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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

New Environmental friendly and Durable conCrete, integrating industrial by-products and hybrid systems, for civil, industrial and offshore applications – EnDurCrete

Descrizione del progetto

Reinventare il calcestruzzo per un futuro sostenibile

La crescita delle nostre città e l'invecchiamento delle loro infrastrutture implicano una necessità mai così urgente di ricorrere a un calcestruzzo durevole e sostenibile. Basandosi su una fusione di tecnologie innovative, il progetto EnDurCrete, finanziato dall'UE, mira a creare calcestruzzo dotato di notevoli proprietà meccaniche, capacità di autorigenerazione e monitoraggio autonomo. Integrando cemento a basso contenuto di clinker, nano e micro tecnologie e sistemi ibridi, EnDurCrete promette un calcestruzzo caratterizzato da una maggiore durata, elevate proprietà meccaniche e capacità autorigeneranti. I test in gallerie, porti e strutture offshore dimostreranno la maggiore durata del calcestruzzo (con un aumento di oltre 30 anni) e la riduzione dei costi associati (inferiore del 35 %). Alla luce delle previsioni per il 2025, che indicano un incremento del valore economico di un miliardo di euro e la creazione di migliaia di posti di lavoro di alta qualità, EnDurCrete mira a garantire un'ampia diffusione e un impatto duraturo sullo sviluppo di solidi modelli commerciali.


The main goal of Endurcrete Project is to develop a new cost-effective sustainable reinforced concrete for long lasting and added value applications. The concept is based on the integration of novel low-clinker cement including high-value industrial by-products, new nano and micro technologies and hybrid systems ensuring enhanced durability of sustainable concrete structures with high mechanical properties, self-healing and self-monitoring capacities. Among key technologies there are: nano-enabled smart corrosion inhibitors, self-sensing carbon-based nanofillers, multifunctional coatings with self-healing properties and sensorised non-metallic reinforcement systems. Innovative design concepts will be developed for smart installation, disassembly and re-use of the new green pre-cast and cast in place elements aiming at enabling easy recycling and re-using approaches.
The functionality of the developed concrete structures will be proved under severe operating conditions supported by experimental and numerical tools to better understand factors affecting durability and capture the multiscale evolution of damage as well as to enable service life prediction.
Demonstrators will be tested in working sites of tunnels, ports and offshore structures, in order to prove the enhanced durability (+40%, i.e. +30 years) and decreased cost (-35%) of the new concrete systems in such critical applications.
Innovation aspects such standardization, life cycle assessments, health and safety and training activities will be performed. Finally, in order to maximize the exploitation of findings and ensure dissemination and impacts beyond the project duration, business models and plans for the proposed solutions will be developed.
The Consortium, led by HeidelbergCement and involving 16 partners (6 SMEs), will have a strong economic and social impact (1billion € and 6900 high quality jobs by 2025), considering concrete markets and related applications. The foreseen project duration is 3.5 year

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 024 889,71
69120 Heidelberg

Mostra sulla mappa

Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Heidelberg, Stadtkreis
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 052 460,02

Partecipanti (17)