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Towards a learning building sector by setting up a large-scale and flexible qualification methodology integrating technical, cross-craft and BIM related skills and competences

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Stakeholders map

Stakeholders map to to facilitate the cross-trades and cross-level dialogue among stakeholder and promote the integrated design approach the BIMplement consortium will setup an international stakeholder network involved in the development and implementation of the BIMplement methodology and materials. Language: English


Brochures and articles in scientific and dissemination journals Language: English

Presentations on workshops on international conference

Presentations on workshops on international conference. It is envisaged to have a contribution to at least 2 international conferences. The presentations of the project results will be independent from the training events, as they have different scopes and target groups. Language: English

BIMplement corporate identity

BIMplement corporate identity (brand for the project) – corporate colors, logo, type face, tool templates, Language: English

Update of PROF/TRAC open training platform with the project results

Update of PROF/TRAC open training platform with the project results. The BIMplement methodology, the matrix, the enhanced tools, supporting methods and means for the target groups, training courses, guides developed during the project will be integrated into or connected with the PROF/TRAC platform. First uploads and agreements in place in month 15 Language: English If applicable (for example national materials): native language

Contribution to common H2020 activities in agreement with EASME
Production and maintenance of website and sub sites

Production and maintenance of website. It will be linked or be embedded with the user surface of the PROF/TRAC training platform and repository, with the co-operation of all other partners regarding content provision and site population Language: total site in English and French Subsites in Dutch, Lithuanian, Polish and Spanish

Methodology guide on qualification methodology, raising awareness methodology and methods and supports for contractors

Methodology guide on qualification methodology, raising awareness methodology and methods and supports for contractors Language: English

Final report on Communication activities

Final report on Communication activities Language: English

Implementation service concept

Implementation service concept . The service concept will show the possible alternatives paths, approaches, and tools on how the methodologies could be applied in particular organisational settings. Language: English

BIMplement KIT

This pedagogical kit is intended for companies in which one or more persons will have been trained through the BIMplement process. Following an additional one-day training, and with the help of the pedagogical tools included in the “BIMplement kit”, these persons will be able to deliver a basic training to their colleagues on “how to use a BIM model for on-site blue collar workers”. This KIT is a valuable document will also help these “company inner trainers” to convince their management of the importance of BIM use on site by Blue collar workers and on-site trainings. This “BIMplement kit” will also be a part of the “self-instruction BIMplement guide”, due in WP5, and participate in replication and dissemination. The “BIMplement KIT” is expected to be produced during the time extension in the WP4, in order to increase the number of blue collars trained.

Elaborated quality control and qualification matrix for ventilation and air tightness

Elaborated quality control and qualification matrix for ventilation and air tightness. These qualifications will be elaborated in detail for trades and professions involved in ventilation technologies and air tight building. Language: English

Dissemination and Communication Plan

Dissemination and Communication Plan. The Plan will constitute the core document outlining the activities at the basis of the project’s dissemination and communication activities as well as the guidelines for developing a business plan for market deployment. and The draft is ready in month 6. Final update month 30 Language: English

Tools, training content and qualification schemes for BIM work place trainers

Tools, training content and qualification schemes for BIM work place trainers. Language: English and native language.

Replication and exploitation plan

Replication and exploitation plan. This includes a business plan to continue the BIMplement activities after the project duration Language: English

Selected tool and learning methods, implemented in the five national frameworks

Selected tool and learning methods, implemented in the five national frameworks. Tools and learning methods will be selected to implement this content (in work package 4). Language: General frameworkEnglish National adapted versions in French, Dutch, Lithuanian, Spanish, Polish

Filled Qualification Framework

Filled Qualification Framework. This includes is a complete overview of the professional activities and related skills and competences for all professions involved in realizing ventilation systems and air tight building for nZEB projects, throughout all project phases. Language: General frameworkEnglish

Five national results of usability testing

Five national results of usability testing in which the methodology and the results of the iterations in T2.1 are discussed with national stakeholders. If needed one or two iterations of fine-tuning the methodology and the results will be executed. Language: General frameworkEnglish National adapted versions in French, Dutch, Lithuanian, Spanish, Polish

Overview of possibilities to connect the tools and learning methods to the BIM models & process

Overview of possibilities to connect the tools and learning methods to the BIM models & process. The actual implementation within the selected tools and learning methods will be performed. This includes connecting databases with learning content to the BIM-model(s) and the selected learning tools. Language: English

Methodology guide and tools for awareness campaign

Methodology guide and tools for awareness campaigns Language: General frameworkEnglish National adapted versions in French, Dutch, Lithuanian, Spanish, Polish

Adjusted methodology for a BIM-enhanced Qualification Framework including an instruction guide

Adjusted methodology for a BIM-enhanced Qualification Framework including an instruction guide. This includes that the method itself will be translated in an easy to use database including a web based interface. This database will be accessible also with an API (application programming interface) to enable BIM-tools to make use of it. Language: English

A self-instruction guide for implementing new technical or conceptual topics and for implementation in other Member States

A self-instruction guide for implementing new technical or conceptual topics and for implementation in other Member States. This is a methodology guide on qualification methodology, raising awareness methodology and methods and supports for contractors. Language: English

List of criteria and of the selected territories

List of criteria and of the selected territories with a distinction of two kind of pilots; the pilot field labs and the pilot experimental sites. This ‘training provision’ will be made territory specific, by using available local funding possibilities, space in calls for tenders. Language: General frameworkEnglish National adapted versions in French, Dutch, Lithuanian, Spanish, Polish

Inventory of available content, training and exercises connected with the Matrices, implemented in the five national frameworks

Inventory of available content, training and exercises connected with the Matrices, implemented in the five national frameworks Language: General frameworkEnglish National adapted versions in French, Dutch, Lithuanian, Spanish, Polish

Methodology for a BIM-enhanced Qualification Framework

Methodology for a BIM-enhanced Qualification Framework. This concerns a EU Qualification framework that combines nZEB technology related qualifications, interdisciplinary and cross-trade qualifications and BIM process related qualifications. Language: General frameworkEnglish National adapted versions in French, Dutch, Lithuanian, Spanish, Polish



Author(s): María José Esparza-Arbona, Miriam Navarro-Escudero, Begoña Serrano-Lanzarote, Jan Cromwijk, Peter Op' T Veld
Published in: EDULEARN20 Proceedings, 2020, Page(s) 4646-4653, ISBN 978-84-09-17979-4
Publisher: IATED
DOI: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1224

Can BIM be used for smart upskilling professions involved in the construction process?

Author(s): Ana Tisov, Peter Op ’t Veld, Jan Cromwijk, Henri Le Marois
Published in: edp sciences, 2019
Publisher: edp sciences

Qualified professionals with BIM skills: European project H2020 BIMplement

Author(s): María José Esparza, Miriam Navarro, Begoña Serrano
Published in: Libro de Comunicaciones y Proyectos VI Congreso Edificios Energía Casi Nula, Issue yearly, 2019, Page(s) 109 - 113, ISBN 9781692234782
Publisher: Grupo Tecma Red SL

Introduction to the H2020 BIMplement project -Towards a learning building sector for enhanced quality control by setting up a qualification methodology integrating technical, cross-trade and BIM related skills and competences

Author(s): AnaTisov, Peter Op 't Veld, Jan Cromwijk, Henri Le Morois
Published in: The REHVA European HVAC Journal, Issue Volume 55, issue 5 October 2018, 2018, Page(s) 7-11, ISSN 1307-3729

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