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Smart Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of smart Life and Economy

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Co-Design and implementation of public lighting concept

Definition of a smart lighting solution through the Smart Kalasatama living lab based on adaptive LED-based outdoor lighting system and including features like navigation and communication. Report on the connection of the lamp post infrastructure to the urban platform.

Autonomous last mile pilots in operations

Definition deployment and monitoring of autonomous last mile pilots in operations in Helsinki demonstration areaInterim versions to be submmitted on M12 and M36

Design and implementation of RES in building

Definition of the technical specifications, design and implementation plan for the integration of RES in buildings. Performance assessment report.

Monitoring system of the effect of the electric fleet to district-level air quality, noise

Definition, deployment and monitoring of the EV and recharging points. Investigation on the effect of the electric fleet to district-level air quality and noise

Mobility monitoring solutions

Report on the impact of the mobility actions in Hamburg.

[TRANSVERSAL] Interoperability plan and testing

Definition of an interoperability test plan for each demonstration area Performance assessment reportTRANSVERAL DELIVERABLE FOR WP2 WP3 and WP4 included only in WP2 due to SYGMA limitationsInterim versions to be submmitted on M12 M36 and M48

Report on monitoring and control concepts and improvements

Report on the optimization of the grid performance by using data and demand response. Investigation on business models for the compensation of reactive power with solar power at solar plants Kivikko and the integration of existing electrical storages. Interim version to be submmitted on M12.

mySMARTLife Cities Network replication activities planning

Report on the mySMARTLife Cities Network with 12 European cities and 4 cities from outside of Europe.

Report of lighthouse projects cooperation. Working groups and platform results

Definition a common framework for discussion and networking activities between projects under SCC1 call Report on the working groups activities collaboration platform roadmap progress meetings and final conferenceInterim versions to be submmitted on M12 and M36

Innovative business models and public procurement innovation in follower cities

Definition of an investment plan for the implementation of the interventions based on T12 EIP on SCC Action Cluster of Business Models Finance and Procurement and Procurement of Innovation Platform

Innovative electromobility charging node in operation

Definition and implementation of innovative mobility services (i.e. electromobility charging node)

Report on retrofitted actions and implemented actions new buildings including RES and storages in Helsinki (FINAL)

Report on retrofitting interventions and new buildings and integration of energy storage systems and RES. Definition of a demand response strategy. First draft M12, final version M36.

Monitoring programs and deployment in the three lighthouses

Definition of the monitoring program including systems definition and data acquisition according the evaluation procedure in D51 Interim version to be submmitted on M36

Concept of Energy retrofitting in individual houses

Investigation on citizen engagement through communication events, press and information tools. Report on the retrofitting of 10 individual houses on Ile de Nantes, use of the new services by the citizens and smart home automation solutions.

Compilation of energy system scenarios for each lighthouse city

Analysis of the energy demand for each lighthouse city for the next 10-20 years through simulation tools (e.g. EnergyPlan)

Smart personal EV charger system in operation (FINAL)

Definition and implementation of the eCar sharing concept and smart personal EV charger system. First draft M12, final version M36.

Report on grid to vehicles strategies and performance

Report on the technical integration of the EV recharging points, the energy storage systems and the solar plant. Performance assessment report. Interim version to be submmitted on M12.

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat_v4

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat including a description of target groups for communication and dissemination activities

Social Acceptance Campaign at local and district level - Final

Design of a campaign at local and district level to raise awareness and provide information about the replication plans. This is the final deliverable, after the initial planning included in D1.1.

Ecosystem for boosting SMEs at local level

Modeling of the city business models to illustrate where corresponding profit comes from and how it flows, and to identify a business model portfolio eligible for SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs in the urban field.

Baseline report of Helsinki demonstration area

Definition of the baseline based on quantitative and qualitative measurements for the Helsinki demonstration area in terms of building energy consumption, energy supply sources, mobility, urban infrastructures, urban plans, public procurement procedures and actions for citizen engagement. Interim version to be submmitted on M8.

Baseline report of Hamburg demonstrator area

Definition of the baseline based on quantitative and qualitative measurements for the Hamburg demonstration area in terms of building energy consumption, energy supply sources, mobility, urban infrastructures, urban plans, public procurement procedures and actions for citizen engagement. Interim version to be submmitted on M8.

