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Resultado final
The Report will present the set-up of the communication tools and will furthermore plan the development of other tools like video, social media in the project duration. Refers to task 8.2.
Report on policy analysis – Update Month 30Deliverable provides evidence on policy interventions which can be used by policy makers as tools to promote innovations across the RESfuels value chains, facilitate their implementation and maintain operations of currently installed capacities-Update Month 30. Refers to task 5.3.
Final report on dissemination and exploitation activitiesThe report will summarise all dissemination, communication and exploitation activities performed in the project from the past 18 months. Refers to task 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4.
Technology roadmaps and upgrading strategies for lignocellulosic feedstock supply chainsRoadmaps for the development of technologies that fulfil future requirements for lignocellulosic feedstock production. Upgrading strategies along the supply chain for achieving a higher value, reliability, security and safety of supply of lignocellulosic feedstock. Refers to tasks 2.3.1, 3.1, 3.2.
First data on efficient, low-risk ramp-up of liquid biomass conversion technologies - from short time to long termThis task will propose a first time line for implementation of biomass process technologies. The time line will comprise the short, medium and long term, aiming at minimizing risk and barriers of implementation in relation to technology and financial risks. This will provide input to WP6 (tasks 6.1 and 6.2 with respect to conversion technologies). Refers to task 3.4.
Mid-term report on dissemination and exploitation activitiesThe report will summarise all dissemination, communication and exploitation activities performed in the project from the past 18 months. Refers to task 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4.
Report on the socio-economic assessmentGross impacts on inter alia system costs and employment (method to be elaborated in 4.4.2). Will be iterated with stakeholders. Refers to task 6.3.
Options to tailor existing national and voluntary schemes towards harmonised sustainability certification that fit RESfuels requirementsDeliverable provides options to if and how the main national sustainability standards and certification schemes used for bioenergy (liquid fuels, heat, electricity) in the EU can be harmonised. An update is foreseen to include final outcomes of WP4 and WP7. Refefs to 4.2
Report on policy analysisDeliverable provides evidence on policy interventions which can be used by policy makers as tools to promote innovations across the RESfuels value chains, facilitate their implementation and maintain operations of currently installed capacities. Refers to task 5.3.
3rd Summary Report of activities and results from action groupsThe report will summarise all performed activities, major requests and results by the different action groups from month 19-24. Refers to task 7.1-
A description of key European fossil-fuel infrastructures, which can facilitate for the ramp-up of biomass useThis will identify and describe existing process technologies, such as refineries and other chemical industries which can serve as opportunities for greening of the fossil fuel infrastructure and its associated systems. This can be in the form of coastally located refineries with access to harbour for biomass transport. Also this will give input to WP7 (Task 7.3). Refers to 3.3.
5th Final Report of results from action groupsThe report will summarise all performed activities, major requests and results by the different action groups from month 31-36. It will also include a final evaluation of the action groups performance. Refers to task 7.1-
Report on Best Practices – Update month 36Deliverable will identify Best Practices of successful market uptake in Europe and global level and based on these recommendations to accelerate market uptake – Update M36. Refers to task 5.2.
Report on lignocellulosic feedstock availability, market status and suitability for RESfuelsWell-structured review of lignocellulosic biomass supply potentials from EU domestic sources and extra-EU imports. Together with the TRL of conversion routes of Task 3.1, the Feedstock Readiness Levels (FSRL) will determine the readiness of production systems (feedstock conversion combinations). Refers to task 2.1.
Review of existing standards and certification schemes plus set of criteria and indicators to be implementedExhaustive review of sustainability standards and certification schemes that are currently in use in the EU and exporting countries. The review will be accompanied by a set relevant criteria and indicators to demonstrate the sustainability of advanced biofuels. Gives input for Task 4.2. Refers to task 4.1.
Definition of biomass reference technologies with respect to TRL levels and performance indicatorsA certain number of biomass technologies will be defined and used for subsequent analysis. Thus, these will be based on a first screening of available technologies and their different variations in process layout. Refers to task 3.1.
Options to tailor existing national and voluntary schemes towards harmonised sustainability certification that fit RESfuels requirements - Update month 34Deliverable provides options to if and how the main national sustainability standards and certification schemes used for bioenergy (liquid fuels, heat, electricity) in the EU can be harmonised. An update is foreseen to include final outcomes of WP4 and WP7-Update moth 34.Refers to 4.2.
Dissemination & Communication Strategy & Plan – Update month 27The stakeholder mapping and Communication Plan will plan the upcoming dissemination and communication activities in the coming 12 months. Updated in yearly intervals– Update month 27. Refers to task 8.1.
Common framework for the following WPsEssential deliverable for creating coherence between the innovation WPs (2-5) and the assessment WP (6). Also ensuring that the innovations analysed can actually be assessed in WP6. Refers to task 1.3.
Report: Efficient, low-risk ramp-up of liquid biomass conversion technologies - from short time to long termThis will summarize the work from WP3, illustrating low-risk ramp-up of liquid biomass conversion technologies - from short time to long term as well as identifying associated challenges for these to materialize. Refers to task 3.4.
Report on key needs for development and potentials for innovations for high efficient and low risk biomass conversion technologies, including required financial instrumentsThis will summarize the needs for development and innovations for the selected biomass conversion technologies including an estimated what potential increase in TRL level can be achieved from the development within a five to ten year period. In addition, the financial risk and instruments for financing demonstration and piloting will be discussed and summarized. This will feed into stakeholder consultations in WP7. Refers to 3.2.
