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CLEAN clinKER production by Calcium looping process

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User-friendly web-based footprinter

Based on the results of WP6 in particular D632 M45 a user friendly web based footprinter will be developed and maintained aimed at communicating to the large public on the sustainability of the investigated productsscenarios CLEANKER vs baseline In order to make the results more accessible to the large public benchmarks will be developed to express the potential gains per indicator

CLEANKER Newsletter (2)

Contains highlights and other CLEANKER updates, distributed via email, posted on the website, alerts about updates spread on Twitter and Facebook.

CLEANKER Newsletter (1)

Contains highlights and other CLEANKER updates, distributed via email, posted on the website, alerts about updates spread on Twitter and Facebook.

CLEANKER Newsletter (7)

Contains highlights and other CLEANKER updates distributed via email posted on the website alerts about updates spread on Twitter and Facebook

CLEANKER website and social media account online

The online source to all public information and results from CLEANKER.

CLEANKER Newsletter (5)

Contains highlights and other CLEANKER updates, distributed via email, posted on the website, alerts about updates spread on Twitter and Facebook.

CLEANKER Newsletter (8)

Contains highlights and other CLEANKER updates distributed via email posted on the website alerts about updates spread on Twitter and Facebook

CLEANKER Newsletter (6)

Contains highlights and other CLEANKER updates distributed via email posted on the website alerts about updates spread on Twitter and Facebook

CLEANKER Newsletter (3)

Contains highlights and other CLEANKER updates, distributed via email, posted on the website, alerts about updates spread on Twitter and Facebook.

CLEANKER Newsletter (4)

Contains highlights and other CLEANKER updates, distributed via email, posted on the website, alerts about updates spread on Twitter and Facebook.

Techno-economic modelling of selected local and regional CCUS scenarios for Vernasca, Kunda and Slantsy cement plants

Report on the selected CCUS scenario to identify needs and solutions at local and regional scale for i the Kunda cement plant in Estonia and Slantsy cement plant in Russia Baltic regional transboundary scenario ii Vernasca cement Plant in Italy site of the CaL pilot plant local scenario

Design and full specifications of the pilot facility for mineralization tests in Vernasca

Drawings and specifications of the mineral carbonation facility in Vernasca completed.

Experimental determination of macro-kinetic calcination/carbonation data for the investigated Chinese and reference raw meal qualities

In this report the experimental results of TSIU lab scale entrained flow tests determining macro-kinetic data of the investigated Chinese and reference raw meal qualities will be presented.

CLEANKER Newsletter (9)

Final Cleanker Newsletter

Final performance of the optimized CaL processes in full scale cement plants using validated reactor models

Final results of the process simulations of full scale cement plants using validated reactor models with detailed material and energy balances

Detailed Project Management Plan

The document will outline a schedule per task responsible partner related subtasks related deliverables and dependencies on other tasks Gantt chart and a Work Breakdown Structure WBS will be included The document will be revised at M17 and M29

Guidelines on raw meal characterization for CaL applications

This report will include the guideline on raw meal characterization for CaL applications developed during the raw meal screening

Kinetic rates for calcination and carbonation of Vernasca raw meal

First kinetic submodel specially fitted to the Vernasca raw meal, to calculate reaction rates of calcination, rate of bellite formation and rates of carbonation as a function of expected operation conditions in the Vernasca demonstration pilot. This submodel is to be integrated in future reactor and system models developed in this WP to interpret results from the pilot.

Screening environmental LCA of the CLEANKER technology

Preliminary LCA report aimed at identifying the hotspots along the life cycle and at providing recommendations on the most promising scenarios and configurations from an environmental point of view.

Configuration and preliminary performance of the CPU for two different CO2 target purities

Preliminary description of the CPU process scheme and first process simulation results for two purification targets.

Project Management Handbook describing all commonly-agreed internal project management procedures

Reference for the consortium by describing all commonlyagreed internal project management procedures including financial administration procedures for dissemination and submission of scientific papers and abstracts to journals and conferences

Strategy report on exploitation of CLEANKER technology to market

The document will be drafted by the Exploitation Manager under guidance from the Innovation Management Board It will illustrate the consortium strategy to ensure that project innovation finds an easy and productive way to market to respond to economic societal and environmental needs

Development of a dissemination and communication plan of results

Version 1 at M3, to be updated if needed during the lifespan of the project.

Final environmental LCA of the CLEANKER technology

Final LCA report aimed at assessing the environmental performance of the investigated CLEANKER technology compared with reference conventional and state of the art alternative solutions and technologies

Regional and national regulations, gaps and recommendations for CCUS scenarios

Report on existing regulation, gaps and recommendations for the selected regions for CCUS scenario.