Integrated evaluation procedure

Definition of the evaluation framework with a twofold scope in order to measure and assess the project activities at Smart City Project level (i.e. demonstration areas) and Smart City level considering the five major themes defined by CITYkeys and the SCIS indicators. Interim versions to be submmitted on M12 and M24.

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat_v2

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat including a description of target groups for communication and dissemination activities.

Smart Energy Supply and Demand. Integration of RES, storage, management and control

Report on the integration, performance and optimization of RES and storage energy systems in the district heating and cooling network and buildings. Definition of the management and control strategies of the systems. Interim version to be submmitted on M24.

Design and implementation of new concepts of the Urban Platform

Definition of a number of services to improve city operation, decision aiding services, citizen engagement and interaction between city and citizens through the ICT and Urban Platform developments. Definition of the new architecture of the Urban Platform and integration with the Smart City ecosystem DTAG

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat_v1

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat including a description of target groups for communication and dissemination activities.

Ecosystem for big players in the urban field

Modeling of the city business models to illustrate where corresponding profit comes from and how it flows, and to identify a business model portfolio eligible for big players in the urban field.

Baseline report of Nantes demonstrator area

Definition of the baseline based on quantitative and qualitative measurements for the Nantes demonstration area in terms of building energy consumption, energy supply sources, mobility, urban infrastructures, urban plans, public procurement procedures and actions for citizen engagement. Interim version to be submmitted on M8.

Data collection and KPI calculation

Definition of the mechanisms in each urban platform to enable the collection of the data and informationInterim version to be submmitted on M48

Report on retrofitted actions and implemented actions new buildings including RES and storages in Hamburg

Report on retrofitting interventions and new buildings, integration of energy storage systems, building energy management systems (BEMS) and smart control strategies, RES integration and smart appliances.

Report on smart grid improvements

Report on the implementation of solar power plant and reactive power compensation by solar power plants. Interim version to be submmitted on M12.

Baseline report of Hamburg demonstrator area (FINAL)

Definition of the baseline based on quantitative and qualitative measurements for the Hamburg demonstration area in terms of building energy consumption, energy supply sources, mobility, urban infrastructures, urban plans, public procurement procedures and actions for citizen engagement. Interim version to be submmitted on M8, complete City Audit at M12 and final baseline in M42.

High level energy retrofitting of multi owner private buildings

Definition of the technical specifications and implementation plan. Analysis of the building energy performance, dwellers behaviour and business model.

Urban Coaching. Description of coached areas and their selection for Mentoring

Definition of a methodology for the assessment of the urban transformation and identification of the most replicable solutions. Selection of coachers and areas of interest. Definition of good practices for mentoring purposes.

Report on retrofitted actions and implemented actions new buildings including RES and storages in Helsinki

Report on retrofitting interventions and new buildings and integration of energy storage systems and RES. Definition of a demand response strategy.

Techno-economic analysis of each intervention per follower city

Analysis of the techno-economic feasibility of the interventions for each follower city through an innovative methodology based on the Input/Output matrix adapted to the urban context.

Monitoring solutions for EV uptake

Report on the deployment of 24 m full electric buses in the city of Nantes and monitoring of the electric vehicles and recharging stations. Description of the connection of the recharging stations to the urban platform and aggregation with other mobility data.

Techno-economic analysis of each intervention per pilot (FINAL)

Analysis of the techno-economic feasibility of the interventions for each pilot through an innovative methodology based on the Input/Output matrix adapted to the urban context. FINAL VERSION.

Baseline assessment & PESTEL Analysis of Rijeka’s Initial Replication Plan

Baseline definition of the city of Rijeka through a PESTEL analysis. Definition of a first draft of the replication for the city of Rijeka based on the experience from WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5.

Report of cooperation with other EU initiatives

Report on the cooperation activities with other initiatives that are working on the SCC domain ie EIP on SCC EU Smart Cities Information System CITYKeys and ESPRESSOInterim versions to be submmitted on M12 and M36

Development of improved services in Nantes Urban Platform

Design and implementation plan of the new urban platform services and decision support system. Performance assessment report.

Urban Mentoring. Experiences of Mentor Cities and replication possibilities

Report on the guided visits to the lighthouse cities and people exchange activities lighthouse and staff exchange activities between lighthouse and follower cities.

