CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
The existing Open Data & Sentilo platform from Barcelona will be connected through a public API to the DECODE platform.
Data Privacy and Smart Language requirements, its initial set of smart rules and related ontologyDefinition and running implementation of an initial set of smart rules.
Design & implementation interface for smart rulesIntuitive subset of functionalities based on main DECODE use cases requirements and smart rules development in WP3.
DECODE OS Software Development Kit (SDK)Release of the Operating system Software Development Kit (SDK)
Deployment and integration for the DECODE OS and HUB platformProvisional hardware platform
First release of the DECODE open distributed hardware.
Co-creation framework, methodologies and templatesIt will identify co-creation methodologies and frameworks to adopt across use cases.
First release of the DECODE OSIt provides a release of the operating system that is usable and installable.
Benchmark and comparison of one-board computers and hardware specificationsReport comparing different existing one$board computers and benchmark comparison of options to highlight the optimal solution, with hardware specifications on compatible platforms.
Final report on the Barcelona Pilots, evaluations of BarcelonaNow and sustainability plansDescribing the execution and results of the pilots developed in Barcelona, conclusions, KPIs and evaluation of impact, including future sustainability.
Final Report on pilots Amsterdam and sustainability plansDescribing the execution and results of both pilots in Amsterdam, with success metrics and impact evaluation, including future sustainability.
Initial definition of Smart Rules and ontologyDefinition of an initial set of smart rules, defined on the basis of the requirements emerged from the pilots and WP1
DECODE Developers Conference: Opening up the DECODE App and tools to third party developers and entrepreneursIt delivers a final tech open event (hackathon, challenge or similar) where the DECODE app and the DECODE products will be opened up to third party developers that will be able to build privacy-enhancing applications that contribute to the DECODE ecosystem's sustainability. This event will be run during the DECODE final event, and will be done in collaboration with other CAPS projects such as, Blockchain for social good and NGI.
CityOS connectionThe municipal CityOS platform will be connected to DECODE and the set of functionalities, protocols and semantics will be defined.
Online test infrastructureThe infrastructure provides the code repository, Continous Integration, package repository and snapshot builds.
Final DECODE architecture, taking into account end-users and developers' feedback.
Economic and regulatory analysis of data platforms and value-creation models of the on-demand economy; functionalities to be experimented in pilotsIt will analyse dominant centralised economic models of data-driven platforms, resulting in market concentration, and propose alternative approaches and regulative examples of cooperative platforms.
Privacy Interface guidelinesInterface guidelines documentation geared toward different user and developers groups.
First version of DECODE architectureInitial distributed architecture based on the identified requirements and using existing IoT architectures and open source modules.
Project Communication, exploitation plans, events report and overall project impactThis includes reports of communication and dissemination activity, explotation plans, overall impact and recommendations. It also includes the report of all the main events- symposiums, final technical outreach event led by Dyne with the collaboration of Dribia, and other major events.
Policy requirements and models of implementationThis report will be a broad ranging research report exploring the policy challenges and implications of implementing DECODE. The report will include a focus on the development of the pilots in Barcelona and Amsterdam and how each city has engaged with the policy landscape and development process, their challenges and their success factors. The evaluation methodology which test that the pilots have had a genuine impact will be outlined.
Progress report on Standardisation activitiesIt documents activities in the standardisation groups that are relevant for the DECODE project (blockchains, data protability, certificate transparency, smart contracts, and IoT).
Digital democratisation: a heuristic frameworkIt will outline a map of democratic participatory approaches to inform the design and development of DECODE pilots, to integrate citizen rights in the design and implementation of DECODE smart rules.
Licensing of digital commons including personal dataThis deliverable will review options for the licensing of data as digital commons, including personal data, and will produce an initial set of smart rules to be adopted by the pilots.
Initial decentralised models for data and identity management: Blockchain and ABC MVPsDelivery of code, tests and minimum viable products for WP3, incl. blockchain and ABC. Early cryptographic and statistical aspects of private mining, formats and governance.
Privacy Design Strategies for the DECODE architecture - updatePrivacy enhancing technologies (PETs) are integrated in the design of the architecture and in the decentralised data governance strategy.
Decentralised models for data and identity management: Blockchain and ABC MVPs, preliminary versionDelivery of refined code, tests and viable products for WP3, incl. blockchain and ABC, including cryptographic and statistical aspects of private mining, formats and governance.
Impact and economic sustainability of DECODE Ecosystem and future developmentsIt will contain a set of evaluations and metrics to assess the economic and social impact of the DECODE pilots, it will also asses the improvement in terms of democracy and personal data privacy, integrating feedback from the users and from the field work. Moreover, it will contain commons-based models for the future DECODE platform deployment and scaling.
