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The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AWARENET (The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks)

Período documentado: 2018-01-01 hasta 2018-12-31

Mobile internet bandwidth is a limited resource and its smart distribution is today one of the key challenges for all telecoms. Cloudstreet Oy has developed the world´s first dynamic bandwidth management solution that enables mobile operators to deliver customer-oriented services within their current and future networks. The Cloudstreet DPC™ identifies the exact data need for each internet connected device or application on-the-fly and enables instant and fully-automated network optimisation to serve each end-user’s precise data requirements at any particular moment, without affecting other network users’ connections.
The specific objectives for the AWARENET project are:
• Developing our current solution to a market-ready telecom product
o Scaling-up the architecture to serve millions of simultaneous users in each network
o Creating automatic DPC™ management and analytics functionalities based on clients´ requests
o Creating API to enable Cloudstreet service integration with 3rd party apps (e.g. Skype or Netflix)

• Lowering the acceptance barriers and ensuring market validation
o Validating and certifying the technology by comprehensive performance and security tests
o Creating standardised and very simple DPC™ integrations with most operators´ core networks
o Running 5 pilots in Central-Europe with OTT TV/streaming and business communication focus

• Preparing for fast market uptake and global commercialisation
o Executing a commercialisation plan for market entry in targeted business verticals and regions
o Engaging 50 new operators by disseminating the added value of Application-Aware Networks to end-users, service providers and mobile operators based on the 5 successful pilots
o Participating in Net Neutrality, 5G standards and other mobile networks specification setting
Work Package 1
During the reporting period, the current pre-commercial (TRL7) Cloudstreet DPC™ was further developed to a carrier grade product. We simplified and automated the integration of the Cloudstreet DPC™ system in telecom networks and service providers´ apps where it was possible.
During the first year, we finalized DPC architecture to meet the telco-grade requirements such as support of 1M subscribers and operate with 100K dedicated bearers. To support a multi-vendor production environment, we adopted a customer on premise delivery model, by including the staging environment as part of the DPC product lifecycle. Furthermore, a number of tests, including functional tests, Performance Tests and Security tests (performed by external auditor) have been completed in order to verify the functionality of DPC, verify that DPC meet the aforementioned requirements and finally to verify that it is a secure product that an operator may deploy to its network.

Work Package 2
We conducted a set of security tests/benchmarks internally and by an independent, professional and certified auditor of Silverskin Information Security, in order to verify that Cloudstreet DPC is compliant with the security international standards and requirements. Based on testing results, potential system vulnerabilities are corrected to acquire Independent Statement certification.
As a result of WP2, we have validated that integrating Cloudstreet DPC™ functionality into mobile networks will not increase mobile operators´ networks vulnerability or raise any data security threats.

Work Package 3
Work Package 3 is the core part of the project and has key impact in our commercialisation success. During the reporting period we have met over 30 different operators in Europe, Middle East, India and Africa. We have 12 Proof of Concept negotiations on-going. In PoC phase we want to verify Cloudstreet technology in operator specific use case. At the moment use cases vary from Fixed Wireless to public safety and IPTV delivery.
Standardization in 3GPP has been completed for LTE and work will continue for 5G. During the reporting period we have done catalyst project in TM Forum and this work will continue. During the period we also started end-to-end Network Slicing work group in TIP (telecom infra project). Work with MEF is focusing on transport layer in mobile network, to make sure it is not causing any issues for network slicing. Target of TM Forum and TIP working group is to look at the northbound interface standardization that is not covered by 3GPP.

Work Package 4
The work within WP4 supports successful market launch and fast uptake of Cloudstreet solution, while ensuring sufficient operational and managerial capacity. During the reporting period, we have updated Cloudstreet’s Commercialisation Plan (D4.1) including defining the target markets and growth pockets; set commercialisation targets; and specified the dynamic user profile portfolio and profile management schemes.
During the second period, we have finalized new use cases, like Public Safety, which is based on Network Slicing concept for 5G networks. We developed a Public Safety Portal, in order to facilitate selling into the Critical Communications sector it is mandatory to deliver a version of the DPC™ management portal tailored for use by Public Safety organizations. A key feature of the portal focuses on providing a network usage analytics interface that aids the user in resolving conflict situations. Moreover, we have close monitor the 3GPP standardization activities related to Network Slicing for performance assurance measurements and mission critical applications, in order to align the product with the current standards and plan needed changes for the future.