Parking space detection

Design and implementation of a system for parking space detection for e-car charging stations. Investigation on the movement behaviour of their citizens through SIM card.

Techno-economic analysis of each intervention per pilot

Analysis of the techno-economic feasibility of the interventions for each pilot through an innovative methodology based on the Input/Output matrix adapted to the urban context.

Baseline assessment & PESTEL Analysis of Palencia’s Initial Replication Plan

Baseline definition of the city of Palencia through a PESTEL analysis. Definition of a first draft of the replication for the city of Palencia based on the experience from WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5.

Benchmark of ICT based solutions for citizen engagement

Investigation of the tools currently used in each lighthouse for engaging citizens and rising social awareness. Definition of good practices based on benchmarking.

[TRANSVERSAL] Open Specifications framework

Definition of the functional requirements, software architecture and data structures through the creation of a common framework for the 3 lighthouse cities. TRANSVERAL DELIVERABLE FOR WP2, WP3 and WP4 (included only in WP2 due to SYGMA limitations).

Smart Energy Supply and Demand with RES

Report on the integration, performance and optimization of RES (hydro power, wind turbines, and PV) and energy storage systems in the district heating and cooling network.

Report on business models of selected use cases

Report on the transference the results from the exploitation roadmap of results into economic feasible business models through the identification and evaluation of the business opportunities and initial business models

Key issues for social awareness and acceptance

Investigation of the factors influencing consumer attitude and behavior change towards the interventions in each pilot; the regulatory tools and education programmes for leveraging behavioural change.

Report on implementation and performance of innovative smart system appliances and control algorithms, BEMS and Smart control

Design and implementation of smart home solutions in new buildings and smart demand response systems in office buildings with predictive control options and flexible space management. Interim version to be submmitted on M12.

Guidelines for Hamburg Municipality on users behaviour during pandemic or critical situations

This deliverable will include the methods results and conclusions of Task 39 Also guidelines for the municipality of Hamburg will be developed in case of future pandemics or crisis situations in respect to early monitoring measures and strategies on different levels politics social institutions economic institutions administration The results will influence the regionallocal resilience plans

Smart personal EV charger system in operation

Definition and implementation of the eCar sharing concept and smart personal EV charger system

Design and implementation of humble lampposts concept

Design and deployment of a repurposing concept for 60 existing lampposts, reequipped with WIFI, environmental sensors, asset management, CCTV for traffic measurement and adaptive lightning.

Report on district heating and cooling improvements and new concepts

Report on the use of waste heat in the district heating and cooling systems. Investigation on the demand response cost value and optimisation of the energy storage systems. Interim version to be submmitted on M12.

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat_v5

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat including a description of target groups for communication and dissemination activities

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat_v3

Report on the activities of the Communication and Dissemination Secretariat including a description of target groups for communication and dissemination activities.

Design and implementation of public lighting concept

Report on the new public lighting concept and integration of data into the urban platform of the city of Nantes

Last mile strategies and EV uptake

Design and deployment of a platform to promote a greener concept of company fleets. Report on cleaner solutions for the delivery routes of the freight operators through the Call for projects smart urban logistic.

Definition of the data sets and requirements

Definition of the data requirements for evaluating the Smart City Projects and the corresponding indicators on Smart City level based on CITYkeys (D2.1 “Definition of data sets”). Interim versions to be submmitted on M12 and M24.

Baseline assessment & PESTEL Analysis of Bydgoszcz’s Initial Replication Plan

Baseline definition of the city of Bydgoszcz through a PESTEL analysis. Definition of a first draft of the replication for the city of Bydgoszcz based on the experience from WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5.

Innovative business models. Making things happen

Investigation on innovations in business models and replicability. Analysis of the drivers and barriers success through the comparison of multiple case studies.

Baseline report of Helsinki demonstrator area (FINAL)

Definition of the baseline based on quantitative and qualitative measurements for the Helsinki demonstration area in terms of building energy consumption, energy supply sources, mobility, urban infrastructures, urban plans, public procurement procedures and actions for citizen engagement. Interim version to be submmitted on M8, complete City Audit at M12 and final baseline in m42

Delivery of Workshops for citizen engagement

Report on 3 workshops in each lighthouse city for citizen and local players on energy, mobility and ICTs applied to urban solutions. Workshop 1: Identification of objectives and targets; Workshop 2: Identification of barriers and bottlenecks; Workshop 3: Strategies for citizen engagement.

