CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
This deliverable will include (i) a prototype music platform based on a user-friendly, highly intuitive and visual web solution and (ii) live documents and repositories that will continuously reflect the latest state of the system implementation, describing its main functionalities and capabilities with yearly releases.
FuturePulse use case applications v2This deliverable will include the implementation of the 2nd version of the customization of the aforementioned FuturePulse platform (see D4.3) to be applied in the three use cases. Live documents and repositories will be also available, describing the platform functionalities in regards to the specific use case requirements.
FuturePulse use case applications v3This deliverable will include the implementation of the final version of the customization of the FuturePulse platform (see D4.3) to be applied in the three use cases. Live documents and repositories will be also available, describing the platform’s functionalities in regards to the finalized use cases specific requirements.
FuturePulse use case applications v.1This deliverable will include the implementation of the 1st version of the customization of the aforementioned FuturePulse platform (see D4.3) to be applied in the three use cases. Live documents and repositories will be also available, describing the platform’s functionalities in regards to the initial use cases specific requirements.
Visual analytics for musicThis deliverable will include a prototype regarding the visual interfaces to display the information generated by FuturePulse platform, extracting information from pilots and end users that can help drawing new insights and conclusions from the collected data. It will also include reports and live documents to continuously reflect the latest state of the visualization tools implemented.
Final FuturePulse platform and applicationsThis deliverable will include the final version of the FuturePulse platform and the three use case applications.
High-level music content analysis framework v1A prototype implementation and an accompanying report on the music analysis and indexing framework available to the consortium on M12.
High-level music content analysis framework v2A prototype implementation and an accompanying report on the final music analysis and indexing framework available to the consortium.
This deliverable will include the final version of the evaluation and reporting of the outcomes of the Exploitation Plan carried out in D6.3.
Record Label pilot report v2A second version of the Record Label pilot evaluation results.
Music Platform pilot report v1A first version of the Music Platform pilot evaluation results.
Music industry innovation report v1This will analyse existing products and services, an analysis of their main limitations, and a discussion of the innovation opportunities for FuturePulse
Data specifications and collection v1A report specifying the data (and their properties) that are available to consortium members. The report should be accompanied by appropriate data access provisions (e.g., downloadable data collection, data API).
Music Platform pilot report v2A second version of the Music Platform pilot evaluation results.
Intermediate periodic activity and management reportThis deliverable will be the second annual report to the EC detailing the work performed and effort consumed, as per the EC reporting guidelines for Horizon 2020 innovation action projects.
Exploitation planThis report will include all details regarding the Exploitation Plan and activities for the whole project.
Live Music pilot report v2A second version of the Live Music pilot evaluation results.
Predictive analytics and recommendation framework v2Update of D3.1 in which we move from the estimation of popularity to the prediction of future popularity of genres, artists, and songs, and include moods in the prediction profiles.
Predictive analytics and recommendation framework v1The first version of a working system, for estimating the popularity of genres, artists, and songs by combining evidence from a wide range of signals, like social media, website statistics, and ticket sales.
Final periodic activity and management reportThis deliverable will be the final annual report to the EC detailing the work performed and effort consumed, as per the EC reporting guidelines for Horizon 2020 innovation action projects.
Final pilot reportA final version of a consolidated evaluation report.
Communication & dissemination report v1This deliverable will include the 1st version of the evaluation reporting the outcomes of the Communication and Dissemination activities.
First periodic activity and management reportThis deliverable will be the first annual report to the EC detailing the work performed and effort consumed, as per the EC reporting guidelines for Horizon 2020 innovation action projects.
Data specifications and collection v2Update of D2.1, and final release of the FuturePulse data and data access mechanism to the consortium members. By “final” we mean that the type and format of data, and the access mechanism will not change (but the data itself will be continuously updated).
