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Network for Using BIM to Increase the Energy Performance


First Seminar with Public Administration and Owners, Tenants and Building Administrators

First Seminar with PA and Owners, Tenants and Building Administrators

Second Classroom Courses for Professionals

Second Classroom Courses for Professionals in Croatian, Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

First Net-Ubiep Open Day

FIrts Net-Ubiep Open Day to promote BIM Qualification Model among stakeholders. In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

Second Seminar with Public Administration and Owners, Tenants and Building Administrators

Second Seminar with PA and Owners, Tenants and Building Administrators

Survey and/or interview among all different targets

Survey and/or interview among all different targets to validate the list of competences needed to work with BIM on NZEB. The report will not contain sensitive information. in English

Third Classroom Courses for Professionals
First Classroom Courses for Professionals

First Classroom Courses for Professionals In Croatian, Dutch, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish.

Second Net-Ubiep Open Day

Second Net-Ubiep Open Day to promote BIM Qualification Model among stakeholders In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

International Net-Ubiep event

At least two presentation of Net-Ubiep Project results within international events to promote the qualification schemes and for the capitalization of project results in other projects. The event will be in English. They would occur presumably at month 27 and 29.

First Report on CEN existing standards

First Report on CEN existing standards and standardization landscape in English

List of Competences on Energy Performance which are required to each target group by the building sector

List of Competences on Energy Performance which are required to each target group by the building sector. In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak,Spanish

Second Report on CEN existing standards

Second Report on CEN existing standards and standardization landscape in English

Requirements for learning outcomes

Requirements for learning outcomes for the four targets groups and Scheme for Qualification and Certification of competences for BIM Professional Profiles. In English

List of Competences related to energy performance needed for each BIM Professional Profile

List of Competences related to energy performance needed for each BIM Professional Profile. In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak,Spanish

Position Paper for the recognition of BIM Professional Profiles

Position Paper for the recognition of BIM Professional Profiles included energy performance signed by the main stakeholders. In English

Guideline for Professionals on BIM competences

Guideline (In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish) for Professionals (Engineers and Architects) on BIM competences

Agreement signed with professional associations
Contents for Professionals (Engineers and Architects) on BIM competences

Contents (In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak,Spanish) for Professionals (Engineers and Architects) on BIM competences

Draft of the certification schemas

Draft of the certification schemas based on CEN guideline N. 14: Common policy guidance for addressing standardisation on qualification of professions and personnel in English

First Communication materials set

Communication Material in 8 languages (Leaflets / Press Kit / Information Pack / Posters / Best Practices Brochures) and Activities (Awareness raising activities for owners and facility managers In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish and Internal Communication among partners in English

Second communication Material set

Communication Material in 8 languages (Leaflets / Press Kit / Information Pack / Posters / Best Practices Brochures) and Activities (Awareness raising activities for owners and facility managers in Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish and Internal Communication among partners in English

Report on existing BIM professional profiles
Requirements of different Target Groups involved in BIM and their role in NZEB implementation

Report on requirements of different Target Groups involved in BIM and their role in NZEB implementation. In English

Draft for the standardization of Training Schemes

Draft for the standardization of Training Schemes in English

Multimedia Handbook for Owners, Tenants and Building Administrators

Multimedia Handbook (In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish) for Owners, Tenants and Building Administrators on BIM advantages and requirements

Review of the three dimensional matrix

Review of deliverable the three-dimensional matrix based on the result of the survey of deliverable 4.7 In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

Project Web Portal

Project Web Portal, mirror in each country and regular update. In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

Best Practices Database

Best Practices Database In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

First report on social network

First report on Social Network Account (FB + LN + TW) devoted to the project and use of mass media In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

Second report on social network

Second Report on Social Network Account (FB + LN + TW) devoted to the project and use of mass media in Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

Three-dimensional Matrix

Three-dimensional Matrix In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak,Spanish

Multimedia Handbook for Pablic Administration on BIM

Multimedia Handbook (In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish) for Public Administration on BIM implementation strategy and rules

Project Videos

Project Videos (trailers and registration of events) In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish

E-learning Courses for Technicians
E-contents for Technicians on how to read BIM models

E-contents (In Croatian, Dutch, English, Estonian, Italian, Latvian, Slovak, Spanish) for Technicians (Installers and Maintainers) on how to read BIM


Il Progetto Europeo Net-Ubiep

Author(s): Rosso Claudio
Published in: Qualità, Issue 1.500 Copies - 06-2017, 2017, ISSN 2037-4186
Publisher: AICQ Nazionale

La Matrice delle Competenze BIM - Il Progetto Net-Ubiep

Author(s): Rosso Claudio
Published in: Qualità, Issue 1.500 Copies - 06-2018, 2018, ISSN 2037-4186
Publisher: AICQ Nazionale

Kontrola i osiguranje kvalitetne energetske obnove vanjske ovojnice zgrada

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: Zbornik radova 13. Dana Hrvatske komore inženjera građevinarstva, Issue yearly, 2018
Publisher: Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers

New competences for the construction sector to achieve NZEBs

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: Proceedings of the conference: Energy Efficiency in Buildings - for a Better Tomorrow, Issue 27/09/2018, 2018
Publisher: Croatian Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning

Kako graditi i obnavljati zgrade do ZG0E? Zašto BIM?