Baseline report of Nantes demonstrator area (FINAL)

Definition of the baseline based on quantitative and qualitative measurements for the Nantes demonstration area in terms of building energy consumption, energy supply sources, mobility, urban infrastructures, urban plans, public procurement procedures and actions for citizen engagement. Interim version to be submmitted on M8, complete City Audit at M12 and final baseline in M42.

District heating monitoring and optimization

Analysis of different scenarios of operation for optimizing the District Heating system through the monitoring of a selection of district heating substations (on the Ile de Nantes). Performance assessment report.

Decision aiding tool

Report on solving decision problems with multiple criteria through a Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) technique implemented in the urban platform.

Evaluation. Impact assessment at Smart City Project level and Smart City level

Report on the implementation of the integrated evaluation procedure for evaluating the performance of the project actions and estimating the impact of the activities at Smart City Project level and Smart City level considering CITYkeys pillars

mySMARTLife Cities Network activities report

Report on the 3 workshops 3 study tours and 7 webinars on technical and nontechnical issues relevant for the replication and organised for the mySMARTLife Cities NetworkInterim versions to be submmitted on M24 M36 and M48

Methodology for citizen engagement based on system thinking

Definition of the methodology for citizen engagement based on system thinking: Procedure for identification of objectives and targets, dynamic network map to find barriers and bottlenecks and strategies for citizen engagement in urban transformation

Design and implementation of adaptive lighting concept

Design and implementation of an adaptive lighting solution for the bicycle route. Definition of the control strategies.

Cross-modal Mobility observatory

Description of an intelligent tool for feeding automatically the urban platform with key data on mobility available to partners and the general publicInterim version to be submmitted on M36

Social Acceptance Campaign at local and district level - Initial

Design of multi-year campaign at local and district level to raise awareness and provide information and activate successful consumers and key local actors.

Report of cooperation with network of cities or sectors

Report on the cooperation activities with other projects and city networks through the Lighthouse Cooperation NetworkInterim versions to be submmitted on M12 and M36

Knowledge-Transfer Implementation Report

Report on knowledgetransfer activities from the group of LH and FCs to the MySMARTLife Network Report on the 4 knowledgetransfer workshops

Roadmap for city maintenance fleet and commercial city logistic electrification

Definition of a roadmap for city maintenance fleet and commercial city logistic electrification, including free parking and taxes reduction actions.

Development of new Mobility services and intermodality strategies

Investigation on innovative mobility services and report on the intermodality strategies implemented in the demonstration area.

Compilation of energy system scenarios for each follower city

Analysis of the energy demand for each follower city for the next 10-20 years through simulation tools (e.g. EnergyPlan)

Lighthouse features into public transport navigator in use

"Definition of the ""Lighthouse features"" and inclusion into the transport navigator. Interim version to be submmitted on M24."

Open data and open APIs to the building-level energy savings potential

Definition of Open Data and Open APIs to promote the building-level energy savings potential

Open data and open APIs generated in the project

Improvement of the current data and the Urban Platform of the city of Hamburg through the access to a central central user management, central ePayment Open APIs and functionalities for downloading, viewing, processing and meta information of data

Platform for Single desk retrofitting of individual houses

Report on the new web platform and associated services, test of the business model and integration of the retrofitting data into the urban platform.

Open data and open APIs to the building-level energy savings potential (FINAL)

Definition of Open Data and Open APIs to promote the building-level energy savings potential. First draft M12, final version M36.

New predictive and adaptive control algorithms and monitoring of performance, smart demand control system (FINAL)

Investigation on innovative BEMS and smart control strategies. Definition of predictive algorithms for the optimization of the heat demand response at apartment level. First draft M12, final version M36.

Description of 3D models for each follower city

Analysis of the energy demand, socio economic profile of the inhabitants, use of ICT services, building density, location of the industries, etc. for each follower city through 3D modelling.

Simulation models of the building stock, energy system, transportation, urban infrastructures

Modelling, Simulation, and Systems Engineering of the building stock, energy system, mobility and urban infrastructures.

Carbon-neutral Me App in use in the residents and job-goers at all Zones

Update of the urban platform and definition of a “Carbon-neutral Me” app. Interim version to be submmitted on M24.