Predictive analytics and recommendation framework v3The third version of the thorough system that, given an artist, gives insights into the current audience and offers a set of people (social media persona, including emotional profiles) for which this artist is probably appealing. The system will also include the ‘business-driven’ modules: given a brand or business name, it finds artists, genres and/or moods that match with this brand or business. The system should allow for easy integration in other systems, e.g., the ad services of online platforms, or playlist generation modules for businesses.
Communication & dissemination planThis report will include all details regarding the Communication and Dissemination Plan and activities for the whole project.
Overall system architectureThis deliverable will document the complete system architecture of the platform and supporting APIs. Live documents and repositories will be available to continuously reflect the latest state of the system architecture.
Live Music pilot report v1A first version of the Live Music pilot evaluation results.
Pilot planThis is the first pilot plan, which will focus on specifying the setup of the initial system for pre-pilot testing, as well as a first round for small-scale testing of the system targeting mostly end users within the consortium.
FuturePulse requirements v1This will specify the user requirements for the three FuturePulse use cases, and the requirements for the overall FuturePulse platform
FuturePulse requirements v2This will provide an update of D1.2 based on the initial feedback collected during the first cycles of pilot testing
Music industry innovation report v2This will provide an update of D1.1 taking into account the developments taking place during the first project year
Record Label pilot report v1A first version of the Record Label pilot evaluation results.
Communication & dissemination report v2This deliverable will include the final version of the evaluation and reporting of the outcomes of the Communication and Dissemination activities carried out in D6.4, as a follow-up of D6.5
Project quality and assessment planThis will be a document detailing the quality and assessment procedures that will be followed in the course of the project, along with the templates to be used for all project documents and deliverables. This will also include (i) the tools for internal communication between the partners and (ii) a detailed report on the functionalities and capabilities of the tools.
This deliverable will document the data management plan of the project, in accordance with H2020 data management requirements.
Data management plan v2This deliverable will document the updated data management plan.
This deliverable includes the website of FuturePulse and a report describing its functionalities and content.
Krasanakis, Emmanouil; Schinas, Emmanouil; Papadopoulos, Symeon; Yiannis Kompatsiaris; Pericles Mitkas
Published in:
19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2018, ISBN 978-2-9540351-2-3
Christos Koutlis, Manos Schinas, Vasiliki Gkatziaki, Symeon Papadopoulos, & Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2019, ISBN 978-1-7327299-1-9
Hadrien Foroughmand Aarabi, Geoffroy Peeters
Published in:
Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2018 on Sound in Immersion and Emotion, 2018, Page(s) 1-7, ISBN 9781450366090
Emmanouil Krasanakis; Symeon Papadopoulos; Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Issue 5, 2020
Foroughmand, Hadrien; Peeters, Geoffroy
Published in:
20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Issue 1, 2019, ISBN 978-1-7327299-1-9
Hadrien Foroughm; Geoffroy Peeters
Published in:
Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity, Issue 2, 2020, ISBN 978-91-519-5560-5
Royal Institut of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
Christos Koutlis, Symeon Papadopoulos, Manos Schinas, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
Applied Soft Computing, Issue 96, 2020, Page(s) 106685, ISSN 1568-4946
Elsevier BV
Rémi Mignot, Geoffroy Peeters
Published in:
Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, Issue 2/1, 2019, Page(s) 97-110, ISSN 2514-3298
Emmanouil Krasanakis, Emmanouil Schinas, Symeon Papadopoulos, Yiannis Kompatsiaris, Andreas Symeonidis
Published in:
Information Processing & Management, Issue 57/2, 2020, Page(s) 102053, ISSN 0306-4573
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Emmanouil Krasanakis, Symeon Papadopoulos, Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
Applied Network Science, Issue 5/1, 2020, ISSN 2364-8228
Christos Koutlis, Manos Schinas, Symeon Papadopoulos, Ioannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
Information, Issue 11/6, 2020, Page(s) 323, ISSN 2078-2489
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Emmanouil Krasanakis, Symeon Papadopoulos, Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Published in:
Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII - Volume 1 Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019, Issue 881, 2020, Page(s) 3-14, ISBN 978-3-030-36686-5
Springer International Publishing
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