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Big Policy Canvas - Needs, Trends and ICT Tools for Advanced Data-Driven Public Sector

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Big Policy Canvas (Big Policy Canvas - Needs, Trends and ICT Tools for Advanced Data-Driven Public Sector)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2017-10-01 al 2019-09-30

Big Policy Canvas has been guided by the vision to transform the public sector into an effective, efficient, precise, consistent and evidence-based policy making structure. In this respect, it has laid particular emphasis on the potential of Big Data technology for the design, development and implementation of effective, evidence-based and precise policies and has targeted the development of an ever-evolving methodological approach.
The Big Policy Canvas key outcomes are:
• The Big Policy Canvas Needs and Trends Assessment Framework which is a methodology for mapping needs and trends to application domains, as well as for assessing the former in terms of their criticality or intensity respectively, with the ultimate goal of prioritising application domains.
• The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base which is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project.
• The Big Policy Canvas Roadmap for Future Research Directions in Data-Driven Policy Making, which aims to put forward the different research and innovation directions that should be followed in order to reach the anticipated vision for making the public sector a key player in tackling societal challenges through new data-driven policy-making approaches
• The BPC community, where the relevant stakeholders and experts of the project collaborate and provide the necessary knowledge base and supportive material to be used by public sector bodies and practitioners towards building a more effective, efficient, precise and evidence-based public sector.
1. Work Package 2_ Project Community Establishment, Networking Support and Project’s Engagement Activities
WP2 has designed the plan to engage a solid community of stakeholders to contribute to the production and validation of the project’s outputs.
WP2 has been dedicated, as well, to foster a long-lasting cooperation among its members, especially with the Big Data Value Association . This collaboration has supposed to refine the mandate of the TF7-SG8 in order to incorporate BPC perspective and ensure their involvement in the production of the main BPC results. A sound plan for further use of the results has been agreed with TF7-SG8 leaders that consists in their involvement for the production of the JRC Whitepaper about the BPC Roadmap “Big Data and Public Sector: Roadmap for future Research directions” and the proposal to the EBDVF Program Committee to present the BPC Roadmap at the “Public Sector and AI” session.

2. Work Package 3_ Public Administrations’ Needs and Trends Identification and Assessment
Needs and trends in the field of data driven policy making have been identified and assessed. The identification process encompassed in-depth desk research, qualitative interviews with domain and scientific experts and a quantitative analysis of Web of Science database and Twitter. All results are published in the BPC Knowledge Base and has been commented and discussed within the forum activities of the BPC Online Community.
The assessment process consisted of the implementation of the BPC assessment framework and the big data potential analysis.

3. Work Package 4_ Methods, Tools, Technologies and Applications Knowledge Base
WP4 delivered the BigPolicyCanvas Knowledge Base, which constitutes one of the main results of the project. The Knowledge Base encompasses more than 200 entries and is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of Needs, Trends and Assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other. The entries were recognised in various ways, including desk-based research, interviews and focus groups with IT experts and an online survey available in four languages.

4. Work Package 5_ Roadmap for Future Research Directions
This WP delivered the Big Policy Canvas Roadmap for Future Research Directions in Data-Driven Policy Making that puts forward the different research and innovation directions that should be followed in order to reach the anticipated vision for making the public sector a key player in tackling societal challenges through new data-driven policy-making approaches.
A set of practical recommendations to interested stakeholders constitutes the third and last step of the Big Policy Canvas roadmapping exercise, targeting to accelerate the roadmap’s take-up and crowning project endeavors to promote (big) data-driven policy making in the public sector. The recommendations are divided into two key parts:
• Methodological recommendations, addressed to policy makers and public administration representatives.
• Content-specific recommendations, addressed, besides the aforementioned groups of stakeholders, to researchers and the industry as well, and targeting to delineate future policy strategy.

5. Work Package 6_ Dissemination, Communication and Sustainability
In the context of WP6 maintenance and continuous update of project-dedicated online communication channels, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and as well as the project website. The project’s consortium actively disseminated and communicated the project’s findings and results through a wide spectrum of means, including: i) physical presence to 15 events; ii) organisation of two project workshops; iii) organisation of the project’s final event; iv) organisation of two webinars; v) preparation and distribution of 4 press releases in 5 languages; vi) preparation and distribution of 2 newsletters; vii) 4 scientific publications in well-recognised conferences.
The Big Policy Canvas project is designed to have maximal impact on the practice of policy making in several different areas. More specifically the main aim of the project is to deliver a framework for the effective exploitation of relevant data and the encouragement of networking and engagement among the relevant stakeholders for data-driven and informed policy making, facilitated by specific proposed methodologies, tools, and applications.
In this regard, the project is perfectly in line with the objectives of the Work Programme topic CO-CREATION-06-2017, aimed at using ICT to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and the quality decisions in the public sector, as well as to foster the integration of the citizens’ perspective in policy making.
At its conclusion, the results of the project will accompany and assist the Commission and the community of policy-makers, practitioners and researchers in supporting new policy developments such as the Digital Agenda for Europe so to better support innovation and activities closer to the market such as piloting and experimenting with innovative ICT solutions and the creation and reinforcement of platforms to support social innovation and evidence-based policy making.

Table 7 "Mapping of the project’s objectives with respect to the expected work programme’s impacts" shows the indicators to assess whether project outcomes, and thereby how Big Policy Canvas will contribute to the general impacts listed in the work programme. More specifically, column Y1 depicts the indicators achieved in the first reporting period. Those indicators that are not under the scope of Year 1 of the project are labelled like Not applicable (N/A).
See attached image Table 7.png