Lighthouse-features integrated into public transport on-line system

Definition and deployment of intermodality strategies in Helsinki by integrating mobility data in Lighthouse-features for the public transport on-line system as a link to the Urban Platform

Sim. models of the building stock, energy system, transportation, urban infrastructures

Modelling, Simulation, and Systems Engineering of the building stock, energy system, mobility and urban infrastructures. Interim version to be submmitted on M24.

Energy data lab

Report on the dynamic electricity data platform and provision of data sets from energy meters in a standardised format and aggregated at various scales for providing new energy services.

Lighthouse-specific IoT service, backend and sensoring systems in use

Definition of several lighthouse-specific IoT services, backend and sensoring systems. Interim version to be submmitted on M12.

New predictive and adaptive control algorithms and monitoring of performance, smart demand control system

Investigation on innovative BEMS and smart control strategies. Definition of predictive algorithms for the optimization of the heat demand response at apartment level.

Simulation models of the building stock, energy system, transportation, urban infrastructures (FINAL)

Simulation models and analysis of results. Building stock, energy system, transportation, urban infrastructures. Modelling, Simulation, and Systems Engineering of the building stock, energy system, mobility and urban infrastructures. FINAL VERSION.

Description of 3D models for each pilot

Analysis of the energy demand, socio economic profile of the inhabitants, use of ICT services, building density, location of the industries, etc. for each pilot through 3D modelling.

Hackathon to the open data and open APIs generated in the project

Definition and promotion of Open Services based on Open Data and Open APIs to be used by third parties


Digitalising cities: A methodology to map evaluation requirements into robust and feasible data collection approaches

Autorzy: José L. Hernández, Ana Quijano, Pierre Nouaille, Mikko Virtanen, Rubén García
Opublikowane w: CESB22 proceedings, 2022
Wydawca: CESB22

Analysis of Data Quality in Digital Smart Cities: The Cases of Nantes, Hamburg and Helsinki

Autorzy: Hernández, Jose L.; Quijano, Ana; García, Rubén; Nouaille, Pierre; Risch, Lukas; Virtanen, Mikko; de Miguel, Ignacio
Opublikowane w: Hernández , J L , Quijano , A , García , R , Nouaille , P , Risch , L , Virtanen , M & de Miguel , I 2022 , Analysis of Data Quality in Digital Smart Cities: The Cases of Nantes, Hamburg and Helsinki . in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications - DATA . SCITEPRESS Digital Library , pp. 353-360 , 11th International Conference on Data Science,, Numer 62, 2022, ISSN 2184-285X
Wydawca: DATA
DOI: 10.5220/0011271900003269

Energy Citizenship in New Energy Concepts

Autorzy: Mark van Wees, Beatriz P. Revilla, Helena Fitzgerald, Dirk Ahlers, Natalia Romero, Beril Alpagut, Joke Kort, Cyril Tjahja, Gabi Kaiser, Viktoria Blessing, Lia Patricio, and Sander Smit
Opublikowane w: Environmental Sciences Proceedings, Numer Volume 11, Numer 1, 2021, ISSN 2673-4931
Wydawca: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/environsciproc2021011027

Sustainable Cities: A KPI-Driven Sustainable Evaluation Framework for Smart Cities

Autorzy: Ana Quijano; Jose L. Hernández; Pierre Nouaille; Mikko Virtanen; Beatriz Sánchez-Sarachu; Francesc Pardo-Bosch; Jörg Knieilng
Opublikowane w: Sustainable Cities: A KPI-Driven Sustainable Evaluation Framework for Smart Cities, Numer 70, 2021, ISSN 2673-4931
Wydawca: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/environsciproc2021011021

Smart City Platform Enabling Digital Twin

Autorzy: Timo Ruohomaki, Enni Airaksinen, Petteri Huuska, Outi Kesaniemi, Mikko Martikka, Jarmo Suomisto
Opublikowane w: 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Numer Annual, 2018, Strona(/y) 155-161, ISBN 978-1-5386-7097-2
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/is.2018.8710517

Smart City Resilience with Active Citizen Engagement in Helsinki

Autorzy: Mikko Martikka, Sonja Salo, Kristiina Siilin, Timo Ruohomaki, Pekka Tuomaala, Esa Nykanen
Opublikowane w: 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Numer 9, 2018, Strona(/y) 162-167, ISBN 978-1-5386-7097-2
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/is.2018.8710516