Report on definition of parameters for defining biomass conversion technologiesThis will consist of a report which propose how to assess biomass conversion technologies. The criteria will be in the form of performance indicators such as plant efficiency, TRL, costs, complexity, and requirements on biomass fuel quality and fuel preparation. Refers to 3.1.
Report on market analysisDeliverable sets out estimated demand for RESfuels, reviewing most authoritative integrated studies on this. Focus on volumes, reference cost developments and structural changes (e.g. in shares of drivetrains). Refers to task 5.1.
4th Summary Report of activities and results from action groupsThe report will summarise all performed activities, major requests and results by the different action groups from month 25-30.
Description of fully updated and verified RESolve modelRESolve-Biomass will be the central workhorse model for the impact assessment of innovations from WPs2-5. Minor data updates expected, mostly some structural adaptations foreseen to accommodate non-biofuel RESfuels, expand time horizon, and be responsive to WP2-5 outcomes. Refers to task 6.1.
Assessment of environmental (energy, GHG) and socio-economic performance of RESfuel supply chains + Appendix (Excel based tool: extended version of BioGrace I).Deliverable describes the environmental (energy, GHG) and socio-economic performance of advanced biofuel production systems (feedstock conversion combinations). It will also include a digital appendix (Excel based tool) to explore input values and results of the GHG performance). Refers to task 4.4.
Monitoring framework and the KPIs – Update Month 18Twin product with D1.1, as it provides the basis for the monitoring of developments towards reducing the barriers. KPIs will be tailored to the stage of options in the innovation curve. Deliverable should also be used outside the project and will therefore be aligned with other monitoring efforts. Refers to 1.2.
Report on Best PracticesDeliverable will identify Best Practices of successful market uptake in Europe and global level and based on these recommendations to accelerate market uptake. Refers to task 5.2.
Monitoring framework and the KPIs – Update Month 30Twin product with D1.1, as it provides the basis for the monitoring of developments towards reducing the barriers. KPIs will be tailored to the stage of options in the innovation curve. Deliverable should also be used outside the project and will therefore be aligned with other monitoring efforts– Update Month 30. Refers to task 1.2.
Monitoring framework and the KPIsTwin product with D1.1, as it provides the basis for the monitoring of developments towards reducing the barriers. KPIs will be tailored to the stage of options in the innovation curve. Deliverable should also be used outside the project and will therefore be aligned with other monitoring efforts– Update Month 18. Refers to task 1.2.
Innovative crop rotation schemesComprehensive overview of environmental effects of new combinations of energy crops and residual co-products from agriculture and forestry. The focus will be on fast growing trees. Input will be given to WPs 4 and 6. Refers to task 2.2, 6.1.
Summary Report of formation, activities and results from action groups 1st yearThe report will summarise all performed activities, major requests and results by the different action groups from the first project year. Refers to task 7.1-7.5.
Regional specific impacts of biomass feedstock sustainabilityDeliverable maps regional specificities of biomass feedstock production in the EU with respect to impacts on soil, carbon stocks, water and biodiversity at NUTS3 level. Refers to 4.3.
2nd Summary Report of formation, activities and results from action groupsThe report will summarise all performed activities, major requests and results by the different action groups from month 13-18. Refers to task 7.1-
Report on scenarios, innovation cases and sensitivity analysesCentral impact assessment deliverable. Provides coherent and systematic overview of base scenarios, impacts of innovations, and sensitivities (including effects of policy foci). Key impacts are inter alia feedstock and conversion technology mixes, RESfuels end use sector mix. Refers to task 6.2.
A brief memo on key barriers to advanced biofuelsWell-structured review and summary of key barriers. Final version will be adhered to by key stakeholders. Will also serve as input to later WPs as it sets out the issues that should be addressed by the innovative approaches. Refers to task 1.1.
This deliverable will provide explanations regarding to how and why RESfuels and fuel blends affect the end use performance (efficiency, fuel consumption, CO2 emission, local emissions) and how they are linked to combustion / fuel oxidation systems and emission mechanisms and after treatment technologies. These descriptions will be further developed to numerical tools, with explanations of fuel property effects on end use fuel performance. Refers to task 5.4.
Toolset for the stakeholdersConcrete and action-oriented information for stakeholders, based on full set of project results. Refers to task 6.4, 6.5.
Yuri Kroyan, Michal Wojcieszyk, Martti Larmi, Ossi Kaario, Kai Zenger
Publicado en:
SAE Technical Paper Series, 2019
SAE International
Michal Wojcieszyk, Yuri Kroyan, Martti Larmi, Ossi Kaario, Kai Zenger
Publicado en:
SAE Technical Paper Series, 2019
SAE International
Yuri Kroyan, Michal Wojcieszyk, Ossi Kaario, Martti Larmi, Kai Zenger
Publicado en:
Energy, Edición 205, 2020, Página(s) 117854, ISSN 0360-5442
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Ivan Vera, Ric Hoefnagels, Aldert Kooij, Christian Moretti, Martin Junginger
Publicado en:
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, Edición 14/2, 2019, Página(s) 198-224, ISSN 1932-104X
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Michal Wojcieszyk
Publicado en:
Aalto University
Yuri Kroyan
Publicado en:
Aalto University
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