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Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas

Periodic Reporting for period 5 - CH2P (Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2021-10-01 al 2022-04-30

The CH2P project aims at building an innovative system prototype for hydrogen refueling stations (HRS) that can support early transport infrastructure deployment for the uptake of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV). The system generates both hydrogen and electricity, more efficiently and with a reduced environmental impact compared to conventional technologies. The CH2P system operates in the following modes:
1. production of different fractions of hydrogen and electricity at the HRS. It can reach 100% hydrogen and power capacity, or a partial load of both;
2. the system can operate in a net electricity consumption mode and produce hydrogen-only, using the reforming reaction;
3. in some of the working modes, the system can generate hydrogen without the need to add water in regions where water is not abundant. The system layout configures an off-grid solution locally self-sustained.
The CH2P system cogenerates hydrogen, heat and power using Solid Oxide Cell technology fueled by methane-rich gases. The CH2P technology reduces the carbon footprint by achieving an extremely high overall system efficiency.
The project itself will demonstrate the system at three stage levels:
1. A 20 kgH2/day production module operating as a small single system;
2. An integrated system capable of producing 40 kgH2/day (50 kWel) operating at Shell Technology Center in Amsterdam;
3. The design for a 200 kgH2/day system, considered as the economic meaningful size for infrastructure deployment and future market penetration.
By providing a transition technology to support the deployment of HRS, CH2P contributes to shift the EU towards Hydrogen Mobility. The use of hydrogen in the transport sector will improve the air quality while mitigating the effect of mobility on climate change. At the same time, the transition to hydrogen have the potential of providing a competitive advantage of the EU that can lead to significant impact in terms of economic value generated, new business opportunities, new job creation and improved R&D in Europe.
During the 4th project period, the Consortium has continued the development and testing activities for the CH2P components of the first 20 kg/day system. However, the activities have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and related restrictions, which have slowed down the testing of key components as well as the assembly of the first prototype.

In WP1, T1.6 focused on the redefinition of the goal and scope of the LCA\LCC, the functional unit, the elementary flows, the impact categories, the damage categories, the assumptions, the primary and secondary data to be collected for the analysis. Preliminary results have been produced considering exergy, energy and hydrogen as functional units. Preliminary work has been done for T1.7 to design the upscaled technology (200 kgH2/day).

WP2 was concerned with the design of the upscaled technology (200 kg/day) and was completed in the previous reporting period.

WP3 aimed to design and engineer the sub-systems for steam generation and gas mixing, gas handling, and product gas upgrading. The WP was completed in the 2nd reporting period.

In WP4, the main components of the CH2P system were tested and a validated. The Hot BoP was transferred from Italy to the SPSA facilities in Switzerland to further test and improve the design and efficiency of components. The tests resulted in 1) a new configuration of the burner, 2) the addition of an extra HX5, 3) the design and integration of a steam train downstream the steam generator. The successful conclusion of the testing led SPSA to transfer the Hot BoP to HyGear for integration in the first 20 kg/day module. T4.4 continued with the definition of the I&O list of devises, the state machine of the CH2P system, the control loops and the alarm list. The final control logic will be defined after the reviews and debugging expected in the last project period.

WP5 is 80 % completed. The 20 kg/d system was installed and re-assembled into two 40 ft containers. Activities focused on the revision of the layout of the container 1 and the consequent reassembling in the 2 containers. The mechanical work on container 1 has been completed: components have been reallocated and pipes and interface panels adjusted accordingly to the revised layout. The assembly of the container 2 is on-going. The HAZOP of the HyGear part of the 20 kg/d system has been reviewed.

In WP6, the PFD and the PID of the 40 kg/d system have been finalized (T6.1) the operating window of the full-scale system have been analyzed and defined (T6.2) and the pilot site at STCA in Amsterdam for two 40-foot containers has been identified and prepared (T6.3).

In WP7, the website has been re-structured to better organized the content. Partners attended international conferences and events remotely to present the CH2P results. The consortium defined the 3 main KERs, their ownership, the most suitable exploitation pattern and the actions to ensure effective exploitation.

In WP8, the second amendment process has been prepared, revised and accepted. The amendment extends the project duration to M63 (30 April 2022).
The CH2P project aims to develop a scalable and flexible co-generation prototype based on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell technology for commercial roll-out at hydrogen stations and possible at small central production facilities. This requires: 1) the upscaling of the SOFC stack technology to a 25kW stack box module for reaching the desired hydrogen production scale; 2) the design of the CH2P system maximizing the system efficiency; 3) the development of H2 separation and purification technologies to meet the standards of FCEV; 5) perform a detailed techno-economic and environmental analysis of a full-scale CH2P FCEVs filling station to evaluate its competitiveness against other technologies.
Among the main technology targets are a hydrogen production cost below 4.5 €/kgH2, an overall conversion efficiency higher than 75%, lifetime of 10 years for the system and 5 years for the stack, an output pressure of > 7 bar, a purity level of hydrogen after the PSA of 5N.
In addition to the techno-economic objectives there are two operational objectives specified in the Multi Annual Work Plan.
• Operational Objective 1: leverage private and public investment
• Operational Objective 2: maintain SME participation above 25%
Specific impacts of CH2P project can be summarized in the following six points.
1. Impact on hydrogen cost and associated carbon emissions: from the analysis we expect hydrogen to be produced below €4.50/kg which is competitive with centrally produced hydrogen with delivery.
2. Potential for market introduction: there is a potential of 300 HRS for CH2P by 2025. This is equivalent to 50 MW stack manufactured in 5 years.
3. Impact on job creation: the CH2P application can potentially account for an additional job creation of more than 100 people at the level of the overall Consortium, for the period 2020 – 25.
4. Other societal impacts: the high overall efficiency of the system has a positive impact on carbon emissions.
5. Environmental profile: life cycle analyses will be performed on the design at a scale of 200 kg/day. The environmental assessment will be comparing CH2P with competitive technologies.
6. Security: the innovative method of “total system design” will grant the system a high security level for the developed technology.
Image from the TPM #1 meeting in Trento
CH2P postcard image
CH2P container blocks
All CH2P team during the visit in SOLIDpower
CH2P in the Hydrogen Refueling Station
Visit to the laboratory of EPFL in Sion during TPM #2
CH2P process flow
CH2P logo in white