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Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system

Description du projet

Une solution aux problèmes de fraude sur les paiements

Avec l’utilisation accrue des appareils IdO et de l’IA, les risques de cybersécurité ont augmenté de manière exponentielle et rendu les services de paiement, le contrôle d’accès logique et physique, les infrastructures critiques, les organisations gouvernementales et les particuliers de plus en plus vulnérables aux cyberattaques. Le projet QuardCard, financé par l’UE, s’attaquera à ce problème en introduisant une solution d’«authentification en tant que service» hautement sécurisée, basée sur une carte à puce qui intègre la technologie biométrique des empreintes digitales, un générateur dynamique de mots de passe à usage unique et un système d’authentification dorsal, rendant ainsi pratiquement impossible la rupture du lien entre l’identité physique et l’identité numérique. La solution complète couvre l’accès logique et physique, les paiements par carte, les paiements numériques, l’authentification des actifs par chaîne de blocs/crypto, et les solutions gouvernementales et de santé, entre autres.


CardLab and QuardLock’s joint vision is to bring a disruptive, highly secure smart card (QuardCard) to the financial payments market, which is currently facing major increases in fraud levels. QuardCard combines, for the first time: (i) a smart card (all data is kept inside the card and only encrypted keys are released); (ii) a biometric fingerprint – highly accurate and impossible to copy; and (iii) dynamic one-time-password (OTP), generated by the user's fingerprint. As such, the card only works with the rightful owner’s fingerprint and will improve drastically the security of online and physical transactions.

The card will be marketable in two generations/versions: • 1st generation QuardCard for the generation of OTPs through user’s fingerprint for e-banking authentication and e-commerce transactions; • 2nd generation QuardCard combining generation of OTPs with capacity for physical transactions (card payments or cash withdrawal), replacing the need for a conventional credit card. Due to the certification compliance of the current prototype, both generations will be ready for mass production upon completion of the QuardCard project. However, financial institutions do not easily replace existing solutions by novel technologies. Ensuring and demonstrating a maximum level of user security is a key differentiating factor to gain access to the market. Given QuardCard´s value proposition, combined with the demonstration and certification activities planned for Phase 2, we will be able to enable subsequent market entry. The consortium gathers two Danish SMEs: CardLab (QuardCard manufacturer) has an established network of clients and QuardLock holds the patent and know-how to use biometrics to generate an OTP. Both companies will benefit from the project through a cross-license agreement where each receive a share of QuardCard revenues and royalties.

Later the technologies can be spread out to other user areas where a biometric safe card can be of utmost importance.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 911 492,57
2730 Herlev

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Danmark Hovedstaden Københavns omegn
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 1 455 938,92

Participants (1)