Definition of a methodology for the development of a techno-economic study for CO2 transport, storage and utilization

Selection of the approach that will be used to estimate costs for a full chain CCS project including capture, transport and storage. Reasons of this choice.

CLEANKER Strategic conclusions

The final public CLEANKER document that summarizes the work and draws the strategic conclusions for further development and deployment of CCS in cement industry


Advanced application of calcium looping for co2 capture in cement plants and flexible power plants

Autoren: Edoardo De Lena
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: Politcnico di Milano

Integration of cement plants into CCUS hubs and clusters in Europe: case study from United Kingdom

Autoren: Habicht, Glea
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: Taltech university

Experimental Investigation of Calcium Looping CO2 Capture for Application in Cement Plants

Autoren: Matthias Hornberger
Veröffentlicht in: 2022
Herausgeber: Springer

North Italian CCS scenario for the cement industry

Autoren: Martina Mariani
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: La Sapienza and Taltech univerity

Estonian-Latvian Transboundary Carbon Dioxide Capture, Transport and Storage (CCS) Scenario for the Cement Industry

Autoren: Karl Simmer, supervisor - Alla Shogenova
Veröffentlicht in: 2018
Herausgeber: Tallinn University of Technology

Wet route carbonation of industrial wastes for cement industry decarbonization

Autoren: Anastassia Zuravljova. Supervisors: Mai Uibu, Kadriann Tamm
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: Tallinn University of Technology

Experimental study of CO2 mineralization in burnt oil shale and cement bypass dust based systems

Autoren: Mustafa Cem Usta. Supervisor: Can Rüştü Yörük. Co-supervisor: Mai Uibu
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: Tallinn University of Technology

Development and application of a one-dimensional model for entrained flow calcium looping process

Autoren: Georgios Sakas (supervisors Jouni Ritvanen, Kari Myöhänen)
Veröffentlicht in: 2019
Herausgeber: LUT University

Design and techno-economic optimization of the CO2 purification unit of a cement plant with carbon capture

Autoren: Daria Gentile
Veröffentlicht in: politesi, 2020
Herausgeber: politesi

Evaluation of New Applications of Oil Shale Ashes in Building Materials

Autoren: Usta , Mustafa Cem; Yörük, Can Rüstü; Hain, Tiina; Paaver , Peeter; Snellings , Ruben ; Rozov , Eduard; Gregor, Andre; Kuusik, Rein; Trikkel, Andres; Uibu, Mai
Veröffentlicht in: MDPI, 2020, ISSN 1996-1944
Herausgeber: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/min10090765

Experimental Investigation of Sulfation Phenomena in Calcium Looping Systems Integrated in Cement Plants

Autoren: Edoardo De Lena, Mónica Alonso, and J. Carlos Abanades
Veröffentlicht in: I&Ecresearch, Ausgabe 00027863, 2022, ISSN 0002-7863
Herausgeber: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2022.103591

CaO carbonation kinetics determined using micro-fluidized bed thermogravimetric analysis

Autoren: Ye Li; Zhenshan Li; Hui Wang; Ningsheng Cai
Veröffentlicht in: Fuel, Ausgabe 00162361, 2020, ISSN 0016-2361
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116823

Techno-Economic Optimization and Off-design Analysis of CO2 Purification Units forCement Plants with Oxyfuel-based CO2 Capture

Autoren: FrancescoMagli, MaurizioSpinelli, MartinaFantini, Matteo CarmeloRomano, ManueleGatti
Veröffentlicht in: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Ausgabe 17505836, 2022, ISSN 1750-5836
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.2c00124

CO2 Curing of Ca-Rich Fly Ashes to Produce Cement-Free Building Materials

Autoren: Mustafa Cem Usta, Can Rüstü Yörük, Mai Uibu, Tiina Hain, Andre Gregor and Andres Trikkel
Veröffentlicht in: Minerals, 2022, ISSN 2075-163X
Herausgeber: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/min12050513

Characterization of a Marl-Type Cement Raw Meal as CO 2 Sorbent for Calcium Looping

Autoren: Mónica Alonso, Mathias Hornberger, Reinhold Spörl, Günter Scheffknecht, Carlos Abanades
Veröffentlicht in: ACS Omega, Ausgabe 3/11, 2018, Seite(n) 15229-15234, ISSN 2470-1343
Herausgeber: ACS
DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b01795

Carbonation of Fine CaO Particles in a Drop Tube Reactor

Autoren: Sandra Turrado, Borja Arias, José Ramón Fernández, Juan Carlos Abanades
Veröffentlicht in: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Ausgabe 57/40, 2018, Seite(n) 13372-13380, ISSN 0888-5885
Herausgeber: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b02918

