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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

TEchnology TRAnsfer via Multinational Application eXperiments

Descrizione del progetto

Informatica per un futuro più intelligente ed ecologico

La trasformazione dell’informatica per un futuro più intelligente ed ecologico non è priva di sfide. Uno di questi ostacoli è raggiungere l’elaborazione personalizzata a basso consumo energetico (CLEC) per i sistemi cyber-fisici e l’internet delle cose. Il progetto TETRAMAX, finanziato dall’UE, affronterà questo problema per aprire la strada a un’infrastruttura di CLEC redditizia, sostenibile e incentrata sulla regione. Con tre strategie fondamentali, TETRAMAX alimenterà esperimenti applicativi transfrontalieri, dotando le industrie TIC europee e i nuovi operatori di tecnologie CLEC innovative. Verrà inoltre creata una rete completa di centri di competenza CLEC, che offrirà supporto e formazione alle PMI e alle società a media capitalizzazione. In definitiva, TETRAMAX mira a creare un ecosistema autosufficiente attraverso piani aziendali su misura.


The major objective of TETRAMAX is to provide an implementation of the European “Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE)” initiative in the domain of customized low energy computing (CLEC) for CPS and the IoT. The project builds on three major activity lines: (1) Stimulating, organizing, co-funding, and evaluating different types of cross-border Application Experiments, providing “EU added value” via innovative CLEC technologies to first-time users and broad markets in European ICT-related industries, (2) Building and leveraging a new European CLEC competence center network, offering technology brokerage, one-stop shop assistance and CLEC training to SMEs and mid-caps, and with a clear evolution path towards new regional digital innovation hubs where needed, and (3) Paving the way towards self-sustainability based on pragmatic and customized long-term business plans. The project impact will be measured based on well-defined, goal-oriented performance indicators. The immediate ambition of TETRAMAX within its duration is to support 50+ industry clients and 3rd parties in the entire EU with innovative technologies, leading to an estimated revenue increase of 25 Mio. € based on 50+ new or improved CLEC-based products, 10+ entirely new businesses/SMEs initiated, as well as 30+ new permanent jobs and significant cost and energy savings in product manufacturing. Moreover, in the long term, TETRAMAX will be the trailblazer towards a reinforced, profitable, and sustainable ecosystem infrastructure, providing CLEC competence, services and a continuous innovation stream at European scale, yet with strong regional presence as preferred by SMEs.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 785 942,74
52062 Aachen

Mostra sulla mappa

Nordrhein-Westfalen Köln Städteregion Aachen
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 2 785 942,74

Partecipanti (22)