Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FLASH (Far-infrared Lasers Assembled using Silicon Heterostructures)
Período documentado: 2018-11-01 hasta 2021-07-31
In the healthcare domain, THz light could enable new medical imaging capabilities, including oncology for epithelial cancer detection and wound inspection through bandages, since its propagation in living tissues is highly sensitive to the water content of cells. THz radiation has photon energies many orders of magnitude below x-rays but care has to be taken that electric fields are maintained below threshold levels to prevent damage to DNA and other biological materials. Below such thresholds, THz radiation has been shown to be safe to use on epithelium tissue and ophthalmology applications.
Furthermore, THz radiation has potential in the short range/high-bandwidth telecommunications field, since the Earth's atmosphere has sufficient transparency in selected spectral windows especially below 0.5 THz.
An integrated THz technology (comprising emitters, detectors and I/O electronics), which is essential to achieve the required performances and reduce the device costs for the above-mentioned mass-market applications, is still missing. The development of a Si-based THz technology, nonetheless, could ultimately respond to these market requirements, since Si-based microelectronics accounts for >98% of the semiconductor global market, granting mass-production capabilities and low prices at volume.
In this perspective, the realization of an electrically pumped Si-based THz laser would be a long sought-after scientific and technological breakthrough.
By addressing significant material science challenges with innovative experimental and theoretical approaches, the FLASH project targeted the demonstration of a cost-effective and compact THz quantum cascade laser (QCL) integrated on Si. QCLs are unipolar devices exploiting carrier transitions between subband states in or between quantum wells (QWs) to generate population inversion and lasing. Lasing in the THz region can potentially be achieved by means of suitable band-structure engineering of selected semiconductor heterostructures. While QCLs based on III-V materials have already been demonstrated and are commercially available, a Si-based THz QCL is still elusive. FLASH’s team proposed to leverage on the electronic transitions occurring between L-valley energy subbands formed in the conduction band of Ge QWs featuring Ge-rich GeSi barriers to achieve this ambitious goal and demonstrate an industrial-viable technological THz platform comprising a Si-based THz source, low-loss waveguides, and integrated MEMS optics.
The modeling accuracy demonstrated in FLASH in reproducing experimental spectra guarantees high precision of design and high reliability for the calibration of material parameters for future SiGe-based THz electronic and photonic devices. In particular, we developed a simulation code based on the non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism that accounts for the material and structural parameters derived by the insight experimental characterization of the samples. The estimated gain values are on-par or even higher than what was predicted and measured in analogous III-V systems in a wide range of temperatures. More importantly, the simulated gain values are higher than the predicted losses in the double-metal (Cu) waveguides we planned to use as a laser cavity (see Fig. 2), even at room temperature. Consequently, we have developed the high-quality microfabrication processes for demonstrating the first fabricated double-metal waveguides in this material system. The subsequent step will see the final integration of our high-quality QCL active regions in the developed double metal waveguides to finalize the laser realization.
The relevance of these results is evidenced by their wide dissemination through the publication of 20 peer-reviewed articles and 39 oral presentations at important conferences of the field. Moreover, a spin-off company (nextnano Lab SAS, France) has been founded to further develop the nextnano.NEGF software that was used throughout the project.