Multidisciplinary framework on commons oriented sharing economyIt will provide a framework to articulate the legal/juridical, economical, and political dimensions of the data economy and provide a characterisation of commons$oriented sharing economy.
Framework for democratic governance of distributed architecturesIt will systematise theories, and empirical cases of digital democracy and citizens empowerment, in order to outline a framework for digital governance and review the legal frameworks that allow the building of digital commons (from free software to data) including the case where such digital commons are formed by personal data. It will derive practical guidelines for the design of DECODE OS and DECODE smart-rules syntax.
Policy impact of architecture and pilots implementationThis report will explain to policymakers and the public the key lessons from DECODE and how other cities can apply the technologies and methods to address their own challenges. The report will cover the impact of the pilots, other areas in which DECODE could have impact, how the EC, national and local governments can support DECODE, a practical tool kit for other cities interested in adopting DECODE, the implications of DECODE on society, the economy and on public policy, and future research and pilots which should follow from the project.
Intermediate version of DECODE architectureIntermediate DECODE architecture, including open APIs descriptions, taking into account architectural updates
Report on ecosystem bootstrapping activitiesThe report map the existing ecosystem and plans for extension and management of the ecosystem throughout the project.
Privacy Design Strategies for the DECODE architecture & Data Management PlanPrivacy enhancing technologies (PETs) are integrated in the design of the architecture and in the decentralised data governance strategy
Legal frameworks for digital commons DECODE OS Legal GuidelinesIt will review the legal frameworks that allow the building of digital commons (from free software to data) including the case where such digital commons are formed by personal data. It will derive practical guidelines for the design of DECODE OS and DECODE smart rules syntax.
Data driven disruptive commons-based modelsIt will propose a set of regulative examples of free collective production models, including new forms of organisation of labour that can drive the sustainability of the DECODE platform.
Project methodology and Policy reviewThis report will be a broad review of the policy landscape DECODE occupies. The report will set out: the real-world and policy problems DECODE aims to solve, plausible future scenarios of a world with and without DECODE, how DECODE can solve the identified problems, challenges that DECODE may face, and investigation of the domains and use cases where DECODE could bring real benefits to citizens. It will review the legal frameworks that allow the building of digital commons (from free software to data) including the case where such digital commons are formed by personal data. It will derive practical guidelines for the design of DECODE OS and DECODE smart-rules syntax.
DECODE scenarios and requirements definition report(M7) Specification and requirements of DECODE pilots scenarios in Barcelona and Amsterdam.
Update on community engagement reportReport on the Hackathons, workshops and community engagement activities coming from all partners. This links to D4.14 and D4.15 that includes opening up the DECODE platform to third parties developers.
Licensing of digital commons including personal data - updateThis deliverable will update the D1.9 on the basis of the feedback of the pilots and of the communities.
Survey of technologies for ABC, entitlements and blockchainsGathers reviews and early experiments on building blocks for WP3 technologies, including options for data entitlements, ABC, Distributed Ledger techniques.
Scientific report of the data analysis methods to be integrated in the data visualisation tools. First iteration of methods to integrate in data visualisation tools. Design of initial use cases.
Data submission interface for sensor data ownersA work demonstrator of a data submission interface for private IoT data and associated entitlement management system.
Data access and transaction management moduleAn early stage prototype working demonstrator which is capable of: private IoT data search, entitlement match, decentralised data access and transaction enablement.
It demonstrates the functionalities of the DECODE components developed for the IoT pilot and their integration with the pilot infrastructure in a test and production environment. More specifically, it shows the use of advanced encryption schemes to demonstrate the selective sharing of IoT data streams between participants in the pilot at different levels of aggregation and their effective and transparent proof to users via appropriate visualization tools.
Smart Contracts for Data Commons integrated with GDPR compliant legal rules and tested in pilotsIt demonstrates a proper performance of the smart contracts with its library and the integration of the smart contracts in the corresponding DECODE components to ensure feasibility of the pilots. It also serves non high-technical users (e.g. end users) to explore smart contracts and understand their relation to GDPR, enabling them to excercise their right to control their personal data and to share them as commons. It should integrate the results and legal recommendations of D1.6.
Deployment of Pilots in BarcelonaFirst installation of the Barcelona pilot, including user interface and pilot applications, involvement of local communities and of local government
Smart Rules implementation, Evaluation of Prototypes and integrationDefinition and running implementation of the smart rules and its implementation and integration within the pilots.
DECODE HUB devices implemented in pilotsReport and design revisions after bug-fixing and OS tests in trials.