Kinetic Study of Belite Formation in Cement Raw Meals Used in the Calcium Looping CO 2 Capture Process

Autoren: Mónica Alonso, José Ramón Fernández, Juan Carlos Abanades
Veröffentlicht in: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Ausgabe 58/14, 2019, Seite(n) 5445-5454, ISSN 0888-5885
Herausgeber: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b00813

CO2 mineralization by burnt oil shale and cement bypass dust: effect of operating temperature and pre-treatment

Autoren: Can Rüstü Yörük, Mai Uibu, Mustafa Cem Usta, Tiit Kaljuvee, Andres Trikkel
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2020, ISSN 1388-6150
Herausgeber: Akademiai Kiado
DOI: 10.1007/s10973-020-09349-9

Calcination kinetics of cement raw meals under various CO 2 concentrations

Autoren: Jose Ramon Fernandez, Sandra Turrado, Juan Carlos Abanades
Veröffentlicht in: Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, Ausgabe 4/12, 2019, Seite(n) 2129-2140, ISSN 2058-9883
Herausgeber: Royal society of chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/c9re00361d

Calcium Looping Technology Demonstration in Industrial Environment: Status of the CLEANKER Pilot Plant

Autoren: Martina Fantini; Mario Balocco; Luigi Buzzi; Fulvio Canonico; Stefano Consonni; Riccardo Cremona; Manuele Gatti; Jörg Hammerich; Reinhard Koehler; Francesco Magli; Matteo Carmelo Romano; Maurizio Spinelli
Veröffentlicht in: 15th Greenhouse Gas control technology conference 15-18 March 2021 (GHGT-15), Ausgabe 1, 2019
Herausgeber: Elsevier
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3817346

Transport, utilization and storage of CO2 emissions produced by cement industry: CCUS study of the CLEANKER project

Autoren: Alla Shogenova
Veröffentlicht in: ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: -

Comparative Analysis of the Oxyfuel and Calcium Looping Processes for Low-Carbon Cement Production

Autoren: Edoardo De Lena; Francesco Magli; Maurizio Spinelli; Manuele Gatti; Marco Lindemann Lino; Volker Hoenig; Matteo Carmelo Romano
Veröffentlicht in: 15th Greenhouse Gas control technology conference 15-18 March 2021 (GHGT-15), Ausgabe 10, 2021
Herausgeber: SSRN
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3811561

Innovative synergy CCUS and renewable energy project offshore Baltic using CO2 emissions from the cement industry

Autoren: A. Shogenova, K. Shogenov
Veröffentlicht in: 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 15-18 March 2021, 2021
Herausgeber: SSRN

Techno-Economic and Off-Design Analysis of Two CO2 Purification Units for Low-Carbon Cement Plants with Oxy-Fuel Calcination

Autoren: Francesco Magli Maurizio Spinelli Martina Fantini Matteo Carmelo Romano Manuele Gatti
Veröffentlicht in: 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 15-18 March 2021, 2021
Herausgeber: SSRN

CLEANKER project: CO2 capture in cement plant by CaL process

Autoren: F. Canonico; L. Buzzi; M. Balocco; F. Magli; M. Fantini; M. Romano; S. Consonni
Veröffentlicht in: 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement Prague, Czech Republic, September 16–20, 2019, 2019
Herausgeber: Proceeding of 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement Prague

Mineral Trapping of CO2 for Cement Industry De-Carbonization

Autoren: Mai Uibu et. al.
Veröffentlicht in: 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14), 2019
Herausgeber: SSRN

CO2 mineralization in cement sector: Lab scale experiments on burnt oil shale and concrete demolition wastes

Autoren: Mai Uibu et. Al.
Veröffentlicht in: BASRECCS – ENOS Workshop: September 26. 2018, 2018
Herausgeber: ENOS project

Transport, Utilization and Storage of CO2 Emissions Produced by Cement Industry: CCUS Study of the CLEANKER Project

Autoren: Alla Shogenova et. al.
Veröffentlicht in: 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14), 2019
Herausgeber: SSRN

CLEANKER – Clean Clinker by Calcium Looping Process for Low-CO2 Cement Production

Autoren: Fantini M. et al.
Veröffentlicht in: 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14), 2019
Herausgeber: SSRN

Regulations, gaps and recommendations for CO2 use in the Baltic States (Based on CLEANKER Project results)

Autoren: Alla Shogenova
Veröffentlicht in: BASRECCS – ENOS Workshop: September 26. 2018, 2018
Herausgeber: ENOS project

