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PROSumers for the Energy Union: mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition

Risultati finali

Renewable energy prosumer business models in Europe

This deliverable is related to Task 4.1. It consists of a written report and a video as an attachment of the report, on business model innovation for prosumer futures. This report will build the suite of innovative business models into a comparable and accessible format for both prosumer entrepreneurs and financiers. A successful report will clearly detail the business model archetypes and innovation potential for European prosumers.

Policy Brief 1: Strategies for Policy Coherence

This deliverable is linked to Task 3.2 It will provide guiding principles for designing regulatory frameworks for prosumers that promote sustainability (in the social, economic and environmental dimensions), policy integration and coherence. The deliverable is successful if it provides robust information on how current regulatory frameworks in at least 6 EU Member States are or can be better articulated with other sectoral policies.

Renewable Energy Prosumers Inspiration Book

This deliverable is related to task 7.2. The deliverable is a publication meant to be an ‘inspiration book’ illustrating Living Labs with high quality photos and synthesis of the Living Lab co-learning and co-creation experiences. The publication will consist of around 36 pages, and will be made available also in printable format. The deliverable is successful if it provides an overview of the results of the Living Lab interventions, in a simple language and easy-to-understand format, through the ‘Inspiration Book’.

Roadmap for exploitation and IPR protection

D8.4 is related mainly to task 8.3. The document will have two parts: first it will delineate the roadmap (strategy based on a set of action-points) to exploit and disseminate PROSEU’s results, even after the project ends. The second part will describe and analyse IPR protection in relation to PROSEU’s outputs and results. D8.4 will become an annex to the Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results.

Mapping and characterization of renewable energy prosumer initiative’s needs, barriers and opportunities

This deliverable will integrate the results of Tasks 2.1 (baseline review) and 2.2 (survey of RE Prosumer initiatives in Europe) to provide a map and characterization of these initiatives in Europe. The deliverable is successful if it provides a quantitative overview of prosumer initiatives in Europe: where they are and how much RE energy they produce, what types of technology are used, data on gender and other sociocultural features of the participants and beneficiaries of the initiatives, what their achievements are (e.g. in terms of energy production or social innovations), their ambitions, what they perceive to be the main barriers (technological, regulatory, political, socio-cultural, financial), and how they deal with issues of participation, inclusiveness (e.g. gender) and transparency.

Report on Prosumers Community of Interest

This report is related to task 8.4. The report will describe how the Community of Interest has been built and involved. The results of its engagement in PROSEU, as well as the results of the application to the EU COST Proposal will be part of the report. The document will consist of maximum 8 pages.

Local, national and EU scenarios

30 local technology scenarios based on the use cases, 28 national technology scenarios and 1 EU technology scenario will be created. The aim of the local scenarios is to assess the impact of prosumers, as well as the potential drivers and barriers in various political and economic frameworks as well as climate conditions. These results will then be upscaled to the 28 national and 1 EU scale scenario. This deliverable is directly linked to Tasks 5.2 and 5.3 and its results are crucial to Task 5.4 and deliverable D5.3. The deliverable can be considered a success if all envisioned scenarios are successfully developed and integrated.

Assessment report of existing EU-wide and Member State-specific regulatory and policy frameworks of RE Prosumers

This deliverable is linked to Task 3.1. The report provides a comparative assessment and updated Member State factsheets (on challenges, opportunities, incentives of regulations and policies, role of key stakeholders) to be uploaded onto the PROSEU platform (managed by WP8). The deliverable is successful if it provides a clear understanding of the different regulatory frameworks of at least 6 Member States (represented by Consortium Members) highlighting the challenges and opportunities that these frameworks pose to prosumerism.

