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Quality certification frameworks for Energy Efficiency services to scale up responsible investment in the building sector

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Final publishable report

Four reports will be delivered to EASME, D1.2 Progress reports and updated project structure plans (M6, 12, 24, 32). Furthermore, the project coordinator will be responsible for delivery of a D1.3 Interim report (M18) and D1.4 Final report (M36). At the end of the project a D1.5 Final publishable report (M36) will be delivered.

Evaluation report on training activities

D4.6 Evaluation report on training activities (M30) will collect and evaluate national feedback based on a questionnaire collected from the participants and develop recommendations on the future design of the training seminars for each country.

Guidelines of national technical quality criteria – Supplement C

Each partner country will prepare D3.5 Guidelines of national technical quality criteria for energy efficiency services in respective national languages (AT-DE, CZ, ES, SK, SI, LV, GR, BG). The guidelines include a translation of D3.2 and add further criteria if required, depending on specific circumstances. Specifications will include the national adjustment of assessment variables, suitable evaluation methods and transparent and traceable verification methodologies. A draft version of the national guidelines will be presented and discussed at national workshops (Task 5.3) in order to obtain feedback and develop the final version (M24). Further feedback loops come from pilot project consultations (4.2) and the training seminars (4.6).

European discussion workshops and minutes

D3.6 European discussion workshops and minutes (M35) will gather feedback on WP3 draft guidelines. This is important to refine technical quality criteria, financial guidelines and the procurement handbook. In total 7 discussion workshops will be organised: - Sub-Task 3.6a): 2 half-day European discussion workshops in Brussels (feedback loop to refine tasks 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) with European associations of ESP’s, policy makers and FI’s (M12/M15). Only e7, CREARA, SEVEn and EFIEES will participate. - Sub-Task 3.6b): 5 half-day discussion workshops with key experts in major European cities in line with project meetings. The whole QualitEE team will participate and share outcomes from WP3 with national and European stakeholders, who are: ESP’s, clients, facilitators, policymakers, procurement staff and experts from financial institutions. Stakeholders from abroad will be invited.

Report on EU EES markets

The D2.5 report on European energy efficiency services markets and quality will be completed in M10. A cross-country comparison will be undertaken and lessons learned drawn from existing certification frameworks in other relevant sectors, e.g. building certificates. Information on ongoing activities to establish new EES certification schemes will be summarised. The report will also include conclusions on the needs and scope for technical quality criteria, minimum financial information and quality assurance frameworks, which will determine the strategy for WP3. Results of the previous projects (Transparense, EESI2020, Eurocontract, EUREMplus, ENSPOL, Permanent) and projects running in parallel (Investor Confidence Project, EPC+, Trust EPC South, Sunshine project, GuarantEE, SFEM, etc.) will be used.

Data Management Plan

The QualitEE project will make relevant data accessible. This is also in line with the overall objective of the project – increasing of trust in energy service providers and their services through transparency. Within the first 6 months a D1.8 Data Management Plan (M06) will be developed and updated in M18 and M30. This plan defines (1) what kind of data will be collected, (2) to whom it may be useful later on, (3) what standards will be developed or adopted, (4) how data will be shared and (5) archived in the long-term (implementation of a professional data repository tool as well as the QualitEE project website). Also (6) restrictions on data publication will be defined. It will be ensured that data (e.g. necessary primary data from interviews) will be available for 10 years or more where needed.

Good practice report on national business cases for quality assurance schemes

Certification frameworks will be established in at least 8 QualitEE partner countries, whilst remaining countries will introduce other forms of quality assurance. Results will be compiled in D5.4 Good practice report on national business cases for quality assurance schemes (M28/M34) in English. A summary of good practice examples will be translated in national languages. A first draft will be prepared by M28 and the implementation will be undertaken until M34. This report will incorporate all relevant information for the business cases in each national partner country21 including: the business model for quality assurance in a brief (who does what, when and why?); revenue sources (market demand analysis) and simplified cash flow model (pre-feasibility level); Definition of certification process (based on training module 4, Task 4.5); marketing strategy; Partnerships, management and manpower structure; Clarification of commercial, structural and processual rational, which will be discussed during the national stakeholder process (Task 5.2: national promotion team); Long-term implementation strategy (milestones; critical paths; etc.); Risk analysis and risk management (identification, mitigation and management of potential risks). These innovative good practice examples will be disseminated within WP6.