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: Informativna radionica za predstavnike javnog sektora Zgrade gotovo nulte energije (ZG0E), Issue 22/05/2018, 2018
Publisher: Croatian Chamber of Commerce

Pametne zgrade - građevinski izazov

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: Zbornik radova 13. Dana Hrvatske komore inženjera građevinarstva, Issue yearly, 2018
Publisher: Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers

Fit-to-nZEB & BIM

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: BIM-om do energetske učinkovitosti - energetska obnova zgrada i nZEB, Issue yearly, 2018
Publisher: The City of Zagreb

Izvođenje zgrada gotovo nulte energije

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: 5. konferencija Hrvatske udruge krovopokrivača - zgrade gotovo nulte energije, Issue yearly, 2018
Publisher: Croatian roofers association

Pametne zgrade - arhitektonsko graditeljski ili strojarski izazov

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: Zgrade gotovo nulte energije (nZEB) / povezivanjem znanosti, inovacija i gospodarstva, Issue yearly, 2018
Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture

Korištenje BIM pristupa za povećanje energetske učinkovitosti u zgradama - projekt Net-UBIEP

Author(s): Burcar Dunović, Ivana; Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: 2. međunarodna BIM konferencija, Issue yearly, 2018
Publisher: Croatian Chamber of Architects

Primjeri uspješnih projekata, projekti Fit-to-Nzeb, Net-UBIEP

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: Informativni dan za Obzor 2020. Sigurna, čista i učinkovita energija (SC3), Issue 02/10/2017, 2017
Publisher: Agency for mobility and EU programmes

Network for Using BIM to Increase the Energy Performance

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: 40th jubilee international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics, Issue yearly, 2017
Publisher: Croatian MIPRO society

Pametna gradnja pametnih zgrada

Author(s): Milovanović, Bojan
Published in: 10. dani Pasivne kuće u Hrvatskoj, Issue yearly, 2017
Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture

Empirical study of BIM-based building life cycle: case of Net-UBIEP project

Author(s): Tatjana Vilutiene
Published in: 29th European Conference on Operational Research – EURO 2018, Issue 26/06/2018, 2018
Publisher: 29th European Conference on Operational Research – EURO 2018

Construction project stakeholders’ perceptions and expectations of their roles in BIM-based collaboration

Author(s): Arvydas Kiaulakis, Tatjana Vilutienė, Vaidotas Šarka, Edita Šarkienė
Published in: "The proceedings of the 13th international conference ""Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques"" (MBMST 2019)", Issue 16/05/2019, 2019, Page(s) 588-594, ISBN 978-609-476-197-3
Publisher: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
DOI: 10.3846/mbmst.2019.036

Public authorities’ attitude and perception regarding use of BIM for information management

Author(s): Arvydas Kiaulakis, Tatjana Vilutienė, Vaidotas Šarka
Published in: The Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2019 in the context of the 13th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2019. July 6 - 9, 2019, Orlando, Florida, USA, Issue 06/07/2019, 2019
Publisher: International Institute of Informatics and Systemics

Nove kompetencije za projektiranje i gradnju pasivnih kuća

Author(s): Bojan Milovanović
Published in: 11th Passive house days in Croatia, Issue yearly, 2018
Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture


Published in: iNDiS 2018 Planning, design, construction and building renewal 14TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, Issue 14, 2018
Publisher: Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad

Priprema građevinskog sektora za nZEB

Author(s): Bojan Milovanović
Published in: Zgrade 2020+ Energetska učinkovitost i održivost zgrada nakon 2020., Issue yearly, 2018
Publisher: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering

Gradimo pametno

Author(s): Bojan Milovanović
Published in: 6th conference of the Croatian roofers association, Issue 1.3.2019, 2019
Publisher: Croatian Roofers Association

Possibilities of Using BIM for Deep Energy Renovation Analyses

Author(s): Sanjin Gumbarevic, Bojan Milovanovic, Marina Bagaric, Mergim Gaši
Publisher: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L.