Project Management Plan (Final version)

This deliverable is related to all coordination tasks. The detailed plan will include a Gantt chart and a work breakdown structure, as well as a schedule per task, responsible partner, related sub-tasks and deliverables, as well as dependencies on/inputs to other tasks. The final update of the plan will include a section on lessons learned and recommendations for the management of transdisciplinary teams. The deliverable is successful if it provides a systemic, complete and coherent description of the management process and its expected outcomes.

Business model integration: Policy brief

This deliverable will draw from results of Tasks 4.1 and 4.2 and will be co-created with WP3 to deliver specific and targeted analysis of the changes needed to energy market regulation and policy to allow new business models to thrive across the Energy Union. This will take the form of a detailed policy brief. A successful policy brief would have clear rationale for policy action and specific policy changes identified within the purview of EU institutions.

Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (first update)

Second update of the Plan, before the end of the first reporting period. This deliverable is related to task 8.1. It will provide the Communication and Dissemination Strategy that determines how the project communicates its key messages to the defined target audiences. It includes a report on dissemination and events and ongoing management of website and online presence. The deliverable will be updated on months 17 and 28, before the end of the two reporting periods. The deliverable is successful if it provides a well-defined plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results with clear targets and indicators.

Principles for Prosumer Policy Options

This deliverable is linked to task 3.3. It presents a set of concrete policy options for regulatory frameworks that should allow prosumers to become an integral part of the energy system (including possible incentives).These policy options will be directed towards key stakeholders and policy makers at EU, national, regional, and local levels. The resulting policies and regulations at EU or MS level will be available also on the PROSEU website/Platform, as well as in report format. The deliverable is successful if it provides a set of useful policy options that can be adopted by local, national and regional level policy makers to increase the benefits resulting from prosumer initiatives, in terms of renewable energy production, energy efficiency, and acceptance of the energy transition.

Technology database

A database of technologies compatible with the Strategic Energy Technologies Information System (SETIS) and its various tools will be created. It will include energy production, energy demand, demand side management and energy storage both in terms of electricity and heat as well as current and future technologies. The deliverable is directly linked to Task 5.1 and will be used throughout WP5. The deliverable can be considered a success if it covers the intended technologies and is compatible with SETIS.

Minutes of General Assembly and Project Steering Committee meetings

This final deliverable is a synthesis of the outcomes of all project meetings in a transparent manner, including attaching podcasts or transcripts of live streaming and (video and audio) outputs of meetings, as appropriate. The deliverable is related to all WP1 tasks and it is successful if it provides a clear understanding of the internal decision-making process that accompanied all major project activities, from the kick-off meeting to the final technical meetings.

Co-learning and co-creation experiences with renewable energy prosumer Living Labs across Europe

D7.1 is related to task 7.2. The deliverable consists of a report of the interventions with Living Labs implemented by all project partners. The report conveys the results of the quasi-experimental research with each living lab. The deliverable is successful if it provides a comprehensive overview of the results of the Living Lab interventions.

Project Management Plan

This deliverable is related to all coordination tasks. The detailed plan will include a Gantt chart and a work breakdown structure, as well as a schedule per task, responsible partner, related sub-tasks and deliverables, as well as dependencies on/inputs to other tasks. The plan will be revised according to the reporting periods. The final update of the plan will include a section on lessons learned and recommendations for the management of transdisciplinary teams. The deliverable is successful if it provides a systemic, complete and coherent description of the management process and its expected outcomes.

Stakeholder report on financial innovation for prosumer expansion

This deliverable will result in enhanced understanding of the opportunities for financial innovators, impact investors, mutual, and development banks to understand the new opportunities offered by prosumerism and the mechanism by which capital is best allocated to disaggregated projects. This will take the form of a report and press release. A successful final report will give clear examples of the financial innovations available to prosumer business models and take account of how financial innovation can be integrated into the diverse financial markets in the European Union.

Project Management Plan (1st update)

This deliverable is related to all coordination tasks. The detailed plan will include a Gantt chart and a work breakdown structure, as well as a schedule per task, responsible partner, related sub-tasks and deliverables, as well as dependencies on/inputs to other tasks. This deliverable is the first update to the initial plan. The deliverable is successful if it provides a systemic, complete and coherent description of the management process and its expected outcomes.

