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Risultati finali
Report on the assessment of how energy use data can assist lenders in their risk management.
Technical report with final recommendations for energy performance indicatorsReport detailing final recommendations on the energy performance indicators to be used in the definition of an energy efficient mortgage and definition and implementation roadmap for a ‘Building Energy Passport’.
Technical report reviewing literature and research on the impact of EE on probability of defaultReport covering in the field: (i) the state of play regarding existing research, knowledge and practice; (ii) the costs and barriers; (iii) recommendations relevant in the following WPs.
Technical report on the current state of play and costs/barriers in the definition of green valueReport covering in the field: (i) the state of play regarding existing research, knowledge and practice; (ii) the costs and barriers; (iii) recommendations relevant in the following WPs.
Technical report on the current state of play and costs/barriers in green mortgage financeReport covering in the field: (i) the state of play regarding existing research, knowledge and practice; (ii) the costs and barriers; (iii) recommendations relevant in the following WPs.
Summary of customer attitudinal research around energy efficient mortgage conceptReport on the first phase of the market research.
Roadmap for market implementation of the energy efficient mortgageReport defining the roadmap for the market implementation of the energy efficient mortgage.
Technical report on the econometrics assessment and resultsTechnical document reporting econometric analyses on available data and results.
Technical report on the portfolio analysis of banks’ loan portfoliosTechnical report describing the results of the extensive analysis of the loan portfolios of a representative number of banks, both in terms of structure (i.e. universal vs. specialised) and geography.
Report on Communication, dissemination, and community building Y2A detailed report describing the all the WP activities implemented at Month 24.
White paper on market best practicesReport collecting relevant recommendations for the four workstreams to be presented to European stakeholders working on these issues.
Report on stakeholder consultationReport detailing presentations and discussions during stakeholder consultation workshops organised to test the product.
Final report on the existing correlation between EE and the probability of defaultFinal report describing and substantiating, based on the bank portfolio analysis and the subsequent econometric assessment, the link between EE and probability of default.
Technical report on the methodology design to carry out portfolio analysisResponsibles: EMF-ECBC and UNIVE) Technical report describing the methodology to link a specific loan with the energy characteristics of the property backing that loan and the performance of that loan, in order to prepare the portfolio analysis.
Technical report on the complete design of the energy efficient mortgageA framework for an energy efficient mortgage, covering integration of EE in conversations between lenders and borrowers, deployment of EE parameters for use in affordability calculations and contractual considerations.
Report on Communication, dissemination, and community building Y1A detailed report describing the all the WP activities implemented at Month 12. Following on from the EeDaPP Project on 1 March 2018 and given the synergies between EeMAP and EeDaPP, the EeMAP communication and dissemination strategy will be updated and reported in the deliverable.
Report on the state of play and evidence base on ‘green value’Report describing the perception of valuers regarding EE value drivers in a number of European countries and the attributes which have a potential impact on market value, mortgage lending value, investment worth and credit risk
Technical report on the current state of play and costs/barriers in EE measurement indicatorsReport covering in the field: (i) the state of play regarding existing research, knowledge and practice; (ii) the costs and barriers; (iii) recommendations relevant in the following WPs.
Archive of relevant research resourcesCollection of relevant scientific and technical papers and other research resources related to the WP.
Create and maintain a Project web site on a .EU domain that will be regularly updated. This will offer general information about the Project, its partners and the H2020 Programme. It informs about previous and forthcoming events and activities of the Project as well as other relevant news on Project topics. EeMAP website is used for the internal Consortium (Reserved Area), for dissemination towards stakeholders (Registered Area &Project Platform) and for public dissemination (Public Area).
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