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Gauging the Risk of Incidents of Extremist Violence Against Non-Combatant Entities


The temporal evolution of a far-right forum

Autori: Bennett Kleinberg, Isabelle van der Vegt, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Journal of Computational Social Science, 2020, ISSN 2432-2717
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s42001-020-00064-x

The Impact of Public Holidays on Insurgent Attacks: The Case of Thailand

Autori: Chris Chinda; Cigdem Unal; Zoe Marchment; Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Terrorism and Political Violence, 2023, ISSN 0954-6553
Editore: Frank Cass Publishers
DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2023.2222810

Modelling the spatial decision making of terrorists: The discrete choice approach

Autori: Marchment, Z.; Gill, P.
Pubblicato in: Applied Geography, Numero 104(1), 2019, Pagina/e 21-31, ISSN 0143-6228
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3406487

Towards open and reproducible terrorism studies: Current trends and next steps

Autori: Schumann, S.; van der Vegt, I.; Gill, P.; Schuurman, B.
Pubblicato in: Perspectives on Terrorism, Numero 13(5), 2019, Pagina/e 61-73, ISSN 2334-3745
Editore: Society for Terrorism Research

Lone Actor Terrorists: A Residence-to-Crime Approach

Autori: Zoe Marchment; Noémie Bouhana; Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Terrorism and Political Violence, 2018, ISSN 0954-6553
Editore: Frank Cass Publishers
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3406470

Assessing the relationship between terrorist attacks against ingroup or outgroup members and public support for terrorism

Autori: Sandy Schumann, Bettina Rottweiler, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Frontiers in Psychology, Numero 13, 2022, ISSN 1664-1078
Editore: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.778714

Predicting author profiles from online abuse directed at public figures.

Autori: Vegt, Isabelle van der; Kleinberg, Bennett; Gill, Paul; Social Networks, Solidarity and Inequality; Leerstoel Lippe
Pubblicato in: Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, Numero 9(1), 2022, Pagina/e 17-32, ISSN 2169-4842
Editore: APA
DOI: 10.1037/tam0000172

Individual Differences in Personality Moderate the Effects of Perceived Group Deprivation on Violent Extremism: Evidence From a United Kingdom Nationally Representative Survey

Autori: Bettina Rottweiler, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Frontiers in Psychology, Numero 13, 2022, ISSN 1664-1078
Editore: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.790770

Assessment procedures in anonymously written threats of harm and violence

Autori: van der Vegt, Isabelle; Gregory, Pippa; van der Meer, Bram B.; Yang, Junyi; Kleinberg, Bennett; Gill, Paul
Pubblicato in: Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, Numero 9(1), 2022, Pagina/e 1-16, ISSN 2169-4842
Editore: APA
DOI: 10.1037/tam0000168

A data-driven classification of outcome behaviors in those who cause concern to British public figures.

Autori: Clemmow, C., Gill, P., Corner, E., Farnham, F., Taylor, R., Wilson, S., Taylor, A., & James, D.
Pubblicato in: Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, Numero 27(4), 2021, Pagina/e 509–521, ISSN 1076-8971
Editore: American Psychological Association
DOI: 10.1037/law0000269

Individual and Environmental Explanations for Violent Extremist Intentions: A German Nationally Representative Survey Study

Autori: Bettina Rottweiler, Noemie Bouhana, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Justice Quarterly, Numero 39(4), 2022, Pagina/e 825-846, ISSN 0741-8825
Editore: Academy of Criminal Justice Science
DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2020.1869807

Learning from the parallel field of terrorism studies.

Autori: Isabelle Van Der Vegt, Zoe Marchment, Caitlin Clemmow, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, Numero 6/3-4, 2019, Pagina/e 202-209, ISSN 2169-4850
Editore: APA
DOI: 10.1037/tam0000133

Analyzing person‐exposure patterns in lone‐actor terrorism

Autori: Caitlin Clemmow, Noémie Bouhana, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Criminology & Public Policy, Numero 19/2, 2020, Pagina/e 451-482, ISSN 1538-6473
Editore: Blackwell Publishing
DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12466

Advances in Violent Extremist Risk Analysis

Autori: Paul Gill, Zoe Marchment, Sanaz Zolghadriha, Nadine Salman, Bettina Rottweiler, Caitlin Clemmow, Isabelle Van Der Vegt
Pubblicato in: Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Numero 25, 2020, Pagina/e 55-74, ISSN 1521-6136
Editore: JAI Press
DOI: 10.1108/s1521-613620200000025004

Domestic extremist criminal damage events: behaving like criminals or terrorists?

