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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Developing the methodology for a coordinated approach to the clustering, monitoring and evaluation of results of actions under the Ports of the Future topic

Resultado final

Projects Common Index: methodology for analysis and monitoring

The Deliverable will make available the methodology for analysis and monitoring via the Project Common Index. Related task: 3.3 - Deployment of the Projects Common Index: methodology for analysis and monitoring.

Plan for the Dissemination and Communication of the action Results (PDCR) - update

The Deliverable is an update of the Plan released on M3. Related task: 4.1 - Plan for the Dissemination and Communication of the action Results (PDCR).

Clustered Projects guidance document

The document will contain all the relevant information for Projects to be clustered including key information (impacts, foreseen, expected results, etc). The document will also select the different project clouds. Related task: 2.2 - Selection for clustering of related Projects and Activities.

R&D and Policy recommendations

The Deliverable is DockstheFuture R&D Recommendations, Policy Recommendations as results to be disseminated and exploited. Related task: 5.5 - R&D and Policy recommendations on the basis of validated projects results.

Stakeholders consultation proceedings

The deliverable is the sum up of “Consultation” related to all activities where the DocksTheFuture will have formal contacts with individuals and organisations in order to collect their opinions and find out their views about the “Port of the Future” concepts, topics and projects. Related task: 1.2 - Stakeholders consultation.

Final Report on Dissemination and Communication activities

The Deliverable is the final summary of the main activities and results of WP4 with analysis of contacts and indications for further improvements. Related task: 4.1 - Plan for the Dissemination and Communication of the action Results (PDCR).

Desktop analysis of the concept including EU Policies - key results

The Deliverable, based on the literature review of existing studies, researches, analysis dealing with the Port of the Future concept/idea will gather and analyze information, already available in print or published on the internet. Related task: 1.1 - Desktop analysis review for the concept including EU Policies.

Analysis of macro trends and perspectives - key results

The Deliverable will the result of a macroeconomic analysis on trends and perspectives in ports and maritime domains, with a specific focus on port-city relations and international cooperation. Related task: 1.4 - Analysis of macrotrends and perspectives.

Maritime traffic analysis and forecast review - key results

The Deliverable will make available a detailed analysis of maritime traffic of EU seaports. Related task: 1.3 - Maritime traffic analysis and forecast review.

Clustering Methodology

The Deliverable will focus on the Clustering Methodology including additional criteria that will have to be defined and taken into account for the consolidated, final selection of actions stemming from the call, from other calls of Horizon 2020 programme and other ongoing activities in the sector at both strategic and pragmatic level. Related task: 2.1 - Clustering Methodology.

Plan for the Dissemination and Communication of the action Results (PDCR)

The Deliverable moves from the preliminary draft plan presented in the proposal that be updated at the beginning of the project and regularly during the project timeframe, including a record of activities related to Dissemination and Communication (D&C). Related task: 4.1 - Plan for the Dissemination and Communication of the action Results (PDCR).

Intermediate Report on Dissemination and Communication activities (I)

The Deliverable is intended to be a summary of the main activities and results of WP4 with analysis of contacts and indications for further improvements or corrective actions (if needed). Related task: 4.1 - Plan for the Dissemination and Communication of the action Results (PDCR).

Transferability analysis

The Deliverable is centered on the methodology that will be developed for assessing transferability of Port of the Future innovative concepts. Related task: 5.3 - Transferability analysis.

Project Adequacy Guideline

"The Deliverable will deploy the concept of ""adequacy"" developed in the Motorways of the Sea context, fine-tuned for the whole Port of the Future context. Related task: 3.2 - Adaptation and transfer of the concept of “Adequacy” to the topics and issues to be impacted by Projects and activities of interest selected."

Port of the Future KPI set

The Deliverable will deploy the results of the identification of the Port of the Future related Key Performance Indicators for Ports and Projects (before-after implementation). Related task: 3.1 - Identification of the Port of the Future related Key Performance Indicators (before-after implementation).

Intermediate Report on Dissemination and Communication activities (II)

The Deliverable is intended to be a summary of the main activities and results of WP4 with analysis of contacts and indications for further improvements or corrective actions (if needed). Related task: 4.1 - Plan for the Dissemination and Communication of the action Results (PDCR).

Port of the Future concepts, topics and projects - draft for experts validation

The Deliverable will deploy the draft version of “Port of the Future” concepts, Port of the Future Topics and Projects and Initiatives of Interest for clusterisation to be used in the following WPs, in order to be validated by experts. Related task: 1.5 - Specific Workshop with experts.

Port of the Future concepts, topics and projects - consolidated versions

The Deliverable will deploy the consolidated version of “Port of the Future” concepts, Port of the Future Topics and Projects and Initiatives of Interest for clusterisation to be used in the following WPs. Related task: 1.5 - Specific Workshop with experts.

Plan for the Exploitation of the action Results (PER) - updated version

The Deliverable is a detailed exploitation plan update produced in order to ensure the transfer of project results beyond its life. Related task: 5.1 - Plan for the Exploitation of the action Results (PER): updates.

Final report on Exploitation activities and update of the Exploitation Plan (PER)

The Deliverable includes follow-up activities that each partner will carry out after the project end, as well as the Dissemination tools, Port of the Future Chart, etc. that will remain alive beyond the project duration. It will include also an update of the PER. Related task: 5.1 - Plan for the Exploitation of the action Results (PER): updates.

Projects Common Index: analysis and monitoring results

The Deliverable will deploy results of the activities centered on the PCI application. Related task: 3.5 - Monitoring of results of Projects and activities of interest selected by means of the Projects Common Index.

Data Management Plan - update I

The Deliverable is a Horizon 2020 FAIR Data Management Plan (DMP) developed following the methodology reported in the “Guidelines on FAIR Data management in Horizon 2020” (first update). Related task: 6.2 Data Management.

Data Management Plan - update II

The Deliverable is a Horizon 2020 FAIR Data Management Plan (DMP) developed following the methodology reported in the “Guidelines on FAIR Data management in Horizon 2020” (second update). Related task: 6.2 Data Management.

Data Management Plan

The Deliverable is a Horizon 2020 FAIR Data Management Plan (DMP) developed following the methodology reported in the “Guidelines on FAIR Data management in Horizon 2020”. Related task: 6.2 Data Management.

Port of the Future Network of Excellence

Voluntary network of excellence of TEN-T Core and Comprehensive Ports: a platform aimed at following up the results of the project in order to have a proper unique interface to carry on towards the Port of the Future targets. Related task: 5.6 - Port of the Future Network of Excellence.

Port of the Future training package

The Deliverable is defined as a means of transferring know-how on the developed concept of Port of the Future, the current state of the art and the impact that such an innovative project could have on the future of European ports and port cities to each and every one of the participants. Related task: 5.4 - Port of the future training package.

Port of the Future Road Map 2030

The Deliverable is a RoadMap to guide Stakeholders towards 2030 objectives related to the Port of the Future. Related task: 5.5 - R&D and Policy recommendations on the basis of validated projects results.

Port of the Future DSS Tool

The Deliverable is a general software tool based on simple spreadsheet solvers (e.g. Excel) aiming at resuming main critical elements related to port related investments. Related task: 5.2 - DSS tool to exploit Port of the Future solution.

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