Technology recommendations for renewable energy prosumers

Technology recommendations for renewable energy prosumers will be created. These recommendations will directly rely on the activities of Tasks 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 and the results of deliverables 5.1 and 5.2. Their primary goal will be to highlight the benefits and drawbacks of different technologies and practices from the perspective of financial, social and environmental benefits as well as from the perspective of fostering the inclusion of prosumers. Wherever possible, different climate, policy and economic conditions will be taken into account. This deliverable can be considered if the benefits and drawbacks of different technology options are critically analysed and if the information provided is well understood and useful for prosumers.

Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results

This deliverable is related to task 8.1. It will provide the Communication and Dissemination Strategy that determines how the project communicates its key messages to the defined target audiences. It includes a report on dissemination and events and ongoing management of website and online presence. The deliverable will be updated on months 17 and 28, before the end of the two reporting periods. The deliverable is successful if it provides a well-defined plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results with clear targets and indicators.

Policy Brief 3: Guidance for national transposition of new EU directives and regulations relating to renewable energy prosumers

This policy brief is linked mainly to Task 3.4. Policy Brief 3 provides a synthesis regarding the challenges and opportunities for the national transposition and implementation of new directives and regulations relating to prosumers and the assessment of Member States’ Member States’ National Energy and Climate Plans. The deliverable is successful if it provides a detailed understanding of the different challenges and opportunities in six Member States concerning the national transposition and implementation of new EU directives and regulations.

A multi-actor typology of prosumer experiences across Europe

This deliverable will report on the results of Task 2.3. Based on a comparative analysis of the data collected through the survey of 150-200 RE Prosumer initiatives in task 2.3, this deliverable will develop a typology of prosumer experiences in Europe, according to different variables to be determined at early stages of WP2, which should include: location, socioeconomic contexts and governance frameworks, types of business and organisational models, new spaces created, economic data (i.e. number of employees, number of beneficiaries, number of jobs created), technologies used, socioeconomic and environmental drivers, barriers and challenges, and incentives.

Policy Brief 2: Participatory governance for the roll-out of the Energy Union

This policy brief is linked mainly to Task 3.4. Policy Brief 2 will provide a synthesis of the findings from focus groups and interviews on the models of participatory governance for the roll-out of the Energy Union in order to inform the development and revision of Member States’ National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). The deliverable is successful if it provides robust information and guidance on how prosumers can participate in the roll-out of the Energy Union.

Synthesis of incentive structures: input for Participatory Integrated Assessment

The deliverable is related to task 6.1. Findings from WP3, 4 and 5 are synthesized. Linking these findings to the typology of prosumer initiatives from WP2, they will be translated into an overview of current (dis)incentive structures, and potentially desirable incentive structures for the future. This will result in a series of 3 briefs, easy to read papers on barriers and opportunities for prosumerism. One paper will address financial (dis)incentives following from e.g. subsidy and tax regimes, feed-in arrangements and technologies. A second paper will address non-financial (dis)incentives following from biases in regulation and procedures, e.g. biases in tendering, requirements for financing schemes, requirements for grid connection etc. A third paper will address (dis)incentives for transparent and inclusive prosumer organisations with specific attention for gender equality. Together, these papers provide the Synthesis report, input for D6.2. The deliverable is successful if it has these three components and provides a consistent overview of current (dis)incentive structures for prosumerism.

