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Risultati finali
"The Deliverable is the main output of Tasks 1.2. The report includes basic guidelines to determine how culturally competent robots are expected to behave in assistive scenarios, which will be refined in Task 1.3 through expert evaluation and later represented in the framework for cultural knowledge representation in Task 1.4. Guidelines take inspiration from existing guidelines for culturally competent nursing care, endorsed, expanded and adapted to describe the desired ""attitude"" of a cultural competent robot towards the user."
Detailed scenariosThe Deliverable is the main output of Task 1.1. The detailed scenarios are produced starting from original CARESSES case studies described in the proposal, by updating, refining, and expanding them. Detailed scenarios are described in a proper formalism that will be defined in the course of Task 1.1. In each scenario, interaction patterns that are prototypical of real-life situations are identified, by classifying the required robotic skills and taking into account technological constraints.
Scientific Publications on International Journals and Conferences (year 2)The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 8.3. The deliverable includes all scientific publications submitted to international journals or conference by partners in year 2, as well as a description of special sessions or workshop organized.
Report on re-configuration of the robot’s verbal and non-verbal behaviorThe Deliverable is the output of Task 4.1, 4.5. The report describes the re-configuration of the robot’s verbal and non-verbal behavior to reflect the cultural identity of the user, including the usage of NAOqi APIs and Choreographe suite (possibly expanded taking inspiration from PERSONAGE and the BEAT toolkit) to express the robot personality through languages, gestures, and changes of postures.
Final report on WP5The report describes the overall research activity performed in WP5 (including system-level integration of CARESSES modules), by outlining the results of evaluation and benchmarking, the contribution of each individual partner, identified risks and contingency plans, changes in the scheduling of activities, conflicts (if any) and decision taken, etc.
Final report on WP8The report describes the overall activity performed in WP8, by outlining the contribution of each individual partner, identified risks and contingency plans, changes in the scheduling of activities, conflicts (if any) and decision taken, etc.
Report on cultural knowledge reasoningThe Deliverable is the output of Tasks 2.1, 2.3. The report describes the development of culturally aware reasoning services operating on the cultural knowledge base. Different solutions will be explored in WP2, and this process will be documented in the report. Notice that the prototypical software modules developed in WP2 and described in this deliverable will be released as a separate deliverable after refining, refactoring, and packaging them.
Final report on WP1The report describes the overall research activity performed in WP1, by outlining the contribution of each individual partner, identified risks and contingency plans, changes in the scheduling of activities, conflicts (if any) and decision taken, etc.
Report on cultural knowledge acquisition and updatingThe Deliverable is the output of Tasks 2.1, 2.4. The report describes the development of procedures as well as Application Programming Interfaces for cultural knowledge base creation and updating. Two solutions will be explored, and this process will be documented in the report: i) knowledge provided a priori by experts in the field, focussing on software tools, languages and training procedures to allow cultural knowledge encoding; ii) knowledge acquired in run-time through robot-user interaction, focussing on the procedures required by the robot to autonomously perform a cultural assessment of the user (including questions / answers and other verbal / non-verbal interaction patterns). Notice that the prototypical software modules developed in WP2 and described in this deliverable (including methods for cultural knowledge acquisition and updating) will be released as a separate deliverable after refining, refactoring, and packaging them.
Final report on WP2The report describes the overall research activity performed in WP2, by outlining the results of evaluation and benchmarking, the contribution of each individual partner, identified risks and contingency plans, changes in the scheduling of activities, conflicts (if any) and decision taken, etc.
Report on the integration of the cultural knowledge baseThe Deliverable is the output of Task 5.1, 5.2. The report describes the implementation, in the universAAL application layer, of the framework for cultural knowledge representation developed in WP2. Two approaches will be explored and compared, i) Distributing the cultural knowledge base across different nodes of the network and ii) centralizing the cultural knowledge base on a single node of the network: this process will be documented the report.
Report on basic motions and perceptionsThe Deliverable is the output of Task 4.1, 4.3. The report describes the new motion and perceptual capabilities of the robot that will be implemented by expanding the Pepper’s NAOqi APIs. Motion behaviors will include navigation, new proxemics behavior to gets closer or farther from the user as required, as well as new robot gestures and postures. Perceptual capabilities will include the capability to recognize relevant objects or location of the environment, as well as the capability to infer the user’s emotion and intentions.
Scientific Publications on International Journals and Conferences (year 1)The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 8.3. The deliverable includes all scientific publications submitted to international journals or conference by partners in year 1, as well as a description of special sessions or workshop organized.