National discussion platform minutes

National discussion platforms will be established by the national promotion teams and D5.3 National discussion platform minutes (M26) will be prepared in national languages. They will be required to involve a broader national audience (public and private clients, FIs, ESPs, standardisation, certification bodies, policymakers) through discussion workshops. The main objective is to obtain commitment from market actors and to establish a common understanding why a national certification framework for energy efficiency services is needed; 3 national discussion workshops or working groups (min. half day each): - Sub-Task 5.3a) in M18: Introduction into national QualitEE certification approach; obtaining feedback on national quality criteria for EES (Task 3.5), procurement (Task 3.4) and the first considerations on the national implementation strategy of quality assurance schemes (Task 5.2). - Sub-Task 5.3b) in M22: Steps towards national standardisation of energy efficiency services (Task 3.5), application of technical quality criteria (Task 4.3.), national implementation strategy (Task 5.2). - Sub-Task 5.3c) in M26: Depending on country specific needs the contents will be decided.

Financial Guidelines - Supplement A

WP3 will provide a D33 Financial Guidelines M18 document addressed to FIs clients and ESPs The guidelines will establish a common understanding between these players about which minimum financial information is relevant These guidelines will support FIs to effectively assess the credit rating of public and private clients as well as ESPs and the EE projects It is a supplement to D32 and will be translated into national languages ATDE CZ ES SK SI LV GR BG FR It will be professionally designed and printed on demandIn order to obtain feedback and revise the draft Financial Guidelines they will be discussed 1 within the European advisory board meeting Task 16 and 2 European discussion workshops Subtask 36aThe draft version of D33 will comprise inputs from WP2 the main findings from EEFIG CENELEC EVO Financing Protocols as well as the completed RECO and ICP project

Guidelines of European technical quality criteria

D3.2 Guidelines of European technical quality criteria (M18) for energy efficiency services are based on the draft version of European quality criteria (D3.1) and reflect the feedback received. The draft version of D3.1 will be presented at a second European discussion workshop with the same target groups (Sub-task 3.6a in M15). The final technical quality criteria can be incorporated in service contracts and will make it possible to compare different service offerings (Task 4.2). They will serve as a basis for certification (WP5) and a document summarising the guidelines will be designed and disseminated (printed on demand) (WP6). D3.2 stipulates the core document for further European standardisation.

Draft guidelines of European technical quality criteria

D3.1 Draft guideline of European technical quality criteria (M12) will provide European minimum quality levels for energy efficiency services (energy performance contracting will be a focus, along with supply c., operational c. and integrated energy c.). Technical, economic, communicational, and other criteria will be defined and operationalised, which will allow a comprehensive set of technical quality criteria to be applicable in quality assurance and certification schemes. Assessment criteria will be introduced as well as evidence and verification processes. The criteria will be structured according to (1) the energy efficiency services, (2) the project phases (from identification to M&V) and (3) target group. Results of WP2 are used as well as the set of “preliminary quality criteria for energy efficiency services” developed for the Austrian market within the Transparense project. Feedback will be obtained at the first European discussion workshop (Sub-task 3.6a) in M12. The draft guidelines will be a

Procurement handbook for clients – Supplement B

D3.4 Procurement handbook for clients (M24) provides guidance to the demand side of EES (public and private clients and project facilitators) but also to the supply side of EES (energy service providers) in order to stimulate the application of quality criteria within the procurement phase of a project. The Procurement Handbook is a supplement to D3.2. A first draft handbook will be developed by M15 and presented to stakeholders within a national workshop (Task 3.6b). Based on feedback the draft handbook will be amended and a final version in English language will be available by M24. It will be translated into national languages and printed on demand (AT-DE, CZ, ES, SK, SI, LV, GR, BG, FR).

Pilot project application reports

D4.3 Pilot project application reports (M15 and M30) in EN will be prepared in each partner country (except EFIEES) to follow pilot project implementation in quantitative and qualitative manner and extract lessons learned. Summaries for dissemination purposes (WP6) in national languages will be completed.

Training concept and modules

Based on the training recommendations provided by the Transparense project, D4.5 Training concept and modules (M05; M12 and M15) will be developed and translated into national languages (AT-DE, CZ, ES, SK, SI, LV, GR, BG, FR). There will be four modules: - Module 1: Basics about energy efficiency services, project phases and processes, financing, European Code of Conduct for EPC; developed by M05; based on the training materials used in Transparense, EESI2020 projects, InTranse and German BAFA requirements on EPC trainings. - Module 2: Quality related topics on technical quality criteria (D3.2), financial guidelines (D3.3) and procurement (D3.4) by M12. - Module 3: Certification frameworks, certification processes and pilot projects by M15. - Module 4: Designed especially for certification bodies; explains certification process from a CB perspective, checklists, etc. by M15. Target groups: Generally clients, procurement managers, certification bodies, financial institutions and policy makers, but within module 2-4 special parts will be tailored to specific target groups. An update will be prepared by the WPL in M32 and respective slides translated by partners. Key findings from pilot projects will be added. The training modules will be updated to reflect feedback from the training seminars, workshops, pilot projects and certification schemes.

