessons-learnt were extracted. The provision of ancillary services to the SOs was demonstrated.
• The DLR-demo finalized the piloting. Continuous fine-tuning of the DLR algorithms was performed. Potential icing events were identified and mitigated.
• The Power flow controllers had successfully been decommissioned from the Greek demo site, re-located and re-deployed to the Bulgarian substation. The relevant tests were performed, showcasing the positive effect on line congestions and the modularity and re-deployability of the proposed concept
• WP12 finalized the design of the black-box and gray-box models for the concluded, including the works on steady-state and dynamic-state models, etc. The components were successfully deployed at the plant in Bulgaria and the impact on the oscillation damping was identified through the piloting
• The market demonstration successfully completed the piloting and useful conclusions for the flexibility trading were extracted. Lessons-learnt were fed to the discussions for the establishment of the electricity market in Cyprus and in general for energy markets in Europe.
• The value that was added by the developed market platform was highlighted.
• The HIL-lab was finalized and all simulations were performed. The 3rd-level controller was programmed and put in operation, cooperating with the 1st and 2nd level controllers deployed on site in the WP5 and 6 demos. All SCADA developments for demos of WP5, 6 and 12 were successfully finalized.
• Integration of FEG with demo specific applications and services was successfully performed. The final prototype of FEG was released.
• Identified all relevant demo results and performed an extensive evaluation and identification of lessons-learnt.
• A detailed scalability and replicability plan was designed to highlight the potential of the proposed solutions and concepts.
• Key exploitable results were also identified and the relevant exploitation channels were used to efficiently promote the enhancements proposed by the project during and after the project lifecycle.
• Prepared and/or participated in communication and awareness raising activities promoting the project and its results
• Defined the IP strategy
The project takes both a national and regional approach acknowledging the need to seamlessly integrate national markets, particularly in the SEE region. In summary:
a. The Power Flow Controllers that was installed in Megalopolis’ Extra High Voltage substation and later on in Dobrich Substation solved congestion problems in the transmission network.
b. The DLR technology also increased power flows and allowed redistribution of active power flows, so decreasing significantly the needed investments in the HV grid that need to be done with further penetration of RES. Moreover it facilitated the mitigation of potential icing events on conductors.
c. The wind storage integration in Aisimi High Voltage substation provided ancillary services to the grid while smoothing its volatile output. Thus, the integration of Variable Renewable Energy Sources was supported
d. WP5 dealt with the installation of a BESS at the interface between the TSO and the DSO and allowed the provision of ancillary services, the more efficient management of the grid and the ability to host more renewables.
e. WP9 showcased the operation of a novel market for flexibility in Cyprus and Bulgaria and introduced new order types, aiming to increase liquidity in the intra-day timeframe.
f. The combined work of WP3 (enhanced market design) and WP4 (FEG platform) has defined use cases and functionalities supporting an enhanced market for flexibility.
g. An advanced PSS installed in Bulgaria (WP12) managed to successfully damp oscillations and led to a more stable system operation which can be easily compromised in a system dominated by RES.
Innovations in FLEXITRANSTORE can replace conventional, time-consuming and capital intensive grid reinforcements; thus limiting the network charges in the electricity bills for the end consumers. Furthermore, they promote RES integration and market coupling.