Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ANCAVE (Anchialine caves to understand evolutionary processes)
Période du rapport: 2017-11-01 au 2019-10-31
The overall objectives of ANCAVE was to test empirical observations on peculiarities of animals living in anchialine systems, analysing them with macroecological and phylogenetic approaches in the field of evolutionary ecology, comparative evolution and island biogeography.
Moving at the community level, we analysed the potential drivers of species composition and biogeographic features in different anchialine caves, including those of Los Cerebros and Atlantida in Lanzarote in the Canary Islands.
Regarding the evolutionary aspects, we focused on annelids, and we investigated the general phylogeny and evolutionary trajectories of a genus of scaleless scale worms, the anophthalmia and elongation of body appendages in cave scale worms, and the evolution of cave suspension feeding in a family of annelids.
The results of the project were exploited to create awareness on the unique ecological systems of anchialine caves, with interviews with local radios at press conferences, publication of books and chapters on book for tourists and stakeholders involved in such habitats. The dissemination strategies for the scientific communities included the organisation of a workshop on anchialine microscopic animals, and of a whole meeting on anchialine systems, which attracted several participants from all over the world.
In addition to the massive activity of compiling the database, for each group of species present in the dataset, multilocus phylogenies are being obtained, in order to address ecological and evolutionary questions on anchialine systems at the largest scale.
The socio-economic impact of these results are clearly visible in the implementation of protection strategies in the Global UNESCO Geopark in Lanzarote and the Chinijo Islands, which now uses as a mascot for merchandising a puppet of the endemic crab living in the anchialine systems of the island.
Particular emphasis has been placed in the dissemination of the results of ANCAVE, both to the general public and amongst research peers. The results were showcased in two international conference: the 24th International Conference of Subterranean Biology (Aveiro, Portugal), with one oral communication and a poster, as well the 4th International Symposium for Anchialine Ecosystems, organized by the researcher in Lanzarote, with nine communications. Additionally, the researcher has been invited to give seminars, sometimes as part of workshops, at the University of Basel (Switzerland), the University of Belfast (United Kingdom), Moscow State University (Russia), Federal University of Parana (Brazil), and University of the Azores (Portugal), where part of the results of the project were presented to colleagues, university students, and the general public.