Edukacijski okviri za BIM u NZEB okruženju

Author(s): Ivana Burcar Dunovic
Published in: Zagreb Energy week, Issue yearly, 2019
Publisher: Green Building Council Croatia

BIM u projektima zelene gradnje

Author(s): Ivana Burcar Dunović
Published in: BUDUĆNOST UGODNOG STANOVANJA Energetska učinkovitost Održiva gradnja Obnovljivi izvori energije, Issue yearly, 2019
Publisher: SUPEUS


Publisher: Croatian Society for Quality

Fit-to-nZEB, Net-UBIEP, BIMzeED

Author(s): Bojan Milovanović
Published in: NZEB & BIM the New reality, 2019
Publisher: Green Building Council of Croatia

4D i 5D planiranje na Archicad modelu

Author(s): Ivana Burcar Dunovic
Published in: BIM Workflow radionica na ARCHICAD susretu korisnika 2019, 2019
Publisher: 3d Art

Zrakonepropusnost i infracrvena termografija kao važne mjere za postizanje kvalitete

Author(s): Bojan Milovanović
Published in: 14th days of Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers, Issue yearly, 2019
Publisher: Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers

Improving Competences of Engineers and Workers in the AEC Industry for Delivering NZEBs

Author(s): Sanjin Gumbarevic; Bojan Milovanovic; Marina Bagaric; Mergim Gasi1; Ivana Burcar Dunovic
Published in: 14th International conference Organization, technology and management in construction and 7th International project management association research - conference proceedings, Issue 14, 2019
Publisher: Croatian Association for Construction Management

HORIZON2020 program project No 54016 „Network for Using BIM to Increase the Energy Performance - Net-UBIEP“

Author(s): Tatjana Vilutiene
Published in: Website of EWG ORSDCE,, Issue 31/10/2018, 2018
Publisher: EURO Working Group on Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering

La Fundación Laboral comienza cinco nuevos proyectos europeos relacionados con la formación y la prevención en el sector de la construcción

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Web Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Issue 18/10/2018, 2018
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

Más de 75.000 trabajadores del sector se formaron en 2017 con la Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, un 12% más que en 2016

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Web Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Issue 04/07/2018, 2018
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

Atracción de los inversores privados hacia la eficiencia energética

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Web Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Issue 14/02/2018, 2018
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

La economía circular y la metodología BIM, principales tendencias para la mejora del sector de la construcción en un futuro próximo

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Web Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Issue 02/11/2017, 2017
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

La Fundación Laboral de la Construcción participa en el proyecto europeo Net-UBIEP, para el uso de BIM en la mejora del rendimiento energético de los edificios

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Blog Entorno BIM, Issue 24/10/2017, 2017
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

El servicio Entorno BIM cumple medio año con más de 30.000 visitas y más de 65.000 páginas vistas registradas en su web

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Web Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Issue 13/07/2017, 2017
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

La formación, una prioridad para el avance del ‘empleo verde’ en Europa

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Web Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Issue 01/06/2017, 2017
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

Net-Ubiep (2017-2019) Programa Horizon 2020 Proyecto para fomentar el incremento del rendimiento energético de los edificios mediante el uso de BIM

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Web Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Issue 07/2017 Permanent section of the Net-Ubiep project, in Spanish, 2017
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

Net-Ubiep (2017-2019) Horizon 2020 Program Project to encourage the increase of energy efficiency of buildings through the use of BIM

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Web Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Issue 07/2017 Permanent section of the Net-Ubiep project, in English, 2017
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción


Author(s): Tatjana Vilutiene
Published in: Web Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Issue 09/2017, 2017
Publisher: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

„Net-UBIEP“ projektas: bus kuriamas integruotas energinio efektyvumo ir BIM kompetencijų tinklas

Author(s): Tatjana Vilutiene
Published in: Web Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Issue 25/04/2019, 2019
Publisher: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Network for Using BIM to Increase the Energy Buildings Performance (Net-UBIEP)

Author(s): Tatjana Vilutiene
Published in: Newsletter of EWG ORSDCE - December 2019, Issue 12/2019, 2019, Page(s) 38-41
Publisher: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Network for using BIM to increase the energy performance (Net-UBIEP)

Author(s): Tatjana Vilutiene
Published in: Newsletter of EWG ORSDCE - December 2017, Issue 12/2017, 2017, Page(s) 39
Publisher: EURO Working Group on Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering

Un diálogo que construye. Memoria 2017

Author(s): Fundación Laboral de la Construcción
Published in: Un diálogo que construye. Memoria 2017 (Futuro con innovación), Issue 03/07/2018 Yearly, 2018, Page(s) 111 and 113
Publisher: Fundación Laboral de la Construcción

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