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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Levitation with localised tactile and audio feedback for mid-air interactions

Description du projet

Un affichage multimodal flottant dans l’espace

Nous utilisons actuellement de nombreuses applications basées sur l’interaction tactile et sans contact, mais elles n’offrent pas de retour d’information physique ni l’aspect physique global de l’expérience. Toutefois, cette situation est sur le point de changer grâce au projet Levitate, financé par l’UE. Son objectif est de développer le premier système d’interface physique qui révolutionnera l’expérience utilisateur. Le projet fera appel à l’audio paramétrique pour moduler les ondes sonores générées par des atomes en lévitation, ce qui permettra aux utilisateurs de contrôler le son audible générées. De plus, la projection d’images sur ces atomes fournira une couche supplémentaire de stimulation sensorielle, qui offrira une expérience unique aux spectateurs. Le prototype de Levitate ouvrira la voie à des interactions virtuelles très proches des interactions réelles, où la projection visuelle sur des objets crée un riche affichage multimodal flottant dans l’espace.


"This project will be the first to create, prototype and evaluate a radically new human-computer interaction paradigm that
empowers the unadorned user to reach into levitating matter, see it, feel it, manipulate it and hear it. Our users can interact
with the system in a walk-up-and-use manner without any user instrumentation.

As we are moving away from keyboards and mice to touch and touchless interactions, ironically, the main limit is the lack of
any physicality and co-located feedback. In this project, we propose a highly novel vision of bringing the physical interface to
the user in mid-air. In our vision, the computer can control the existence, form, and appearance of complex levitating objects
composed of ""levitating atoms"". Users can reach into the levitating matter, feel it, manipulate it, and hear how they deform it
with all feedback originating from the levitating object's position in mid-air, as it would with objects in real life. This will
completely change how people use technology as it will be the first time that they can interact with technology in the same
way they would with real objects in their natural environment.

We will draw on our understanding of acoustics to implement all of the components in a radically new approach. In particular,
we will draw on ultrasound beam-forming and manipulation techniques to create acoustic forces that can levitate particles
and to provide directional audio cues. By using a phased array of ultrasound transducers, the team will create levitating
objects that can be individually controlled and at the same time create tactile feedback when the user manipulates these
levitating objects. We will then demonstrate that the levitating atoms can each become sound sources through the use of
parametric audio with our ultrasound array serving as the carrier of the audible sound. We will visually project onto the objects to create a rich multimodal display floating in space."

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 703 993,88
G12 8QQ Glasgow

Voir sur la carte

Scotland West Central Scotland Glasgow City
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 703 993,88

Participants (6)