CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
D2.3 Baseline analysis and need assessment report: surveying science diplomacy activity in the EU and the practices, identities, needs and challenges of science diplomacy practitioners [month 8]
Training materialD5.3 Training material: consolidating results from our case studies and recommendations from the governance framework
Working paper: A conceptual frameworkD2.5 Working paper: A conceptual framework: an internal working paper defining the conceptual framework for the case study work in WP2 [month 8]
Project impact monitoring conceptD6.3 Project impact monitoring concept: outlining how we plan to monitor our results/outcomes [month 8]
Policy recommendations brief 1The first of two policy recommendations briefs: drawing lessons from the governance framework and its testing (tailored to specific stakeholders: EEAS, DG R&I, MS ministries, embassies, etc.) [month 24, update in month 30]
Synthesis and scoping report: policy brief, working title “Conditions and options for successful science diplomacy”D3.5 Synthesis and scoping report: policy brief, working title “Conditions and options for successful future science diplomacy”
Scientific research paper: on science diplomacy practices and approaches in Europe and the worldD2.6 Scientific research paper: on science diplomacy practices and approaches in Europe and the world [month 24]
Scientific research paper: Science diplomacy. An updated taxonomy of practicesD2.7 Scientific research paper: Science diplomacy. An updated taxonomy of practices [month 36]
Training feedback forms/reportD5.6 Training feedback forms/report [month 24]
State-of-the-art reportD1.2 State-of-the-art report: summarising literature on science diplomacy cases and concepts [month 6]
Case study reportsD3.2 Nine case study reports: detailed case study reports, a restricted version available in month 19, further revised and submitted in month 26
Open doors: reportD5.9 Open doors: report: summarising the pilot programme, experiences and results [month 34]
Science diplomats networks: a report, first versionD5.7 Science diplomats networks: a report informing about currently existing science diplomat networks and how they can be improved [month 12, update month 30]
Infographics on EU science diplomacyD5.4 Infographics on EU science diplomacy: summarising EU approaches and cases [month 14]
Case study cards/briefsD3.3 Nine case study cards as policy briefs: visually attractive, summarised form of the cases, aimed at communicating key results to policy
Communication planD6.5 Communication plan [month 2]
Policy brief: Science diplomacy in the European Union: practices and prospectsD2.4 Policy brief: Science diplomacy in the European Union: practices and prospects [month 8]
Brief/blog: The EU in global science diplomacy, updateD6.8 Brief/blog: The EU in global science diplomacy [month 37]
Dissemination and exploitation planD6.1 Dissemination and exploitation plan [month 3, updated in month 9]
Training curriculum for science diplomatsD5.2 Training curriculum for science diplomats: including training plans and resources (update of D5.1)
Quality assurance guidelines including review templatesD2.1 Quality assurance guidelines including review templates [month 3]
Policy recommendations brief 2The second of two policy recommendations briefs: drawing lessons from the governance framework and its testing (tailored to specific stakeholders: EEAS, DG R&I, MS ministries, embassies, etc.) [month 24, update in month 36]
Synthesis and scoping report: research paper, working title “The multiple streams of science diplomacy”D3.4 Synthesis and scoping report: research paper, working title “The multiple streams of science diplomacy”
Brief/blog: The EU in global science diplomacyD6.2 Brief/blog: The EU in global science diplomacy [month 13, update month 34]
Training curriculum – future science diplomatsD5.1 Training curriculum – future science diplomats: including training plans and resources [month 16]
Dissemination and exploitation plan, updateD6.1 Dissemination and exploitation plan [month 3, updated in month 9]
Knowledge resources manualD5.10 Knowledge resources manual: introducing the knowledge resources and how to use them [month 30]
Project impact monitoring reportD6.4 Project impact monitoring report: collected evidence on results and outcomes [month 40]
Governance framework report, recommendations, process descriptions and chartD4.4 Governance framework report, recommendations, process descriptions and chart: a comprehensive report on the governance framework, including workflow-like process descriptions [month 35], PU
Science diplomats networks: a report, final versionD5.11 Science diplomats networks: a report informing about currently existing science diplomat networks and how they can be improved [month 12, update month 37]
Comic on cases of EU science diplomacyD5.5 Comic on EU science diplomacy: targeted towards training and community building [month 32]
Policy brief: A taxonomy of science diplomacy in the European Union and beyondD2.8 Policy brief: A taxonomy of science diplomacy in the European Union and beyond [month 36]
D5.8 Open doors: video testimonials of participants [month 34]
Case study data package: open data publication of aggregate case study dataD3.1 Case study data package: open data publication of aggregate case study data
Charlotte Rungius, Tim Flink, Sebastian Riedel
Published in:
Open Research Europe, Issue 1, 2021, Page(s) 51, ISSN 2732-5121
Open Research Europe
Charlotte Rungius, Tim Flink
Published in:
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Issue 7/1, 2020, ISSN 2662-9992
Lorenzo Melchor
Published in:
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Issue 15/3, 2020, Page(s) 409-423, ISSN 1871-1901
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Ewert J. Aukes, Gonzalo Ordonez Matamoros, Stefan Kuhlmann
Published in:
STePS Working Paper, 2019, ISSN 2589-2169
STePS, University of Twente
Ewert Aukes, James Wilsdon, Gonzalo Ordóñez-Matamoros, Stefan Kuhlmann
Published in:
F1000Research, Issue 10, 2021, Page(s) 827, ISSN 2046-1402
F1000 Research Ltd.
Tim Flink
Published in:
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Issue 15/3, 2020, Page(s) 359-370, ISSN 1871-1901
Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
Rungius Charlotte
Published in:
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