Final European conference

D6.8 Final European conference (M36) will be organised at the end of the project and documented (max. 3 pages). The WPL, the co-ordinator and the European association will co-operate to create an international event which will attract high representation of stakeholders and target groups. The conference is expected to be organised within framework the EUSEW 2020. During the conference final results and conclusions from the project will be presented and distributed. In particular the good-practice business cases (D5.4) will be the core of the conference.

National promotion team minutes

Meetings will be recorded through D5.2 National promotion team minutes (M32) in national languages. These national promotion teams aim to initiate necessary processes and strategies for the introduction of national certification frameworks. Each team will ensure a long-term market uptake of a suitable quality assurance scheme. The teams will seek a broad consensus among their national markets and decide on the suitable business model to be applied, implementation strategy, process rationale, marketing, partnerships, management structure and risk management. These are key elements for an effective business case (Task 5.4). A national promotion team consists of a small group of key national stakeholders (the project partner as promoter + e.g. EES associations, certification bodies, public authorities, FIs, standardisation experts), which may have already been identified by project partners (see LOS, e.g. TÜV in the UK and LV). Members of the NPT will be involved in the application of quality criteria and capacity building (WP4) and push the national discussion platform (Task 5.3) in order to extract lessons for the institutionalisation of national certification frameworks.

Business models for quality

The report D5.1 Business models for quality assurance schemes (M10) will provide the rationale for the national promotion teams (Task 5.2) in order to implement functioning quality-assurance business beyond 2020 across Europe (Task 5.4). It will specify the requirements for effective quality assurance, advantages/disadvantages of different business models for different stakeholder groups and sizes (e.g. large ESP versus medium sized ESP), processes, structures, costs and efforts. Recommendations will thereby be derived.

Minutes on capacity building in nonpartner countries

6 additional nonpartner countries will be trained in order to start a discussion process about the certification of energy efficiency services. Nonpartner countries are France, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Serbia and Macedonia. Already 4 LOIs have been obtained from well-established local institutions. Following capacity building activities will be undertaken in each nonpartner country: - 1 Public workshop to present and discuss WP3 outcomes and business models of quality assurance (WP5). The number of attendees will vary according to the size of the EES market (25 – 50 attendees); - 1 Exclusive workshop focused on key stakeholders who are able to implement the criteria and schemes and are capable to push the development of national standards. The QualitEE team will advise on how quality criteria could be implemented (about 10 attendees). The respective stakeholder in the nonpartner country (e.g. ESP associations or standardisation institutes) will organise the workshops, provide all logistics (rooms, catering) and invite market actors. Two QualitEE project partners are on site for each workshop and provide expertise, hold presentations and discuss with the audience. Both workshops together will last for 1-1.5 days per nonpartner country. The workshops will be documented within D4.8 Minutes on capacity building in nonpartner countries (M34). Additionally, the respective QualitEE partners will provide advice (online meetings) to nonpartner countries in case of demand. Also nonpartners will distribute newsletters and press releases to their markets.

Monitoring and evaluation report of pilot projects

Data will be used for a public summary report D4.7 Monitoring and evaluation report of pilot projects (M34).

Application reports on later stage and completed projects

D4.4 Application reports on later stage and completed projects (M16) captures feedback from at least 1 later stage project per country (except EFIEES). “Later stage” refers to projects where the client or ESP was contacted by the QualitEE partner after the procurement phase. This could also include completed projects. Experiences from previous European projects show, that this task is crucial, as EES often face delays. It is important to capture feedback from all project phases, even the quality criteria are applied ex post. Later stages are installation of measures, guaranteed operation and M&V. The reports comprise results from a questionnaire and are prepared in EN language. Summaries in national languages are provided for dissemination. Cooperation with ongoing and closed EU funded pilot projects will be sought, e.g. Transparense, which have already tested the principles of the European Code of Conduct for EPC in 37 projects. Having commenced in 2013-2015, these pilots will already have reached an adv

Country reports on the EES markets and quality

D2.4 country reports on the energy efficiency services market and quality will be prepared for each partner country and for 4 other European markets (FR, NL, IT, PT) and disseminated in M07. Country reports contain information on the EES market, barriers and success factors, quality determinants, minimum information requirements and certification frameworks, as well as EES related legal, political and institutional frameworks. The reports will build on existing knowledge and best practices implemented in previous projects and projects running in parallel (see task 2.5).

European Advisory Board meetings

The European Advisory Board (EAB) provides experience, advice and feedback on the standardisation of EES and investments. There will be 3 half-day D1.7 European advisory board meetings (M29) which require coordination, preparation and moderation. Broad consensus will be sought within the EAB on the guidelines (WP3) and certification frameworks (WP5). Members of the EAB consist of (1) Standardisation experts: CENELEC, CEN – European Committee for Standardization and (NEN - Standardization institute of the Netherlands); Financial experts: SUSI Partners and IFC (World Bank Group); Energy service providers: EFIEES and SIEMENS; Project facilitator: Econoler; chaired by Mr. Jan W Bleyl, chair of the IEA-DSM Task Force 16. The EAB members are also involved in the EEFIG initiative and, hence, will be informed of with the latest discussions. All EAB members have provided letters of support. In addition to the EAB members, only WP leaders and EFIEES will participate in EAB meetings.

