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Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
Report on evaluation of the existing certification schemes and identification of needed certification schemes for blue collar workers and building inspectors on the bases of the national road maps developed during the national pillar 1 of the BUILD UP Skills Initiative as well as own desktop studies, including the results of earlier projects.
Summary report on national certification strategies for building inspectorsDesign of a strategy for establishing and promoting the nZEB inspector course scheme in the participating countries.
Report on Analysis of the market barriers towards cross craft schemesReport analysing the identified the market barriers towards cross craft schemes in the partner countries and EU in order to design a strategy to overcome these barriers, executing the desk research.
Report on strategies to improve market uptake of cross craft schemes on national and EU-levelReport on the development of strategies to improve market uptake of cross craft schemes elaborated on national- and EU-level (twice in months 18 & 34).
Summary report on national certification strategies for blue collar workersReport on the strategies elaborated for the establishment of the course scheme in the participating countries and how the developed training material can be suitable in each national system highlighting the national/geographical differences and showing how the modular training material can be integrated and used in the participating countries.
Result orientated final reportPublic report presenting the results of the project, lessons learnt and recommendations.
Defining the entries to the database, legal requirements and authorisations to be obtained for collecting the personal data in each involved country, operation of the database with access from the involved countries, input of data from training of trainers delivered by the project.
Database of common/harmonized descriptorsAdaptation and further development and extention of the database of the project BUstoB with tables for certifications and accreditations available for EU-wide, by making use of a so called Application Programming Interface (API).
Advertising and marketing materialsPR materials such as folders, flyers, posters and PR goodies such as T-shirts, caps and measuring tapes with project’s logo for construction worker (twice in months 18 & 24)
European database of certified professionalsIdentifying an initial list of authorised issuers of the professional cards, may include also the organisations that assess the skills, knowledge and competences of the targeted professionals or organisations that have mandate for issuing such cards.
Project websiteDesign of the project logo, colour styles and layouts for reporting as well as setting of the project website.
Establishing a European format of the professional card and requirement on issuers of the professional cards.
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