Integrated lessons learned for renewable energy prosumer futures across Europe

The final deliverable is related to task 7.3. The report will provide the results of a meta- comparative analysis of the findings of the living lab’s research, by distilling the main lessons learned, the key enabling and constraining factors for prosumers from a bottom-up perspective, the feedback from Living Lab partners on the final integrated assessment of incentive structures (resulting from WP6) and the key recommendations for prosumer initiatives based on the best practices, innovative solutions, models, and decision-making tools that were experimented with the Living Lab partners. The deliverable is successful if it presents a coherent comparative analysis of the Living Lab experiences across Europe and an analysis of the interlinkages between lessons learned through WP7 research and the final integrated assessment of incentive structures.

Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (Final)

Final version of the PEDR, before the end of the first reporting period. This deliverable is related to task 8.1. It will provide the Communication and Dissemination Strategy that determines how the project communicates its key messages to the defined target audiences. It includes a report on dissemination and events and ongoing management of website and online presence. The deliverable will be updated on months 17 and 28, before the end of the two reporting periods. The deliverable is successful if it provides a well-defined plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results with clear targets and indicators.

Participatory Integrated Assessment and Roadmap to 2030 and 2050

Final report. This deliverable is related to task 6.2. The Participatory Integrated Assessment will include 30 stakeholders of which at least 12 will be women. In line with the steps in the methodology interactive backcasting (described in PART B, section 1.3.2), 3 workshops will focus on (1) Visioning, (2) overcoming disincentives and (3) developing a Roadmap, including a timeline for institutional change, identifying the actions to be taken over time, the stakeholders to be involved and the governance approach to be taken. The deliverable is successful if it provides a detailed report of the three components of the participatory integrated assessment and a clear roadmap for mainstreaming prosumerism towards 2030 and 2050.

Backcasting video

This deliverable is related to task 6.2. Participatory video of the backcasting experiences, to be shared with the various RE prosumer initiatives and stakeholder communities. Participants are invited to illustrate their input with short films or pictures from their local projects, the participatory integrated assessment video will include documented excursions to at least 3 local projects and Living Labs. The deliverable is successful if it tells a coherent story of the backcasting experiences from the perspective of the researchers and the participant prosumer initiatives.

Project Website

Related to all WP8 tasks, the website will be the focal point of the dissemination activities. It will be designed and implemented to disseminate material, announce events and report results, and it will target all relevant stakeholders.

Data Management Plan (1st update)

"This is related to task 1.4. The report will provide a first update of the Data Management Plan (DMP),as part of the Open Research Data Program. The DMP will clearly state how data will be collected, processed and generated throughout and beyond the project’s life cycle. This deliverable is related to task 1.4 and will be updated just before the periodic reports (alternating with the updates to D1.1). The deliverable is successful if it provides a transparent and comprehensive report on how data will be managed throughout the project, following the EC guidelines on data management and the template provided at: "

Data Management Plan

"This is related to task 1.4. The report will provide a first version of the Data Management Plan (DMP) as part of the Open Research Data Program. The DMP will clearly state how data will be collected, processed and generated throughout and beyond the project’s life cycle. This deliverable is related to task 1.4 and will be updated just before the periodic reports (alternating with the updates to D1.1). The deliverable is successful if it provides a transparent and comprehensive report on how data will be managed throughout the project, following the EC guidelines on data management and the template provided at:"

Data Management Plan (Final version)

"The report will provide a final version of the Data Management Plan (DMP). The DMP will clearly state how data will be collected, processed and generated throughout and beyond the project’s life cycle. The deliverable is successful if it provides a transparent and comprehensive report on how data will be managed throughout the project, following the EC guidelines on data management and the template provided at: "


Renewable Energy Prosumers in Mediterranean Viticulture Social–Ecological Systems.

