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Plastic in the Ocean: Microbial Transformation of an ‘Unconventional’ Carbon Substrate


The Plastic Pathfinder- A macroplastic transport and fate model for terrestrial environments

Autorzy: Mellink, Y; van Emmerik, T; Kooi, M; Laufkötter, C; Niemann, H.
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2022, ISSN 2296-665X
Wydawca: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.979685

Pelagic distribution of plastic debris (> 500 µm) and marine organisms in the upper layer of the North Atlantic Ocean

Autorzy: Egger, M.; Schilt, B.; Wolter, H.; Mani, T.; de Vries, R.; Zettler, E.; Niemann, H
Opublikowane w: Scientific Reports, 2022, ISSN 2045-2322
Wydawca: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-17742-7

Nanoplastics and ultrafine microplastic in the Dutch Wadden Sea – The hidden plastics debris?

Autorzy: Materić, D.; Holzinger, R.; Niemann, H
Opublikowane w: Science of The Total Environment, 2022, ISSN 0048-9697
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157371

The fate of plastic in the ocean environment – a minireview

Autorzy: Chloe Wayman, Helge Niemann
Opublikowane w: Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Numer 23/2, 2021, Strona(/y) 198-212, ISSN 2050-7887
Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/d0em00446d

Relationship Between Particle Properties and Immunotoxicological Effects of Environmentally-Sourced Microplastics

Autorzy: Beijer, N. R. M.; Dehaut, A.; Carlier, M. C.; Wolter, H.; Versteegen, R. M.; Pennings, J. L.A.; de la Foneyne, L.; Niemann, H.; Janssen, H. M.; Timmermans, B. G.; Mennes, W.; Cassee, F., R.; Mengelers, M. J. B.; Amaral-Zettler, L. A.; Duflos, G.; Staal, Y. C. M
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Water, 2022, ISSN 2624-9375
Wydawca: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2022.866732

The Potential Role of Marine Fungi in Plastic Degradation – A Review

Autorzy: Emna Zeghal; Annika Vaksmaa; Hortense Vielfaure; Hortense Vielfaure; Teun Boekhout; Teun Boekhout; Helge Niemann; Helge Niemann; Helge Niemann
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, ISSN 2296-7745
Wydawca: Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.738877

A stable isotope assay with 13C-labeled polyethylene to investigate plastic mineralization mediated by Rhodococcus ruber

Autorzy: Maaike Goudriaan, Victor Hernando Morales, Marcel T.J. van der Meer, Anchelique Mets, Rachel T. Ndhlovu, Johan van Heerwaarden, Sina Simon, Verena B. Heuer, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Helge Niemann
Opublikowane w: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, ISSN 0025-326X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114369

Microbial communities on plastic particles in surface waters differ from subsurface waters of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre

Autorzy: Vaksmaa, A.; Matthias Egger, M.; Lüke, C.; Dalcin Martins, P.; Roselli, R.; Abdala Asbun, A.; Niemann, H
Opublikowane w: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, ISSN 0025-326X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.113949

Microbial Communities on Plastic Polymers in the Mediterranean Sea

Autorzy: Annika Vaksmaa, Katrin Knittel, Alejandro Abdala Asbun, Maaike Goudriaan, Andreas Ellrott, Harry J. Witte, Ina Vollmer, Florian Meirer, Christian Lott, Miriam Weber, Julia C. Engelmann, Helge Niemann
Opublikowane w: Frontiers in Microbiology, Numer 12, 2021, ISSN 1664-302X
Wydawca: Frontiers Media
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.673553

Plastic photodegradation under simulated marine conditions

Autorzy: Annalisa Delre, Maaike Goudriaan, Victor Hernando Morales, Annika Vaksmaa, Rachel Tintswalo Ndhlovu, Marianne Baas, Edwin Keijzer, Tim de Groot, Emna Zeghal, Matthias Egger, Thomas Röckmann, Helge Niemann
Opublikowane w: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, ISSN 0025-326X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114544

Microbial Degradation of Marine Plastics: Current State and Future Prospects

Autorzy: Annika Vaksmaa, Victor Hernando-Morales, Emna Zeghal, Helge Niemann
Opublikowane w: Biotechnology for Sustainable Environment, 2021, Strona(/y) 111-154, ISBN 978-981-16-1954-0
Wydawca: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-1955-7_5

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