European and national websites

D6.2 European and national websites (M06) will be created based on the graphic toolkit (D6.1). The website will be important for disseminating, marketing and promoting the results of the project to the stakeholders and target groups. There will be European webpages maintained by the WP leader. For all partners national webpages will be created where the national partner will be responsible for the content and will have full rights to change the content. The content will be partly translation (or a copy) of the European webpages and partly own national content. The website will be regularly updated and will include background information, support, relevant key messages and outputs of the project. The energy efficiency services market and quality database (Task 2.3) will be incorporated into the QualitEE webpage. The database shall offer intuitive data navigation and synthesis.

Electronic newsletters

Three D6.4 Electronic newsletters (M03, M18, M30) written in English with a max. 3 pages will be prepared and sent by the WPL in order to channel project outcomes to the project stakeholders and target groups across Europe. A European and national email distribution list will be established by partners (Task 6.3). All partners will translate and disseminate newsletters to their recipients identified in the communication strategy. In six further nonpartner countries (Task 4.8) the European version of the newsletter will be forwarded by the respective project partner and distributed.

Documentation of social media or extra newsletter

Existing social media platforms will be used to disseminate project results on a regular basis. While Twitter and LinkedIn are widely used in western European countries, in the Central and Eastern Europe it is rarely used. It is therefore important to accommodate the different preferences in each partner country while communicating to the whole European community. A content calendar will be created at the start of the project with each partner identifying the most relevant social media channels (monthly postings) as well as existing company channels. The measurement of these activities will also be defined at the start of the project and a record will be kept within the internal reporting tool before each project meeting. Within the communication strategy (Task 6.3) partners will choose one of - Countries with high dissemination potential through social media will participate in the social media strategy implementation (monitoring quantitatively and qualitatively the efforts and successes). EEVS will establish and maintain a social media webpage(s) (e.g. linkedin and twitter) (decision to be taken in T6.3). - Countries where social media are not effective will promote the project among the national target groups will prepare additional three newsletters with 2 pages, to be disseminated via email. The social media activities and extra newsletters will be documented within D6.5 Documentation of social media or extra newsletter (M36).


Presentations will be delivered by the partners at national and international conferences/seminars to disseminate information about the project’s results to the broader public. By M4, e7 will prepare one standard project presentation in English with the support from EEVS. The presentation will be updated in M18. Each national partner will deliver at least 6 presentations in their Countries. Factor 4 will deliver an additional 6 presentations in the Netherlands. The European association will deliver 2 presentations. The slides from each presentation will be collected by the WPL and summarised in a D6.7 Presentations (M34) document at the end of each periodic report. There will be at least 74 presentations in total, out of which at least 10 will be held at international conferences and workshops.

Updated EES market database

By M29 a second round of the EES market survey (Task 2.1) will be conducted to create a D2.6 updated EES market database, which is a part of the QualitEE webpage. The questionnaire (D2.2) will be amended if needed to reflect results from the first round and new potential information. Longer term sustainability of the database will be sought through partnerships with strategic partners - mainly European organisations.

EES Market and Quality Database

D2.3 Energy efficiency services market and quality database (M05) will be created as a part of the QualitEE webpage to present the results of the EES market and quality survey. The new online database will refer to the data from the Transparense project database so they can be compared. Information will be provided about EES market trends, EES financing, EES technical quality determinants and minimum information requirements, certification frameworks and related policies. Once created it will offer the most comprehensive European database on EES and will provide free information source for the EES market players supporting them in taking better informed investment decisions. Together with reports D2.4 and D2.5 information will be targeted for the use of clients, ESP’s, FI’s and policymakers.

Press book

At the beginning and at the end of the project a uniform press release (2 in total) will be prepared by EEVS and distributed on a European level by EEVS and EFIEES. During the project 10 media coverings will be ensured by each national partner either as a result of the distribution of press releases or by engaging media outlets with bespoke articles. The media coverings will promote project QualitEE Part B – section 1-3 39 results in local, national, or European professional journals or public media (including electronic media and newsletters). The European association EFIEES will similarly ensure two media coverings in international media. All articles and press releases will be reported and documented in D6.6 Press book (M36).


Quality Management in Energy Performance Contracting Projects.

Autoren: Kamenders, Kašs, Biseniece, Lupkina, Bažbauers
Veröffentlicht in: Energy Procedia, Ausgabe Vol. 147, 2018, Seite(n) 636-640, ISSN 1876-6102
Herausgeber: Elsevier

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