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Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification Neutralization

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ALADDIN (Advanced hoListic Adverse Drone Detection, Identification Neutralization)

Reporting period: 2019-03-01 to 2020-12-31

The world is witnessing the soaring production of drones and small UAVs in emerging markets for consumer and civil applications. Drones are being deployed in great numbers and at lower costs and this trend will continue for many years to come.
This proliferation is however generating serious security issues. There are many recent examples of drones flying over critical infrastructures (CI), such as airports, nuclear plants, official buildings, or during public events.
UAVs can represent passive or active threats of criminal activities or terrorism by 1) collecting intelligence information in order to prepare malicious actions; 2) using payloads to transport explosives; 3) causing serious collision threats like around airports.
It is therefore important for society to protect the citizens against such malevolent actions and their potential impacts as well as giving confidence that these emerging threats are taken into consideration and that associated measures are put in place to prevent or limit the threats posed by malicious drones.
ALADDIN ambitions are to deliver a leading and evolving solution for the detection and neutralization of threatening UAV in restricted areas.
ALADDIN’s main objective is to study and develop a state-of-the-art, global, and extensible platform to detect, localise, classify, and neutralize suspicious, and potentially multiple, light UAVs over restricted areas. This platform will be tailored to operational constraints such as easiness of use and deployment, quality of detection, or safety, in order to deliver unprecedented tools for operational support, including investigations, and training.
ALADDIN is also assessing relevant technologies, threat trends, regulations, and other important issues such as societal, ethical, and legal (SoEL) frameworks in order to develop new knowledge made available to LEAs and infrastructure designers, constructors, and operators through innovative curricula.
=> Experiments conducted in the ATLAS experiment test centre.

=> Demonstration of the Beta version of the system on 7 February 2019.

=> Integration and validation of the final Aladdin platform. Actually done partly remotly due to CODIV19 and using some dedicated built simulation tools using previoulsy recorded dataset to feed the system under validation with real data (Results available in D8.x)

=> 2nd iteration of the End User training. Due to Covid19 situation an e-learning and in class system has been set up. 21 trainees successfully participated and completed ALADDIN trainings (trainees were end-users from Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Israel, Portugal, UK).
The feedback received was also positive:
- Trainees were very satisfied
- Training material provided by the consortium was sufficient, detailed, well-written, informative
- High-scores of learning evaluation (no single question with average feedback score below 4 out of 5).
(Detailed results in D9.x deliverables and technical periodi report)

=> The dissemniation activiy has allowed the Aladdin team to:
- Create and maintain the ALADDIN website with for example more than 4K unique visitors on the site (Google Analytics data)
- Publish 5 Newsletters in various languages (266 subscribers to the letter)
- Publish scientific papers (1 + 2 under publication and 4 under preparation)
- Create 2 videos available on the ALLADIN Website
- Create and animate an Open User Group
- Participate to Workshops, international tradeshows
- Participate to some Eruopean Standardisation and Regulation Working groups (Eurocae)

Detailed Results available in D2.x deliverables and technical periodic report)
Depiction of the ALADDIN platform with sensors suite, neutralisation means, and the C&C component