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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

INNovative Cost Improvements for BALANCE of Plant Components of Automotive PEMFC Systems

Descripción del proyecto

Desarrollo de componentes eficientes para vehículos de celdas de combustible

A fin de alcanzar los recientes objetivos en la lucha contra el cambio climático, las partes interesadas, los innovadores y los fabricantes de automóviles se están concentrando en el desarrollo de vehículos innovadores basados en celdas de combustible para mejorar la sostenibilidad. En consonancia con este objetivo, muchas personas están estudiando opciones de componentes que puedan reducir costes sin dejar de ser respetuosos con el medio ambiente. El equipo del proyecto INN-BALANCE, financiado con fondos europeos, pretende respaldar estos esfuerzos avanzando en la creación de una plataforma global de desarrollo integrado. Esta plataforma facilitará la investigación, el análisis y la producción de componentes vegetales esenciales para los vehículos basados en celdas de combustible. En última instancia, en el proyecto se pretende crear piezas altamente eficientes, rentables y respetuosas con el medio ambiente, cruciales para el éxito de los novedosos vehículos basados en celdas de combustible.


The aim of INN-BALANCE is to develop a novel and integrated development platform for developing advanced Balance of Plant components in current fuel cell based vehicles, in order to improve their efficiency and reliability, reducing costs and presenting a stable supply chain to the European car manufacturers and system integrators. Accordingly, INN-BALANCE technical objectives are (i) to develop highly efficient and reliable fuel cell BoP components; (ii) to reduce costs of current market products in fuel cell systems; (iii) to achieve high technology readiness levels (TRL7 or higher) in all the tackled developments; and (iv) to improve and tailor development tools for design, modelling and testing innovative components in fuel cell based vehicles. To this end, a European Consortium composed by major automotive companies, consulting groups, research institutes and universities was established. INN-BALANCE will be focused on four main general topics; first of all on new components developments, addressing the latest changes and trends in fuel cells vehicles technology, from new air turbo-compressor, anode recirculation/injection module and advanced control/diagnosis devices to new concepts of thermal management and anti-freeze units based on standard automotive components; secondly, on the vehicle integration and validation of the components in a TRL7 platform placed at a well-known car manufacturing platform; thirdly, providing innovative and cost optimized manufacturing processes especially developed for automotive BoP components; finally, on the results dissemination and exploitation, new technology broadcasting and public awareness of new, low-cost and reliable clean energy solutions in Europe bringing at the same time highly qualified new job opportunities.

Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 390 500,00
41092 Sevilla

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Sur Andalucía Sevilla
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 390 500,00

Participantes (10)