Report about testing in the iHouseScientific Publications on International Journals and Conferences (year 3)
The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 8.3. The deliverable includes all scientific publications submitted to international journals or conference by partners in year 3, as well as a description of special sessions or workshop organized.
Periodic technical, management and cost reports. (third reporting period)The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 9.1. It includes technical, management and cost reports produced in the third reporting period.
Report on robot-user verbal interactionThe Deliverable is the output of Task 4.1, 4.2. The report describes the development of methods for robot-user verbal interaction, by using off-the-shelf rule-based dialogue systems for speech recognition and synthesis (e.g., the NAOqi Dialog and Chat modules, embedded in the Pepper robot and available in different languages including English, Greek, and Japanese). Different interaction modalities (based on the recognition of relevant keywords and on multiple-choice dialogue) will be explored, both speech-based and touchscreen-based, and this process will be documented in the report.
Report on integrated, culturally sensitive planning and executionThe Deliverable is the output of Task 3.4. The report describes the process of integrating culturally sensitive planning and execution, producing a robot able to autonomously decide whether cultural norms and preferences should be enforced during planning or during execution, or both. Notice that prototypical software modules developed in WP3 and described in this deliverable will be released as a separate deliverable after refining, refactoring, and packaging them.
Report on the integration of heterogeneous devices and networksThe Deliverable is the output of Task 5.1, 5.3. The report describes the integration, in universAAL, of new heterogeneous nodes (distributed sensors, devices, multimodal interfaces, as well as the robot) that are possibly handled by different Operating Systems, programmed in different languages, and communicate on the network using different communication media. Also, the report describes how proper services are built in the application layer of universAAL in order to allow bridging between universAAL and ECHONET, used by CARESSES Japanese partners in their iHouse facility.
Report on culturally sensitive planningThe Deliverable is the output of Task 3.1, 3.2. The report describes the development of planning techniques to account for constraints induced by the cultural bias as well as individual preferences, leading to the contextual exclusion or inclusion of actions. Different solutions will be explored in WP3, and this process will be documented in the report. Notice that the prototypical software modules developed in WP3 and described in this deliverable (including methods for culture-aware planning) will be released as a separate deliverable after refining, refactoring, and packaging them.
Report on assessment of the user’s personality traitsThe Deliverable is the output of Task 4.1, 4.4. The report describes the process of assessing the user’s personality traits based on user’s daily activities, manners, and habits. The usage of lightweight wearable sensors or distributed sensors in the smart ICT environment (as a support for detecting activities, manners and habits) will be reported in the document.
Final report on WP7The report will describe the research activity performed in WP7. It will describe the results of the quantitative and qualitative data analysis including all pre and post mean and standard deviation outcome scores. It will also describe the contribution of each individual partner, identified risks and contingency plans, changes in the scheduling of activities, conflicts (if any) and decisions taken, all of which will provide clarity over the feasibility of running such a trial and will constitute useful guidelines for future similar trials.
Report on cultural knowledge representationThe Deliverable is the output of Tasks 2.1, 2.2. The report describes the development of methods for cultural knowledge representation (i.e., for storing cultural knowledge and providing access to it). Different solutions will be explored in WP2, and this process will be documented in the report. Notice that the prototypical software modules developed in WP2 and described in this deliverable will be released as a separate deliverable after refining, refactoring, and packaging them.
Final Report on WP3The report describes the overall research activity performed in WP3, by outlining the results of evaluation and benchmarking, the contribution of each individual partner, identified risks and contingency plans, changes in the scheduling of activities, conflicts (if any) and decision taken, etc.
Report on culturally sensitive plan executionThe Deliverable is the output of Task 3.1, 3.3. The report describes the development of methods for culturally-sensitive plan execution and monitoring, i.e., for parametrizing actions in a given plan according to cultural norms and personal preferences. Different solutions will be explored in WP3, and this process will be documented in the report. Notice that the prototypical software modules developed in WP3 and described in this deliverable (including methods for culturally-sensitive plan execution) will be released as a separate deliverable after refining, refactoring, and packaging them.
Final report on WP4The report describes the overall research activity performed in WP4, by outlining the results of evaluation and benchmarking, the contribution of each individual partner, identified risks and contingency plans, changes in the scheduling of activities, conflicts (if any) and decision taken, etc.
Final report on WP6The report describes the overall research activity performed in WP6, by outlining the contribution of each individual partner, identified risks and contingency plans, changes in the scheduling of activities, conflicts (if any) and decision taken, etc.
The Deliverable is the output of Task 6.1. The deliverable includes the protocol that describes the screening, recruitment, testing and analytical procedures to be performed in WP6, as well as the modified interRAI screening tool, the structured interview instruments (client and informal caregivers versions), and semi-structured interview schedules.
