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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

An INtegrated next generation PREParedness programme for improving effective inter-organisational response capacity in complex environments of disasters and causes of crises

Descrizione del progetto

Strumenti innovativi per affrontare le crisi transfrontaliere

Le crisi transfrontaliere possono minacciare il buon funzionamento delle infrastrutture critiche e compromettere il benessere dei cittadini. Tre sfide urgenti richiedono un’attenzione immediata: la formazione e la pianificazione condivisa della risposta, la condivisione delle informazioni in tempo reale e il coordinamento dell’utilizzo delle risorse. Il progetto IN-PREP, finanziato dall’UE, mira a dimostrare un programma innovativo per migliorare la preparazione alle catastrofi. Il progetto fornirà ai portatori di interessi una completa implementazione di riferimento di una piattaforma di pianificazione e formazione a realtà mista chiamata Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform. Il nuovo strumento si basa su una tecnologia informatica innovativa e su raccomandazioni per le operazioni di coordinamento attraverso il Manuale delle operazioni transfrontaliere di preparazione e risposta, che incorpora lezioni e liste di controllo tratte da incidenti passati e risultati di progetti.


European countries confront the rising specter of transboundary crises, which cross national borders as well as policy boundaries with speed and ease, threatening the continuing functioning of critical infrastructures and the well-being of many citizens. Transboundary crises pose a specific set of complex challenges for which Europe is – despite recent policy initiatives (e.g. Decision No 1313/2013/EU) – still ill prepared. We recognize three challenges that need urgent attention. First, member states need to develop shared response planning. Second, countries need to share information in real time. This sense-making challenge requires a way to have multiple countries and agencies create a shared picture of an emerging crisis based on multiple sources (different countries, many agencies). Third, countries need to coordinate the use of critical resources to ensure a timely response and to avoid waste and misspending. These challenges are hard to meet in any type of crisis or disaster, but especially in a transboundary context that lacks a dominant actor. IN-PREP will establish and demonstrate a next generation programme by enabling a reference implementation of coordination operations (Handbook of Transboundary Preparedness and Response Operations that synthesises the lessons learnt, recommendations, check-lists from past incidents) and a training platform (Mixed Reality Preparedness Platform a novel IT-based tool, which holistically integrates Information Systems (IS) and Situational Awareness (SA) modules over a decision support mechanism and the visualisation of assets and personnel) to the entirety of civil protection stakeholders (firefighting units, medical emergency services, police forces, civil protection units, control command centres, assessment experts) to meet these challenges. The proposed framework will not only improve preparedness and planning but can be also applied during joint interventions, thus improving the joint capacity to respond.

Campo scientifico (EuroSciVoc)

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 018 860,00
106 82 ATHINA

Mostra sulla mappa

Αττική Aττική Κεντρικός Τομέας Αθηνών
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 1 018 860,00

Partecipanti (20)