CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Report on Testing and Optimisation of PVP4Grid concepts and socio-economic Impact Report
Policy Advisory PaperPolicy Advisory Paper at European level and at national level for 8 target countries. Eclareon will collect the national advisory papers.
Report on PVP4Grid ConceptsReport on PVP4Grid Concepts including description of identified barriers and current initiatives to overcome barriers in the 8 target countries, categorized by the related prosumer concept in English and national languages
Report on improved PVP4Grid concepts and technical requirements for the real-life testsReport on improved PVP4Grid concepts of PV prosumers in target countries as well as Report on technical requirements for the real-life tests. LNEG will be contribute the technical requirements for the real-life tests
Quantitative analyses of improved PVP4Grid conceptsQuantitative analyses of improved PVP4Grid concepts of PV prosumers in target countries
Publishable Final Project ReportThere will be one final Report for the public, containing all Major outcomes of the project
Research ReportResearch Report presenting the prosumer potential and grid aspects as well as the PV prosumer concepts for the EU and the by target country
PVP4Grid Competitiveness and Life Cycle Analysis reportPVP4Grid Competitiveness and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Report of the improved PVP4Grid concepts for determining non-economic benefits
PV Prosumer GuidelinesPV Prosumer Guidelines for the 8 target countries
DSO GuidelinesDSO Guidelines for the 8 target countries
3 Press releases in English and German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch
Standard presentationStandard presentation for venue contributions
2 European newsletters2 European newsletters to stakeholders
Project flyerProject flyer in English and German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch
4 regional events4 regional events in non-participating countries with project presentations
Online Cash-Flow Modelling ToolsOnline Cash-Flow Modelling Tools integrating PVP4Grid concepts and cost-benefit report assessing the impact of PVP4Grid concepts on PV prosumers in English and 8 national languages
3 Advertising waves3 Advertising waves in special interest magazines and online media
Submission of Scientific papers
Submission of scientific papers in English or National languages
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