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Accelerating Energy renovation solution for Zero Energy buildings and Neighbourhoods

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - RenoZEB (Accelerating Energy renovation solution for Zero Energy buildings and Neighbourhoods)

Période du rapport: 2020-04-01 au 2022-01-31

The project aims to unlock the nZEB renovation market increasing property value through a new systemic approach to retrofitting that will include innovative components, processes and decision making methodologies to guide all value-chain actors in the nZEB building renovation process; including a specific knowledgebased tool for Real Estate Industry to select the integrated solutions with highest impact in the revalorization of the building. These will contribute to create a large-scale nZEB renovation Market in Europe transforming the residential building stock to match the net-zero energy standards at affordable price. To achieve this strategic target, we have identified four main pillars upon which will be supported the project:
1. Reduce energy consumption while increasing the share of renewable energy in buildings. The two nZEB principles.
2. Affordability, reducing the life cycle cost with a significant decrease of installation time and an energy performance optimization. Cost & risk reduction with low disruption during building renovation, to attract customers interest.
3. Maximize the capacity of replication of the developed concepts and methods for integrated sustainable renovation. The replicability and adaptability through modularity, as a strategy to capture a large-scale renovation market.
4. Maximize the revalorization of existing buildings in the short-medium-long term, through a value-based decision making methodology that include the post-retrofitting value of assets and savings but also visualize the dynamic-evolution of the property values for the near future as trigger of the new large-scale nZEB renovation Market.
Based on these 4 pillars a series of objectives and targets will be achieved. Objectives that imply a deep analysis and the consequent innovation in the current processes of renovation. All technical, environmental, financial, social and market objectives are aligned under these 4 strategic objectives and will serve to design the structure of work-packages/tasks and the relationships, links and feedback loops, as well as the selection of partners and resources. The RENOZEB system developed by this project implies a change in the current renovation processes (off-site construction, tight coupling among multiple stakeholders -envelope designer/manufactures/HVAC expert, richer data flows, new value framework). Consequently, the project will develop not only specific solutions affecting the envelope or the HVAC energetic system, or the integration of RES, but also we will develop the RenoZEB methodology to support the stakeholders in the success adoption and valuation of the proposed solution. To facilitate the deployment of this methodology, RenoZEB will develop an ICT open and real collaborative platform to support the renovation process from the planning to the management stage. The integrated solution and the implementation process developed, will be complemented with the design of a methodology to improve the decision-making process for selecting the best strategy of renovation oriented to answer the needs of public and private Real Estate industry. This holistic approach will contribute to go beyond the laboratory or experimental test to reach the maximum replicability in a potential large-scale market.
The main activity developed so far:
- Implementation of the RenoZEB concept into the phases of the whole renovation process
- the development of the plug and play RenoZEB facade prototypes, the first manufacturing of them ready for the first tests.
- the digitalization of the Building Demos in DURANGO (Spain) and in VORU (Estonia), and the preparation of the facade for the future renovation and the istallation of the RenoZEB solutions
- Work into the nD Collaborative Environment (architecture, implementation and integration) to maximize the value capture from the renovation value chain
- development of an innovative data repository
- work in the development of a configurator to design RenoZEB deep renovation project
- Definition of the RenoZEB Building Performance Monitoring and Assessment Model
- Set the deployment plan for the demos
- the instalation of the sensors inside the Demo building to set the baseline for the pre-monitoring
- work in the preliminary market analisys and exploitation plan
- work into the metodology on how to demonstate the project outputs inside the virtual Demos in Italy, Greece and Bulgaria
- working into the dissemination and communication activities and also preparing the elearning platform and modules for future trainings.
1. Retrofitting methodology for existing buildings
SoA: Deep renovation not guaranteed
Innovation: development of a holistic retrofitting methodology considering whole life cycle and based on nZEB standards

2. Value chain integration
SoA: Complexity and lack of coordination among stakeholders.
Innovation: Development of an integral platform based on BIM to optimize process time plan to ensure coordination among stakeholders.

3. Automation of building modelling
SoA: Manual process to update building information model.
Innovation: guidelines for as-built BIM creation and development of ad-hoc interoperability mechanisms.

4. Retrofitting project design
SoA: Little interoperability among design tools
Innovation: A new interoperable configurator

5. “Plug&play” multifunctional façade
SoA: Independent invasive solutions with large installation time.
Innovation: Innovative “plug and play” modulare envelope.

6. Automation of construction and logistic
SoA: Digital software for health and safety
Innovation: software for enhancing productivity and logistic of material supply

7. Building energy management
SoA: Health related aspects and human-centred behaviour not included
Innovation: smart human-centric building control system

8. Real estatedecision-making
SoA: Knowledge transfer from completed projects is currently insufficient
Innovation: knowledge-based system with a coherent value framework. Artificial intelligence methods to model human knowledge.

The main exploitable sub-results that integrate the methodology pack are:
1.: Deep renovation methodology, open access methodology
2.: Decision-making tool and guidelines for Real Estate Industry investment
3.: Modular “plug and play” facades
4.: An open collaborative software platform built around a core nD collaborative environment

Expected Impacts
1. Reduction of at least 60% in energy consumption while enhancing indoor environmental quality. Energy consumption reductions more than 60% (64,49% in Durango, North of Spain) and around 60% (60,37% in Vöru, Estonia) Continental climates.

2. Decrease of installation time by at least 30% compared to typical renovation process for the building type. Total renovation process time reduced by more than a 65%. Thanks to the real collaborative platform and the use on a prefabricated “plug and play” renovation system.

3. Demonstration of a high replicability potential and of large market uptake capacity. RenoZEB project has a potential stock of around 4,5 billions of square meters of buildings. Considering a 64,4 % of energy saving.

4. Affordability considering all costs involved, with a payback period below 15 years. RenoZEB solution will achieve a cost reduction of 16% compared with a typical renovation

5. New generation of skilled workers and SME contractors in the construction sector capable of applying a systemic approach to renovation by the e-learning platform
first version of Open BIM RenoZEB – Focchi Facades 1/3
first version of Open BIM RenoZEB – Focchi Facades 3/3
first version of Open BIM RenoZEB – Focchi Facades 2/3