Autori: Arlene Robinson, Zoe Marchment, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Security Journal, Numero 32/2, 2019, Pagina/e 153-167, ISSN 0955-1662
Editore: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
DOI: 10.1057/s41284-018-0153-2

Does cognitive inflexibility predict violent extremist behaviour intentions? A registered direct replication report of Zmigrod et al., 2019

Autori: Paul Gill; Nadine Salman; Caitlin Clemmow; Sandy Schumann
Pubblicato in: Legal and Criminological Psychology, Numero 20448333, 2020, Pagina/e 145-157, ISSN 2044-8333
Editore: Wiley
DOI: 10.1111/lcrp.12201

The Grievance Dictionary: Understanding threatening language use.

Autori: Isabelle van der Vegt; Maximilian Mozes; Bennett Kleinberg; Bennett Kleinberg; Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Behavior Research Methods, Numero 15543528, 2021, Pagina/e 2105–2119, ISSN 1554-3528
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2009.04798

Online influence, offline violence: language use on YouTube surrounding the ‘Unite the Right’ rally

Autori: Isabelle van der Vegt, Maximilian Mozes, Paul Gill, Bennett Kleinberg
Pubblicato in: Journal of Computational Social Science, Numero 4/1, 2021, Pagina/e 333-354, ISSN 2432-2717
Editore: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/s42001-020-00080-x

What Do Closed Source Data Tell Us About Lone Actor Terrorist Behavior? A Research Note

Autori: Paul Gill, Emily Corner, Amy McKee, Paul Hitchen, Paul Betley
Pubblicato in: Terrorism and Political Violence, 2019, Pagina/e 1-18, ISSN 0954-6553
Editore: Frank Cass Publishers
DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2019.1668781

Systematic Review of Mental Health Problems and Violent Extremism

Autori: Paul Gill, Caitlin Clemmow, Florian Hetzel, Bettina Rottweiler, Nadine Salman, Isabelle Van Der Vegt, Zoe Marchment, Sandy Schumann, Sanaz Zolghadriha, Norah Schulten, Helen Taylor, Emily Corner
Pubblicato in: The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Numero 32/1, 2021, Pagina/e 51-78, ISSN 1478-9949
Editore: Brunner - Routledge (US)
DOI: 10.1080/14789949.2020.1820067

A Multi-Level Analysis of Risky Streets and Neighbourhoods for Dissident Republican Violence in Belfast

Autori: Zoe Marchment; Michael J. Frith; John F. Morrison; Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: International Journal of Geo-Information, Numero 22209964, 2021, Pagina/e 765, ISSN 2220-9964
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/ijgi10110765

Spatial Decision Making of Terrorist Target Selection: Introducing the TRACK Framework

Autori: Zoe Marchment; Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Numero 1057610X, 2022, Pagina/e 862-880, ISSN 1057-610X
Editore: Crane Russak
DOI: 10.1080/1057610x.2020.1711588

Conspiracy Beliefs and Violent Extremist Intentions: The Contingent Effects of Self-efficacy, Self-control and Law-related Morality

Autori: Bettina Rottweiler, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Terrorism and Political Violence, Numero 34(7), 2022, ISSN 0954-6553
Editore: Frank Cass Publishers
DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2020.1803288

Vulnerability to radicalisation in a general population: a psychometric network approach

Autori: Paul Gill; Noemie Bouhana; Caitlin Clemmow; Zoe Marchment
Pubblicato in: Psychology, Crime & Law, Numero 14772744, 2022, Pagina/e 1, ISSN 1477-2744
Editore: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/1068316x.2022.2027944

Risk Factors for Violent Dissident Republican Incidents in Belfast: A Comparison of Bombings and Bomb Hoaxes

Autori: Zoe Marchment, Paul Gill, John Morrison
Pubblicato in: Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2020, ISSN 0748-4518
Editore: Kluwer Academic Publishers
DOI: 10.1007/s10940-019-09413-0

Reviewing the links between violent extremism and personality, personality disorders, and psychopathy

