Periodic Reporting for period 1 - NanoLabels (Labelling of engineered nanomaterials for nanosafety tracing)
Reporting period: 2018-02-01 to 2020-01-31
A common solution for this problem involves the introduction of a tracer in the ENMs (“labelling”). A tracer maybe a fluorescence dye, a foreign element of low natural abundance, or a less-abundant isotope (stable or radioactive) of the same constituent element(s) of the ENM. Labeling with fluorescent dye or exogenous radioactive isotopes, however, possibly modify and change the surface chemistry of ENMs and thus alter their environmental and biological behavior. The labels may also detach from the core ENMs and would thus not replicate the real behavior of ENMs. Using radioisotope labelling is of more limited applicability due to the hazards involved in handling a radioactive substance. Compared with the labeling methods above, stable isotope labeling is safer and more versatile. The tracers may be detected using most commonly highly sensitive ICP-MS analysis (or other techniques that can distinguish isotopes of the same element, e.g. SIMS/nano-SIMS, thus providing very sensitive signals that could distinguish them from endogenous background elements in a variety of samples. Stable isotope labeling has no quenching issue of labels, thus is very suitable for life-cycle monitoring of various products and also conduct trophic transfer experiments.
The objective of NanoLabels is to assign “ownership” or “source” to ENMs using different labelling techniques thereby enabling tracing of them in environment. The project not only helps scientific community to understand fundamental questions in nanosafety, i.e. the biological and environmental behaviour (uptake, translocation, transformation) by improving the tracing ability, but also provide labelling strategy that can be adopted by industry to facilitate applications such as nanosafety assessments before ENMs enter the market and environment, as well as for product authentication and tracking.
We expect the labelling strategies can be adopted by toxicologist and environmental scientist for their own study. We also expect that scaling up of the synthesis of stable isotope labelled ENMs could be tested, modified and standardized by industry for safer design of ENMs and for tracing studies of ENMs before entering into the market (playing also a role as quality control and counterfeiting agents).