Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PJ16 CWP HMI (Controller Working Position / Human Machine Interface - CWP/HMI)
Période du rapport: 2019-01-01 au 2019-12-31
The Solution PJ.16-03 “Enabling rationalisation of infrastructure using virtual centre based technology” (former “Work Station, Service Interface Definition & Virtual Centre Concept”) has developed a concept for separating the Controller Working Position (CWP) from the data centre where the data is produced. This lean and efficient use of ANSP infrastructure tackles the issues presented by fragmented European ATM systems and country-specific architectures, enabling Europe to move to an interoperable, cost effective and flexible service provision infrastructure. Decoupling of the CWPs should enable a more efficient use of the most valuable and expensive resource, the human. By enabling increased flexibility, the ANSPs are able to better manage staffing for prevailing traffic conditions and assure service continuity. This solution has already delivered to the SJU concrete results as an agreed definition of the concept, a target architecture recognised by the ATM community, a definition of ADSP services. It has also provided a clear technical input for the recently finalised Airspace Architecture Study (AAS) mandated by the European Commission.
The PJ.16-04 solution Workstation, Controller Productivity has dealt with new methods of Controller interaction with the Human Machine Interface (HMI), applying mature technologies from other domains to ATM. This increase controller productivity, reduce workload, stress level and enable the use of SESAR advanced tools to safely facilitate performance based operations. This solution has concentrated in the development of five different interaction modes: Multi Touch Inputs (MTI), Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Attention Guidance (AG), User Profile Management Systems (UPMS), and Qualification of CWP Virtualisation (CWPV).
The following items have been addressed successfully by the solution PJ.16-03:
• Virtual Centre definition: this definition has been proposed by the solution and is now endorsed by the community.
• VC Architecture for Rationalization of infrastructure: this architecture has been developed by partners as the reference architecture. As a result, this architecture has been analysed in detail, including its modelling in EATMA.
• Design of VC Services: Service orientation is one of the pillars of the ATM Master plan. The solution has defined most of the services in detail that are needed for implementing the developed VC architecture.
• Convergence in the choice of technologies: this solution is a technical solution and it is also a success to have a convergence in the choice of technologies among the industrial partners. AMQP, being part of the SWIM Yellow Profile, has been chosen as the core technology for implementing the validation exercises.
• Validation of the concept: Five TRL4 exercises and two TRL6 exercises have been conducted. The validation objectives, defined by partners and agreed with SJU at each maturity level, were achieved.
• Reach TRL6 level: TRL2, TRL4 and TRL6 Gates have been passed successfully during the Wave 1 period i.e. in 3 years.
PJ.16-04 Conclusion
The solution 16-04 Workstation, Controller Productivity reached TRL4 also revealing aspects requiring further investigations. The different advanced HMI technologies have shown that a reduction of workload and increase of situation awareness for controllers is possible. The results should be used to proceed to TRL6 for the approach CWP and to reach a comparable TRL4 level with respect to the tower CWP that has not been a central part of PJ.16-04. More details can be found in the documentation about the five different activities of PJ.16-04.