Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AutoMonoDroplet (Development of a commercially-viable system for the automatic generation of high-throughput well-defined microdroplets)
Reporting period: 2017-09-01 to 2018-08-31
Fig. 1. Microfluidic chip for monodisperse droplet production.
On the other hand, monodisperse emulsions can be produced, manipulated and analyzed using microfluidics. This technique is employed in chemistry, biology, genomics, proteomics, pharmaceuticals, bio-defense and other areas where small quantities of liquids are involved and rapid analysis is required. The biggest advantages of microfluidics are production of monodisperse droplets and the small quantities of material required, reducing costs of expensive reagents. This is achieved by producing emulsions in micrometer sized channels in a droplet-by-droplet manner at kHz rates (Fig. 1). However, to have very high uniformity of the droplets, flow of the liquids and droplets size has to be monitored and regulated very rapidly, according to changing conditions. This is possible only by fully automated droplet production system, which can monitor droplet size, adjust flow rates and pressures of the liquids to compensate for any changes in the droplet production system and to maintain very high droplet production uniformity for long periods of time at the same time producing high amounts of monodisperse emulsions.
In this project fully automated droplet production system, which can monitor droplet size, adjust flow rates and pressures of the liquids to compensate for any changes in the droplet production system to maintain very high droplet production uniformity for long periods of time was developed (Fig 2).
Fig. 2. The principal scheme of droplet production and monitoring system with the feedback to regulate droplet size.
During this project a lot of work has been done to achieve goals of the project, starting from market research to final device preparation for the market launch. The market research showed, that there is only few competitors in the field and they don’t have any similar solution for the problem. At the same time it was obvious that the market need such a device to stabilize droplets size especially when producing droplets for the long periods of time. Afterwards the droplet detection system together with size measurement system hardware was developed and the control software with the feedback loop was perfected. Thus with all these systems final product was prepared and is ready for the market launch (Fig 3.).
Fig. 3. System for producing highly monodisperse droplets.