Open Source release: framework for cultural knowledge representationThe Deliverable is the output of Task 2.6. It includes the framework for cultural knowledge representation and reasoning developed in this WP, released as part of the CARESSES Open Source heritage software repository. The software will consist in one or more Open Source components to be executed in the application layer of universAAL.
Open Source release: software for culturally sensitive planning and executionThe Deliverable is the output of Task 3.6. It includes the software modules for culture-aware planning and plan execution developed in this WP, released as part of the CARESSES Open Source heritage software repository. The software will consist in one or more Open Source components to be executed in the application layer of universAAL.
Media Packages, including infographics and videos (year 2)The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 8.3. The deliverable includes all communication products that have been prepared in year 2 with the support of a professional company with expertise in scientific communication.
Open source release: Cloud-based applications for cultural competenceThe Deliverable is the output of Task 5.1, 5.4. It includes software modules (for cultural representation and reasoning as well as for culturally sensitive planning and execution) properly expanded and updated to retrieve information from the Cloud, released as part of the CARESSES Open Source heritage software repository. The software will consist in one or more Open Source components to be executed in the application layer of universAAL.
Media Packages, including infographics and videos (year 1)The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 8.3. The deliverable includes all communication products that have been prepared in year 1 with the support of a professional company with expertise in scientific communication.
Collected data in the pre- and post-testing phasesThe Deliverable is the output of Tasks 7.1, 7.2. The deliverable includes all the data acquired during pre- and post-testing structured interviews as well as post-testing qualitative semi-structured interviews with clients and their informal caregivers. Data include results of: i) Client perception of the system's cultural competence (CCATool); ii) Client and informal caregiver health related quality of life (SF-36); iii) Caregivers burden (ZBI); iv) Client satisfaction about the system’s efficiency and effectiveness (QUIS); v) Qualitative semi-structured interviews. The data will be made openly available after the material have been used for scientific publications (according with the Data Management Plan).
Collected data of robot-user encounters and reportThe Deliverable is the output of Tasks 6.2, 6.3. The deliverable includes all the data acquired during test procedures with clients allocated to the test and control groups (Pepper robot with and without cultural customization), including logs of the encounters between robots and end-users during tests: sensor data, dialogue transcripts, videos (by obscuring the user’s identity). The data will be made openly available after the material have been used for scientific publications (according with the Data Management Plan).
Open Source release: software for culturally aware interactionThe Deliverable is the output of Task 4.7. It includes the software modules for culture-aware human-robot interaction developed in this WP, released as part of the CARESSES Open Source heritage software repository. The software will consist in one or more Open Source components to be executed in the application layer of universAAL.
Refined guidelines for cultural competence encoded in the cultural knowledge baseThe Deliverable is the main output of Task 1.3 and 1.4. It consists in a formal, machine processable, representation of the cultural knowledge acquired in WP1, using the software tools for knowledge representations that have been developed in WP2, in order to make such knowledge available as an input to the assistive system.
Media Packages, including infographics and videos (year 3)The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 8.3. The deliverable includes all communication products that have been prepared in year 3 with the support of a professional company with expertise in scientific communication.
Internal web-site (updated during the project)The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 8.1. The deliverable includes the internal Web-Site with reserved areas for sharing software, data, protocols, internal and scientific and budgetary reports and any other communication among the projects participants.
Details about the data to be deposited and their scheduling will be given in the Data Management Plan (to be released in month 5) and subsequent updates if required. At present time, the data to be made available prior to the end of the Project are expected to include: - Cultural knowledge encoded with formal tools for knowledge representation; - Planning domains, meaning the knowledge used by the culturally sensitive planner, together with examples of the culturally-sensitive solutions that they produce; - Logs of the encounters between robots and end-users during tests: sensor data, movements performed by the robot, dialogue transcripts, videos (by taking measures in order to comply with ethical requirements in terms of privacy of data); - Results of software benchmarking activities. Additional data that underpins published research findings and/or will be judged by the Participant that produced them to have longer-term value might be released before and after the end of the project.
Data Management Plan (updated during the project)The Deliverable is the output of Tasks 8.2. The deliverable includes the Data Management Plan, according to the requirements of the pilot on Open Research Data (to which CARESSES takes part).