Stable DECODE OS releaseStable Release of operating system, with usage and development manuals.
Prototype Data Visualization ToolTechnical implementation of the prototypes for the visualisation and exploration interfaces.
UX/UI for DECODE app development integrated to BCNNowIt delivers the UX/UI of the DECODE APP with the necessary functionalities tested in the pilots. The APP should be user-friendly, so it can be adopted by end users, and it should interoperate with all the other DECODE components. It also easily integrates with BCNNow data analytics dashboard.
Deployment of Pilots in AmsterdamFirst installation of the Amsterdam pilot, includigng user interface and pilot applications, involvement of local communities and of local government
Final DECODE app release. App published on multiple platformsIt publishes the final DECODE app tested in real world pilots, ready with all functionalities, modular, and extensible according to a future Roadmap. The app will be featured in a dedicated website developed by Dyne, with all the specific documentation for deployment by third parties. This includes opening up the app and the DECODE platform to third parties developers during the with final DECODE developers event where all DECODE tech partners will be involved (D5.8).
Hardware prototype and reference platform running the DECODE OSIt provides a usable hardware where new versions of the software can be deployed.
Integration of all DECODE components tested in real world pilots and future sustainability roadmapIt provides the final integration between all the elements of the DECODE ecosystems: the nodes, the DECODE OS, the pilot integration components and the distributed ledger. It also provides the automated tools for deployment of configured hardware and software into production environments as well as its updating. It also provides a final analysis on the technical sustainability of the DECODE project, including analysis of production readiness of all DECODE products and components, and a future sustainability roadmap. This includes opening the DECODE platform to third parties developers during the final tech event and coordinated with hackathons or challenges.
Implementation of Blockchain platform and ABC in DECODE PilotsImplement the Blockchain Platform (Chainspace and alternative solutions) and Attribute Based Cryptography (ABC) in the DECODE system and tested in the BCN Decidim pilot.
A communication toolkit and initial version of the project website.
Marras, Mirko; Manca, Matteo; Fenu, Gianni; Boratto, Ludovico; Laniado, David;
Publié dans:
Oleguer Sagarra, Pablo Aragón, Sam Mulube, Rohit Kumar, Guillem Camprodon, Mara Balestrini, Javier Rodríguez, Pau Balcells, David Laniado
Publié dans:
Cardiff University
Al-Bassam, Mustafa; Sonnino, Alberto; Król, Michał; Psaras, Ioannis
Publié dans:
University College London
Sonnino, Alberto; Al-Bassam, Mustafa; Bano, Shehar; Danezis, George
Publié dans:
University College London
Denis Roio interviewed by Maria Koleva
Publié dans:
Shehar Bano, Philipp Richter, Mobin Javed, Srikanth Sundaresan, Zakir Durumeric, Steven J. Murdoch, Richard Mortier and Vern Paxson
Publié dans:
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, Volume 48 Numéro 2, 2018, ISSN 0146-4833
Fumagalli, Andrea, Lucarelli, Stefani, Musolino, Elena and Rocchi, Giulia
Publié dans:
Sustainability 2018, 2018, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Andrea Fumagalli, Stefano Lucarelli, Elena Musolino, Giulia Rocchi
Publié dans:
Sustainability, Numéro 10/6, 2018, Page(s) 1757, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Francesco Brancaccio
Publié dans:
South Atlantic Quarterly, Numéro 118/4, 2019, Page(s) 857-876, ISSN 0038-2876
Duke University Press
Alfonso Giuliani, Carlo Vercellone
Publié dans:
South Atlantic Quarterly, Numéro 118/4, 2019, Page(s) 767-787, ISSN 0038-2876
Duke University Press
Francesco Brancaccio, Carlo Vercellone
Publié dans:
South Atlantic Quarterly, Numéro 118/4, 2019, Page(s) 699-709, ISSN 0038-2876
Duke University Press
Denis Roio
Publié dans:
Generation R, Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science, 2018, ISSN 2512-3815
Open Science Lab TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology
Bano, Shehar, Al-Bassam,Mustafa, & Danezis George
Publié dans:
Winter 2017, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2017
Lucarelli, S., & Musolino, E.
Publié dans:
La rivolta della cooperazione. Sperimentazioni sociali e autonomie possibili., 2018, Page(s) 51-56
Ugo Pagallo, Eleonora Bassi, Marco Crepaldi, Massimo Durante
Publié dans:
Legal knowledge and Information Systems (Monica Palmirani ed.), 2018, Page(s) pp. 81-90
IOS Press
Denis Roio
Publié dans:
Planetary Collegium, Public University of Plymouth
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