CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Related to Tasks T6.3 and T6.4. This deliverable will have an internal report for M18.
Manual for configuration, installation and commissioning of eTEACHER (first release)eTEACHER Manual for configuration, installation and commissioning of eTEACHER (ASC, First Release Month 24; Final Release/Updated version: M30)
Mentoring meetingsRelated to Task T1.5
Evaluation of eTEACHER results. Second releaseEvaluation of eTEACHER results. Second release after 10 monitoring months. Users’ acceptance and analysis of behavioural change Best practises of energy behavioural change though ICT solutions.
Suggestions for policy makers to incentive behavioural changeRelated to Task T4.4
Report on dissemination activities, networking and eventsRelated to Tasks T63 and T64This deliverable will have an internal report for M18
Dissemination & Communication PlanRelated to Task T6.1
Requirements for BACS add-on servicesRelated to Task T2.1
ICT-based engagement for energy efficiency in buildingsRelated to Task T1.3
Specifications for eTEACHER “Enabling Change” frameworkA short report related to each eTEACHER intervention, as described in Task 1.4
Evaluation of eTEACHER results. First releaseEvaluation of eTEACHER results. First release after 6 monitoring months.
Key Concepts SummaryShort report for partners introducing key concepts from Task 1.1 and their relevance for other work packages (M2). Two facilitated training events delivered in M3, following on from production of the report (D1.1), followed by two further online meetings in M4 with each partner to further develop and contextualise these ideas.
Analysis of end-use behaviour in relation to case study buildingsRelated to Task T1.2.
Evaluation Methodology and preliminary pilots descriptionsThis report summarizes the result of task 4.1 and part of task 4.2 (CEM, pilot providers, Month 12)
Manual for configuration, installation and commissioning of eTEACHER (final release)eTEACHER Manual for configuration, installation and commissioning of eTEACHER (ASC, First Release Month 24; Final Release/Updated version: M30)
Related to Task T6.2
Project animation videoRelated to Task T6.4
Project websiteRelated to Task T6.2
eTEACHER flyersRelated to Task T6.2
Related to Task T3.5
Energy Efficiency Advisor SmartphoneRelated to Tasks T3.1, T3.2 and T3.4
Data processing service for end-user engagementRelated to Task T2.4
BACS add-on services container and Universal BACS Communication InterfaceRelated to Task T2.5
Pruvost, Hervé; Enge-Rosenblatt, Olaf
Publié dans:
7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop, Numéro 1, 2019
Fraunhofer IIS
Pruvost, Hervé; Calleja-Rodríguez, Gloria; Enge-Rosenblatt, Olaf; Jimenez-Redondo, Noemi; Peralta-Escalante, Juan-Jacobo
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 2021 European Conference on Computing in Construction, 2021
EC³ 2021
Albert Hoffrichter, Evangelos Zacharis, Angelina Katsifaraki, Ashley Morton, Gloria Calleja, Federica Fuligni, Marko Batic, Marina Dorokhova, Niall Castelli, Konstantinos Kanellos, Thanh Nguyen
Publié dans:
Proceedings, Numéro 65/1, 2020, Page(s) 10, ISSN 2504-3900
Academic open access publishing MDPI
Gloria Calleja-Rodríguez, Juan Jacobo Peralta-Escalante, Noemi Jiménez-Redondo, Francisco Javier Márquez-Pocostales, Paula Anghelita
Publié dans:
Proceedings, Numéro 65/1, 2020, Page(s) 4, ISSN 2504-3900
Academic open access publishing MDPI
A. Morton, A. Reeves, R. Bull, S. Preston
Publié dans:
Energy Research & Social Science, Numéro 70, 2020, Page(s) 101772, ISSN 2214-6296
Elsevier Limited
Sam Preston, Muhammad Usman Mazhar, Richard Bull
Publié dans:
Energies, Numéro 13/24, 2020, Page(s) 6615, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
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