Thi Le Quyen Dang, Sungmoon Jeong, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2017 3rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), 2017, Pagina/e 65-70, ISBN 978-1-5090-6088-7
Tanapol Prucksakorn, Sungmoon Jeong, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
Proc. International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2017, Pagina/e 867-876
Springer International Publishing
Yuto Lim, Sin Yee Lim, Minh Dat Nguyen, Cheng Li, Yasuo Tan
Pubblicato in:
2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2017, Pagina/e 56-61, ISBN 978-1-5090-3056-9
Roberto Menicatti, Barbara Bruno, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2017, Pagina/e 32-38, ISBN 978-1-5090-3056-9
Thi Le Quyen Dang, Nguyen Tan Viet Tuyen, Sungmoon Jeong, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017, Pagina/e 547-552, ISBN 978-1-5386-3518-6
Zhihao Shen, Sungmoon Jeong, Hosun Lee, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2017 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA), 2017, Pagina/e 213-218, ISBN 978-1-5386-3154-6
Nicholas Melo and Jaeryoung Lee
Pubblicato in:
Proc. BAILAR, 2nd Workshop on Behavior Adaptation, Interaction and Learning for Assistive Robotics, 2017
BAILAR Workshop
Ha-Duong Bui, Cu Pham, Yuto Lim, Yasuo Tan, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
Proc. International Conference on Social Robotics, 2017, Pagina/e 314-323
Springer International Publishing
Pakpoom Patompak, Sungmoon Jeong, Itthisek Nilkhamhang, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2017, Pagina/e 26-31, ISBN 978-1-5090-3056-9
Van Cu Pham, Yuto Lim, Yasuo Tan, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2018, Pagina/e 1-4, ISBN 978-1-5386-3025-9
Nguyen Tan Viet Tuyen, Sungmoon Jeong, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2017, Pagina/e 45-50, ISBN 978-1-5090-3056-9
Zhihao Shen, Hosun Lee, Sungmoon Jeong, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2017 56th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE), 2017, Pagina/e 1169-1172, ISBN 978-4-907764-57-9
Nicholas Bastos Melo and Jaeryoung Lee
Pubblicato in:
Proc. 28th 2017 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science MHS2017, 2017
Barbara Bruno, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Federico Pecora, Antonio Sgorbissa, Alessandro Saffiotti
Pubblicato in:
2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2017, Pagina/e 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5090-6034-4
Barbara Bruno, Nak Young Chong, Hiroko Kamide, Sanjeev Kanoria, Jaeryoung Lee, Yuto Lim, Amit Kumar Pandey, Chris Papadopoulos, Irena Papadopoulos, Federico Pecora, Alessandro Saffiotti, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2017, Pagina/e 553-560, ISBN 978-1-5386-3518-6
Barbara Bruno, Roberto Menicatti, Carmine Recchiuto, Edouard Lagrue, Amit Kumar Pandey, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
Proc. 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR2018), 2018, Pagina/e 1-8
KROS Korea Robotics Society
Muhammad Hassan Tanveer, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
Proc. 15th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2018), 2018, Pagina/e 1-7
Uwe Kockemann, Ali Abdul Khaliq, Federico Pecora, Alessandro Saffiotti
Pubblicato in:
Proc. PlanRob, ICAPS'17, 2018
ICAPS 2018
Nguyen Tan Viet Tuyen, Sungmoon Jeong, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
Proc 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR 2018), 2018
Van Cu Pham, Yuto Lim, Yasuo Tan
Pubblicato in:
Proc. the IEICE Society Conference 2017, 2017
IEICE Society
Roberto Menicatti, Carmine T. Recchiuto, Barbara Bruno, Renato Zaccaria, Ali Abdul Khaliq, Uwe Kockemann, Federico Pecora, Alessandro Saffiotti, Ha-Duong Bui, Nak Young Chong, Yuto Lim, Van Cu Pham, Nguyen Tan Viet Tuyen, Nicholas Melo, Jaeryoung Lee, Maxime Busy, Edouard Lagrue, JeannMarc Montanier, Amit Kumar Pandey, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
2018 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO), 2018, Pagina/e 117-124, ISBN 978-1-5386-8037-7
Antonio Sgorbissa, Irena Papadopoulos, Barbara Bruno, Christina Koulouglioti, Carmine Recchiuto
Pubblicato in:
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018, Pagina/e 1988-1995, ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0
L. Battistuzzi, A. Sgorbissa, C. Papadopoulos, I. Papadopoulos, C. Koulouglioti
Pubblicato in:
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018, Pagina/e 1996-2001, ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0
Ali Abdul Khaliq, Uwe Kockemann, Federico Pecora, Alessandro Saffiotti, Barbara Bruno, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa, Ha-Duong Bui, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018, Pagina/e 326-332, ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0
