Periodic Reporting for period 2 - 5GCAR (Fifth Generation Communication Automotive Research and innovation)
Période du rapport: 2018-07-01 au 2019-07-31
With more efficient traffic coordination less traffic jams would lead to decreased emission and thereby less pollution. This would be even further enhanced due to reduced number of needed cars, which also would lead to saving road service and reduced number of parking lots. In short, there are many societal benefits of a 5G enabled Intelligent Transport System (ITS). To enable such ITS system the overall objective of the 5GCAR project is to design, develop and showcase a system for a mobile radio access network (RAN) to support advanced V2X communication needs (e.g. for automation levels 4-5) and build the technical foundation for 5G V2X standardisation, and build a common understanding across the telecommunications and automotive sectors. To achieve this main project target, 5GCAR has defined eight detailed objectives for use case definitions, 5G technical enablers and their demonstrations and finally its targets on standardization and dissemination of key findings.
The 5GCAR results address a wide range of C-V2X challenges, ranging from use case and requirement definitions, investigation of business and spectrum related aspects, development of cellular link (both regular cellular link and sidelink) and position technical enablers as well as architectural components. The technical work was the foundation of the final four demonstrations (27th of June 2019) of 5GCAR use cases
The demonstration findings have shown that connected driving has a huge potential for more safety and comfort (assisted and automated) driving use cases. Together with the main dissemination and exploitation activities, the results are also outlined in 5GCAR deliverables.
Generated technical findings have contributed to pre-standardization and normative standardization bodies like 5GAA and 3GPP to shape eventually 5G Rel-16 Study Items, ongoing Work Item and Rel-17 for some of the technical enablers.
Besides standardization, 5GCAR partners are responsible for 175 dissemination activities like conference papers, journals, talks, panels, workshops and summer schools.
We see five major impact pillars or success stories:
A. For technical aspects, 5GCAR had a large impact on 3GPP R16 contributions where 40 technical proposals (Tdocs) helped to drive the timely completion of the SI in February 2019 and WI by end of 2019.
B. For the political / regulatory impact we can state two major achievements:
1. 5GCAR created the business vision for 5GCAM highways with a profound technical and financial analysis which was published twice with a worldwide resonance and is now the kernel of the baseline document for the Strategic Development Agenda (SDA) being maintained now by DG CNECT.
2. 5GCAR helped to reject the proposed Delegated Act on 8th July 2019 which has ensured that 5GCAR visions are relevant to the C-V2X long term strategy for Europe. Many partners are also active in 5GAA which is perceived as the major show stopper of the DA.
C. The 5GCAR demonstrations have shown the benefit of 5G connected road users by reducing fatalities and improving the convenience of connected assisted driving. In that respect, the collaboration between car and telecom industry was successfully demonstrated in 5GCAR.
D. With more than 175 public activities/interactions, 5GCAR has ensured its broad dissemination to externals and helped to shape the vision of global 5GV2X technical direction for future challenges.
E. The successful continuation of 5GCAR has been ensured in 5GPPP Phase 3, where many 5GCAR partners are now present in 5GCroCo.
In Europe one of the future challenges is transportation and infrastructure. We believe that the results from 5GCAR provides an important piece of the puzzle to address these future challenges.