We determined the fate of the geometrical destabilization of inflation, reaching the conclusion that this phenomenon does not end inflation, but that the latter continues in an unusual manner. We studied this so-called sidetracked phase of inflation in detail, including the properties of the primordial density fluctuations it generates. New types of inflationary attractors with strongly non-geodesic motion in field space have been identified: they allow to inflate on steep potentials, they offer interesting prospects for embedding inflation in realistic high-energy physics theories, and leave peculiar observational imprints, like unusual, flattened-type, deviations from Gaussianity of the statistics of primordial fluctuations. We also suggested a new, top-down motivated and model-independent mechanism to generate primordial black holes that is specific to multifield dynamics and offers interesting observational prospects. We gave a new insight into the question of the non-Gaussianities generated from realistic models of inflation with multiple degrees of freedom by generalizing Maldacena’s computation to such setups, highlighting the observable effects that derive from a curved field space. We have shown that the departure of inflation from an exact de Sitter phase, as well as Planck-suppressed derivative operators, play a decisive role in (de)stabilizing the Higgs during inflation. Using methods from nonequilibrium quantum field theory, we derived for the first time a manifestly covariant general theory of multifield stochastic inflation. Eventually, we showed how features of the density power spectrum manifest themselves as specific oscillatory patterns in the frequency profile of the scalar-induced stochastic gravitational wave background, offering a new probe of inflation on small scales and motivating new target signals for gravitational wave observatories.