WP7: Transport, Utilization and Storage of CO2 emissions produced by cement industry

Autoren: Alla Shogenova et. al.
Veröffentlicht in: ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: ECRA


Autoren: Martina Fantini, Maurizio Spinelli
Veröffentlicht in: ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: ECRA

Calcium Looping CO2 Capture - Integrated Entrained Flow CaL

Autoren: Matthias Hornberger et. al.
Veröffentlicht in: ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: ECRA

WP2 Engineering and design of the demonstrator plant

Autoren: Joerg Hammerich et. al.
Veröffentlicht in: ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: ECRA

CLEANKER - Objectives + scope of Ca-Looping

Autoren: Martina Fantini
Veröffentlicht in: Innovation in Industrial Carbon Capture Conference, 2018
Herausgeber: LEILAC project

EU research project CLEANKER Technology, progress and project perspectives

Autoren: Martina Fantini
Veröffentlicht in: ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: ECRA

WP5 Process modelling and integration

Autoren: Matteo Romano et. al.
Veröffentlicht in: ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: ECRA

Calcium looping capture in the cement industry CLEANKER prototype engineering, CEMCAP conclusions

Autoren: Giovanni Cinti, Matteo Romano
Veröffentlicht in: ECRA/CEMCAP/CLEANKER workshop, 2018
Herausgeber: ECRA

Integrated carbon mineralization and waste utilization for de-carbonization in cement industry

Autoren: Usta, M. C.; Zuravljova, A.; Kuusik, R.; Trikkel, A.; Kallas, J.; Tamm, K.; Uibu, M
Veröffentlicht in: 6th International Conference on CO2 Emission Control and Utilization, Hangzhou, China, June 15-18, 2018. Zhejiang University,, 2018
Herausgeber: Zhejiang University

"Il progetto ""CLEANKER"": cattura CO2 nell'industria del cemento"

Autoren: M. Fantini
Veröffentlicht in: Ingegneria dell'ambiente, 2020, ISSN 2420-8256
Herausgeber: COLORSHADE di Cabrini Matteo M.
DOI: 10.32024/ida.v7i1.261

Techno-economic Modelling of the Baltic CCUS Onshore Scenario for the Cement Industry Supported by CLEANKER Project

Autoren: Alla Shogenova, Kazbulat Shogenov, Mai Uibu, Rein Kuusik, Karl Simmer, Fulvio Canonico
Veröffentlicht in: 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 15-18 March 2021, 2021
Herausgeber: SSRN

North Italian CCS Scenario for the Cement Industry

Autoren: Alla Shogenov, Kazbulat Shogenov, Martina Mariani, Daniela Gastaldi, Guido Pellegrino
Herausgeber: The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering
DOI: 10.3303/cet2296020

Mineral sequestration of CO2 from Vernasca Ca-looping demo system: scale up to a pilot

Autoren: Mustafa Cem Usta Mai Uibu Can Rüstü Yörük Kadriann Tamm Rein Kuusik Andres Trikkel Daniela Gastaldi Fulvio Canonico
Veröffentlicht in: 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 15-18 March 2021, 2021
Herausgeber: SSRN

Retrofitting partial oxyfuel and Integrated Ca-Looping technologies to an existing cement plant: a case study

Autoren: Riccardo Cremona, Edoardo De Lena, Francesco Magli, Matteo C. Romano, Manuele Gatti, Joerg Hammerich, Marco Lindemann Lino, Guido Pellegrino, Maurizio Spinelli
Veröffentlicht in: 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) 23-24 Oct 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: SSRN
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4274979

Calcium Looping technology demonstration in industrial environment: the CLEANKER project and status of the CLEANKER pilot plant

Autoren: Martina Fantini, Manuele Gatti, Maurizio Spinelli, Francesco Magli, and Stefano Consonni
Veröffentlicht in: 2020
Herausgeber: Proceeding ATI conference

CLEANKER by calcium looping

Autoren: LEAP
Veröffentlicht in: International Cement Review - ICR, 2018
Herausgeber: ICR

CLEANKER: come abbattere le emissioni di CO2 nella produzione di cemento

Autoren: Stefano Consonni
Veröffentlicht in: Nuova Energia, 2018
Herausgeber: Nuova Energia

Mettiamoci una pietra sopra

Autoren: Stefano Consonni (interview)
Veröffentlicht in: Focus, 2019
Herausgeber: Focus

CLEAN and Green

Autoren: M. Fantini
Veröffentlicht in: World Cement, 2019
Herausgeber: World Cement

Rechte des geistigen Eigentums


Antrags-/Publikationsnummer: 18 182601
Datum: 2018-07-10

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