Autori: Campos, I., Marín-González, E., Luz, G., Barroso, J., Oliveira, N.,
Pubblicato in: Sustainability, Numero 11, 2019, Pagina/e 6781, ISSN 2071-1050
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su11236781

Modeling Energy Communities with Collective Photovoltaic Self-Consumption: Synergies between a Small City and a Winery in Portugal

Autori: Guilherme Pontes Luz, Rodrigo Amaro e Silva
Pubblicato in: Energies, Numero 14/2, 2021, Pagina/e 323, ISSN 1996-1073
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14020323

Transformative innovation and translocal diffusion

Autori: Derk Loorbach, Julia Wittmayer, Flor Avelino, Timo von Wirth, Niki Frantzeskaki
Pubblicato in: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Numero 35, 2020, Pagina/e 251-260, ISSN 2210-4224
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2020.01.009

Pluralising the European energy landscape: Collective renewable energy prosumers and the EU's clean energy vision

Autori: Lanka Horstink, Julia M. Wittmayer, Kiat Ng
Pubblicato in: Energy Policy, Numero 153, 2021, Pagina/e 112262, ISSN 0301-4215
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112262

Regulatory challenges and opportunities for collective renewable energy prosumers in the EU

Autori: Campos Inês, Pontes Luz Guilherme, Marín-González Esther, Gährs Swantje, Hall Stephen, Holstenkamp Lars
Pubblicato in: Energy Policy, Numero 138, 2020, Pagina/e 111212, ISSN 0301-4215
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111212

Collective renewable energy prosumers and the promises of the energy union: Taking stock.

Autori: Horstink, L., Wittmayer, J. M., Ng, K., Luz, G. P., Marín-González, E., Gährs, S., ... & Brown, D.
Pubblicato in: Energies, Numero 13 (2), 2020, Pagina/e 421, ISSN 1996-1073
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13020421

Contributing to sustainable and just energy systems? The mainstreaming of renewable energy prosumerism within and across institutional logics

Autori: Julia M. Wittmayer, Flor Avelino, Bonno Pel, Inês Campos
Pubblicato in: Energy Policy, Numero 149, 2021, Pagina/e 112053, ISSN 0301-4215
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.112053

Prosumers in the post subsidy era: an exploration of new prosumer business models in the UK

Autori: Donal Brown, Stephen Hall, Mark E. Davis
Pubblicato in: Energy Policy, Numero 135, 2019, Pagina/e 110984, ISSN 0301-4215
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.110984

Economical, environmental and exergetic multi-objective optimization of district heating systems on hourly level for a whole year

Autori: Hrvoje Dorotić, Tomislav Pukšec, Neven Duić
Pubblicato in: Applied Energy, Numero 251, 2019, Pagina/e 113394, ISSN 0306-2619
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.113394

Finance and justice in low-carbon energy transitions

Autori: Stephen Hall, Katy E. Roelich, Mark E. Davis, Lars Holstenkamp
Pubblicato in: Applied Energy, Numero 222, 2018, Pagina/e 772-780, ISSN 0306-2619
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.04.007

Beyond instrumentalism: Broadening the understanding of social innovation in socio-technical energy systems. 70

Autori: Wittmayer, J.M., de Geus, T., Pel, B., Avelino, F., Hielscher, S., Hoppe, T., Mühlemeier, S., Stasik, A., Oxenaar, S., Rogge, K.S., Visser, V., Marín-González, E., Ooms, M., Buitelaar, S., Foulds, C., Petrick, K., Klarwein, S., Krupnik, S., de Vries, G., Wagner, A., Hartwig, A..
Pubblicato in: Energy Research & Social Science, Numero 70, 2020, ISSN 2214-6296
Editore: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101689

People in transitions: Energy citizenship, prosumerism and social movements in Europe

Autori: Campos, I., Marín-González, E.,
Pubblicato in: Energy Research and Social Sciences, Numero 69, 2020, Pagina/e 101718, ISSN 2214-6296
Editore: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101718

Afterword 2: A New Energy Storyline in Advancing Energy Policy

Autori: Inês Campos
Pubblicato in: Afterword 2 In: Foulds, C.; Robison, R. (Eds.) (2018) Advancing Energy Policy, Numero 2019, 2019, Pagina/e 163-175
Editore: Palgrave Pivot
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3508011

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