Nguyen Tan Viet Tuyen, Sungmoon Jeong, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018, Pagina/e 2008-2013, ISBN 978-1-5386-8094-0
Zhihao Shen, Armagan Elibol, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2019, Pagina/e 578-579, ISBN 978-1-5386-8555-6
Zhihao Shen, Armagan Elibol, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 2019, Pagina/e 402-407, ISBN 978-1-7281-0064-7
Antonio Sgorbissa, Alessandro Saffiotti, Nak Young Chong, Linda Battistuzzi, Roberto Menicatti, Federico Pecora, Irena Papadopoulos, Amit Kumar Pandey, Hiroko Kamide, Christina Koulouglioti, Sanjeev Kanoria, Raffaele Mastrolonardo, Chris Papadopoulos, Len Merton, Jaeryoung Lee, Gurch Randhawa, Yuto Lim
Pubblicato in:
2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2019, Pagina/e 371-371, ISBN 978-1-5386-8555-6
Ha-Duong Bui, Thi Le Quyen Dang, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2019 7th International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA), 2019, Pagina/e 46-51, ISBN 978-1-7281-3118-4
Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Chris Papadopoulos, Tetiana Hill, Nina Castro, Barbara Bruno, Irena Papadopoulos, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2019, Pagina/e 1-8, ISBN 978-1-7281-2622-7
Ha-Duong Bui, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2019, Pagina/e 1263-1268, ISBN 978-1-7281-6321-5
Barbara Bruno, Nak Young Chong, Hiroko Kamide, Sanjeev Kanoria, Jaeryoung Lee, Yuto Lim, Amit Kumar Pandey, Chris Papadopoulos, Irena Papadopoulos, Federico Pecora, Alessandro Saffiotti, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
Ambient Assisted Living - Italian Forum 2017, Numero 540, 2019, Pagina/e 151-169, ISBN 978-3-030-04671-2
Springer International Publishing
Pham, Van Cu; Lim, Yuto; Bui, Ha-Duong; Tan, Yatsuo; Chong, Nak Young; Sgorbissa, Antonio
Pubblicato in:
Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2020), Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Numero Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1151, 2020
Springer Nature
M. Hassan Tanveer, Antonio Sgorbissa, Antony Thomas
Pubblicato in:
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - 15th International Conference, ICINCO 2018, Porto, Portugal, July 29-31, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, Numero 613, 2020, Pagina/e 429-447, ISBN 978-3-030-31992-2
Springer International Publishing
Hiroko Kamide, Tatsuo Arai
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Social Robotics, Numero 9/4, 2017, Pagina/e 537-543, ISSN 1875-4791
Springer Verlag
Irena Papadopoulos, Antonio Sgorbissa, Christina Koulouglioti
Pubblicato in:
Nursing Standard, Numero 31/51, 2017, Pagina/e 18-20, ISSN 2047-9018
Royal College of Nursing
Nicholas Melo, Jaeryoung Lee
Pubblicato in:
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Numero 9/1, 2018, Pagina/e 155-167, ISSN 2081-4836
De Gruyter
Amit Pandey, Rodolphe Gelin
Pubblicato in:
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2018, Pagina/e 1-1, ISSN 1070-9932
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Ting-Chia Chiang, Barbara Bruno, Roberto Menicatti, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Social Robotics, Numero 11/5, 2019, Pagina/e 797-814, ISSN 1875-4791
Springer Verlag
Barbara Bruno, Carmine Tommaso Recchiuto, Irena Papadopoulos, Alessandro Saffiotti, Christina Koulouglioti, Roberto Menicatti, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Renato Zaccaria, Antonio Sgorbissa
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Social Robotics, Numero 11/3, 2019, Pagina/e 515-538, ISSN 1875-4791
Springer Verlag
Irena Papadopoulos, Christina Koulouglioti, Sheila Ali
Pubblicato in:
Contemporary Nurse, Numero 54/4-5, 2018, Pagina/e 425-442, ISSN 1037-6178
eContent Management Pty Ltd
Irena Papadopoulos, Christina Koulouglioti
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Numero 50/6, 2018, Pagina/e 653-665, ISSN 1527-6546
Blackwell Publishing Inc.
Van Cu Pham, Yuto Lim, Antonio Sgorbissa, Yasuo Tan
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Information Processing, Numero 27/0, 2019, Pagina/e 360-368, ISSN 1882-6652
Information Processing Society of Japan
Pakpoom Patompak, Sungmoon Jeong, Itthisek Nilkhamhang, Nak Young Chong
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Social Robotics, 2019, ISSN 1875-4791
Springer Verlag
Irena Papadopoulos, Christina Koulouglioti, Runa Lazzarino, Sheila Ali
Pubblicato in:
BMJ Open, Numero 10/1, 2020, Pagina/e e033096, ISSN 2044-6055
BMJ Publishing Group
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