Reporting period: 2019-09-01 to 2021-04-30
The overall goal of FLEXCHX was to develop a flexible energy production process that can be operated in the future European energy mix throughout the year with high efficiency and low cost. The aim was to develop all key enabling technologies of the process, the gasifier, hot filter, catalytic reformer, sorbent-based final gas cleaning, and the flexible and compact FT synthesis to TRL5 and to validate the operation at pilot-scale tests.
WP2, WP7, and WP8 supported the experimental development and validation activities. The status and outlook of electrolysis technologies were reviewed by DLR, the biomass feedstock potential in the target countries was studied by Enerstena, VTT and LEI. LEI together with Helen studied the CHP markets in Lithuania and Finland and made a preliminary design on how to integrate the FLEXCHX process to selected CHP systems. In WP7, Neste Engineering Solutions NES made a study on the market outlook of biofuels and examined how the FT products produced at distributed FLEXCHX plants can be introduced to the processes of the oil refining industry. In WP8, DLR made a simulation model for the whole FLEXCHX process and carried out techno-economic and LCA studies. This work was completed by carrying case studies in the conditions of the Helsinki and Kaunas regions. The case studies indicated that already under present market conditions, the FLEXCHX plant looks economically attractive if the value of FT hydrocarbon is > 100 €/MWh corresponding to 1160 €/t. Considering the value of renewable diesel and aviation fuels on the European markets, this can be considered already quite attractive. However, the risks and additional costs of the first-of-a-kind plants are challenging and thus these plants require substantial public support.
Preliminary plans for follow-on industrial demonstration were also assessed in the project and various types of pathways were identified. In principle, the FlexCHX- concept can be realized with different combinations of individual technologies, which opens possibilities for organizing the demonstration also at larger-scale fluidized-bed gasification sites as well as in projects focusing on the production of other end-products, such as synthetic methane or methanol. All these cases will make it possible to build a hybrid process integrating the use of electrolysis and biomass-based syngas. The developed new technologies can also be applied separately in many alternative applications, which opens several promising possibilities for industrial demonstration.
• The proposed way of integrating low-cost variable electricity with biomass gasification captures this otherwise curtailed energy with minimal losses and simultaneously converts biomass carbon to valuable and urgently needed transport fuels
• Tri-generation of power, heat and fuel intermediates allows flexible operation of production units that follow market signals for these energy products.
• The main novel approach of FLEXCHX is the method for operating the plant flexibly under different operating modes, either maximizing the production of transport fuel intermediate (solar season) or maximizing the overall efficiency to power, heat and fuel component (heating season).
• FT wax is an ideal intermediate product that can be collected from several primary plants to centralized refineries, where high-quality fuels are produced for aviation, maritime and heavy duty road transport.
• The new process for flexible production of heat, power and fuels at the target scale of 5-50 MW (where most of the CHP potential is) is based on the development of highly innovative new technologies