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ICT enabled BEhavioral change ToWards Energy EfficieNt lifestyles

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - InBetween (ICT enabled BEhavioral change ToWards Energy EfficieNt lifestyles)

Período documentado: 2019-05-01 hasta 2020-10-31

InBetween Project Consortium (made up by RINA as the project coordinator, ACCIONA, AIT, DEVELCO PRODUCTS, IDC, PUPIN, VILOGIA and SONNENPLATZ) is going develop a cloud based platform that does not require complex or expensive equipment installation and that aims to provide easily accessible tailored information which is perceived by people as relevant to them and with clear energy (and non-energy) added value. InBetween platform will allow Users to integrate their building’s connected devices and systems with advanced energy analytics and optimisation services to create a comprehensive and customized recommendation and feed-back solution.
The main technical achievements for the second reporting (final) period mostly includes also work performed or started in the first reporting period. They can be summarized as follow, organized by project objectives and by WP.
• development of ontology, middleware, mechanism for evaluation of energy performance , User profiling service to classify users, Profile categorization service to visualize discovered user energy consumption profiles, energy hub model that simulates the energy flows at the demo sites, Non-intrusive load monitoring service; real-time notification service for Energy Conservation Measurements (ECM),Consumption prediction service;
• Maintenance of InBetween Platform components
• Development of Canonical data model (CDM)
• Design and development of external interfaces with online weather services (WP2, WP4).

• Design, execution and analysis of a survey for users (early adopters) in SON and VIL (January 2020) to learn about users' experiences with the tool
• Design, execution and analysis of a survey for all users (July-August 2020) in SON and VIL
• Development and application of various user-centric KPIs

• Development of tools to translate the demonstration site and user information, as well as collected installation data in terms of InBetween ontology concepts;
• Follow-up of demosites to settle the ongoing technical issues during baseline and validation period;
• Ongoing interactions with project participants,
• Ongoing improvements to the demo site platform, improve stability and make demo site maintenance easier.
• Integration and deployment of platform services developed in the project. And also Including PUPIN’s mobile app and ACCs WiTMo.

• Design and execution of a sample of participants interviews in January-February 2020 (M27-M28);
• Design and execution of all participants interviews in July-August 2020 (M33-M34);
• Preparation of a workshop with French demosites participants (canceled afterwards) and for replication plans;
• Development of activities to define a method to evaluate project results and proceed with the evaluation;
• Calculations of savings (energy/electricity, costs) and CO2 reduction resulting from the adoption of the InBetween platform at the two demo sites and potential replicability;

• Compiling legislation framework
• Definition of dissemination action in support to user’s engagement;
• Conduction of market analysis focuses on the energy efficiency sector and in particular on the smart home industry;
• Definition of final exploitable results;
• Analysis of patent to understand and identify the patent scenario corresponding to the topic of the InBetween project.

• Finalization and submission of the Amendment documentation;
• Preparation and holding of the Review Meeting for the previous reporting, with consequent actions related to organization of Consortium meetings (including physical and online conferences);
• Overseeing Administrative, Financial and Technical performances of the project.

The table below provides the evaluation of the TRL of the identified Exploitable Results at the beginning and at the end of the project, based on the activities performed and on discussions among partners involved in the development.

Table - List of prioritized Innovative Results

Red rows represent the prioritized results in terms of TRL. For this reason, results have been prioritized based on the final score obtained from the prioritization exercise. In particular, we considered results closest to the market with TRL above or equal to 7 as the core result of the project as a whole.
inBETWEEN goes beyond currently available ICT technologies used for inducing the End User behaviour change towards more energy efficient lifestyles by simultaneously assisting Users to IDENTIFY energy wastes, LEARN how they can conserve energy and MOTIVATE them to act
-existing state of the art is not effective against barrier for technology acceptance, technology use and barrier for technology effectiveness
-existing infrastructures are complex and ICT solutions do not provide any semantic of the energy consumption figures correlated with the actual user context

By October 2020, the project will assist people to identify energy wastes and learn how they can conserve energy:
-Cause a significant reduction of final energy consumption prompted by innovative ICT solutions clearly quantified and substantiated, and subsequent reduction of CO2 emissions
-Accelerate the wider deployment and adoption of user-friendly ICT solutions prompting behavioural change and energy efficiency, including plans for its sustainability after the project's life and potential/readiness for replication
-Get a number of energy end-users changing their behaviour documenting why and how changes are an effect of particular measures taken, as well in terms of the sustainability of the behavioural change

The project impacts have been calculated and reported in the Table - Project Impacts results
Table - Project Impact results
Table - List of prioritized Innovative Results