Autori: Emily Corner; Helen Taylor; Isabelle van der Vegt; Nadine L. Salman; Bettina Rottweiler; Florian Hetzel; Caitlin Clemmow; Norah Schulten; Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Numero 14789949, 2021, Pagina/e 378-407, ISSN 1478-9949
Editore: Brunner - Routledge (US)
DOI: 10.1080/14789949.2021.1884736

The Whole Is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: Risk and Protective Profiles for Vulnerability to Radicalization

Autori: Caitlin Clemmow, Bettina Rottweiler, Michael Wolfowicz, Noemie Bouhana, Zoe Marchment, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Justice Quarterly, 2023, ISSN 0741-8825
Editore: Academy of Criminal Justice Science
DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2023.2171902

Spatial Decision Making of Terrorist Target Selection: Introducing the TRACK Framework

Autori: Marchment, Zoe; Gill, Paul
Pubblicato in: Studies in Conflict and ~terrorism, 2020, ISSN 1057-610X
Editore: Crane Russak
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3582604

Disaggregating Lone-actor Grievance-fuelled Violence: Comparing Lone-actor Terrorists and Mass Murderers

Autori: Caitlin Clemmow, Paul Gill, Noémie Bouhana, James Silver, John Horgan
Pubblicato in: Terrorism and Political Violence, Numero Caitlin Clemmow, Noémie Bouhana, 2020, Pagina/e 1-26, ISSN 0954-6553
Editore: Frank Cass Publishers
DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2020.1718661

The Base Rate Study: Developing Base Rates for Risk Factors and Indicators for Engagement in Violent Extremism

Autori: Caitlin Clemmow, Sandy Schumann, Nadine L. Salman, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Journal of Forensic Sciences, Numero 65/3, 2020, Pagina/e 865-881, ISSN 0022-1198
Editore: American Society for Testing and Materials
DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.14282

A survey of risk and threat assessors: Processes, skills, and characteristics in terrorism risk assessment

Autori: Salman, N. L., & Gill, P
Pubblicato in: Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, Numero 7(1-2), 2020, Pagina/e 122-129, ISSN 2169-4850
Editore: APA
DOI: 10.1037/tam0000135

The Moderating Effects of “Dark” Personality Traits and Message Vividness on the Persuasiveness of Terrorist Narrative Propaganda

Autori: Kurt Braddock, Sandy Schumann, Emily Corner, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Frontiers in Psychology, Numero 13, 2022, ISSN 1664-1078
Editore: Frontiers Research Foundation
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.779836

EXPO-12: Development and validation of the Exposure to Violent Extremism Scale

Autori: Clemmow, C., Rottweiler, B., & Gill, P.
Pubblicato in: Psychology of Violence, Numero 12(5), 2022, Pagina/e 333–346, ISSN 2152-0828
Editore: American Psychological Association
DOI: 10.1037/vio0000430

Jihad and the United Kingdom

Autori: Paul Gill, Zoe Marchment, Bettina Rottweiler, Sanaz Zolghadriha
Pubblicato in: Exporting Global Jihad, 2020
Editore: I.B. Tauris

Terrorists Are Just Another Type of Criminal

Autori: Zoe Marchment, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Routledge Handbook of Crime Science, 2019
Editore: Routledge

Psychological and Criminological Understanding of Terrorism: Theories and Models

Autori: Zoe Marchment, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: The Handbook of Collective Violence: Current Developments and Understanding, 2020
Editore: Routledge

Islamic State Propaganda as a Precedent? Learning, Emulation and Imitation Amongst Other Extremist Groups after IS

Autori: Gill, P., Braddock, K., Zolghadriha, S., Rottweiler, B., & Cushenbery, L.
Pubblicato in: ISIS Propaganda, 2019, ISBN 9780190932466
Editore: Oxford University Press

Prescient, inconsistent, and ignorant: Commentary on the Dispensation of dynamite.

Autori: Gill, P.; Salman, N. L.; Clemmow, C.
Pubblicato in: Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, Numero 5(4), 2018, Pagina/e 242–244, ISSN 2169-4850
Editore: American Psychological Association
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3407192

Crowdsourcing Samples for Research on Violent Extremism: A Research Note

Autori: Caitlin Clemmow, Isabelle van der Vegt, Bettina Rottweiler, Sandy Schumann, Paul Gill
Pubblicato in: Terrorism and Political Violence, Numero 1, 2023, ISSN 0954-6553
Editore: Frank Cass Publishers
DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2022.2145193

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