Smart City Governance in Practice – the Example of mySMARTLife Project in Hamburg

Autorzy: Jörg Knieling, Katharina Lange
Opublikowane w: REAL CORP 2019 – IS THIS THE REAL WORLD? Perfect Smart Cities vs. Real Emotional Cities. Proceedings of 24th International., Numer Annual, 2019, Strona(/y) 671-677, ISSN 2521-3938
Wydawca: REAL CORP 2019

System Support Analysis of Hydrogen Regeneration with CHP

Autorzy: M.Sc. Simon Decher, M.Sc. Kaja Aniol, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Schäfers
Opublikowane w: ETG-Kongress 2021 - Von Komponenten bis zum Gesamtsystem für die Energiewende, Numer ETG-Fb. 163, 2021, 2021, ISSN 0341-3934
Wydawca: VDE
DOI: 10.48441/4427.252

Urban Data Platform Hamburg: Integration of real-time IoT Data using SensorThings API / Urban Data Platform Hamburg: Integration von Echtzeit IoT-Daten mittels SensorThings API

Autorzy: Michael Fischer, Pierre Gras, Sonja Löwa, Stefan Schuhart
Opublikowane w: zfv – Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, Numer 1/2021, 146, 2021, Strona(/y) 47-56, ISSN 0000-0000
Wydawca: Germany
DOI: 10.12902/zfv-0330-2020

Sustainable deployment of an electric vehicle public charging infrastructure network from a city business model perspective

Autorzy: Francesc Pardo-Bosch; Francesc Pardo-Bosch; Pablo Pujadas; Craig Morton; Carles Cervera
Opublikowane w: Sustainable Cities and Society, Numer 85, 2021, ISSN 2210-6707
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.102957

Introduction of new decentralised renewable heat supply in an existing district heating system

Autorzy: Miika Rämä, Mikko Wahlroos
Opublikowane w: Energy, Numer 154, 2018, Strona(/y) 68-79, ISSN 0360-5442
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/

Combining a dynamic simulation tool and a multi-criteria decision aiding algorithm for improving existing District Heating

Autorzy: Mohamed Tahar Mabrouk, Pierrick Haurant, Vincent Dessarthe, Patrick Meyer, Bruno Lacarrière
Opublikowane w: Energy Procedia, Numer 149, 2018, Strona(/y) 266-275, ISSN 1876-6102
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2018.08.191

Sensitivity assessment of a district energy assessment characterisation model based on cadastral data

Autorzy: Xabat Oregi, Nekane Hermoso, Eneko Arrizabalaga, Lara Mabe, Inigo Munoz
Opublikowane w: Energy Procedia, Numer 147, 2018, Strona(/y) 181-188, ISSN 1876-6102
DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2018.07.053

Household energy awareness as enabler of regeneration practices. Preliminary evidence from a Finnish case study

Autorzy: Angela Santangelo; Marja Vuorinen; Simona Tondelli
Opublikowane w: URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI, Numer 278s.i., 2018, Strona(/y) Sessione 03, Pages 260-263, ISSN 0392-5005
Wydawca: INU Edizioni

Key aspects of building retrofitting: Strategizing sustainable cities

Autorzy: Francesc Pardo-Bosch, Carles Cervera, Tamyko Ysa
Opublikowane w: Journal of Environmental Management, Numer 248, 2019, Strona(/y) 109247, ISSN 0301-4797
Wydawca: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.07.018

How EU-funded Smart City experiments influence modes of planning for mobility: observations from Hamburg

Autorzy: Philipp Späth, Jörg Knieling
Opublikowane w: Urban Transformations, Numer 2/1, 2020, ISSN 2524-8162
Wydawca: SpringerNature
DOI: 10.1186/s42854-020-0006-2

Understanding Location Decisions of Energy Multinational Enterprises within the European Smart Cities’ Context: An Integrated AHP and Extended Fuzzy Linguistic TOPSIS Method

Autorzy: Olga Porro, Francesc Pardo-Bosch, Núria Agell, Mónica Sánchez
Opublikowane w: Energies, Numer 13/10, 2020, Strona(/y) 2415, ISSN 1996-1073
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en13102415

Creating business models for smart cities: a practical framework

Autorzy: Krista Timeus, Jordi Vinaixa, Francesc Pardo-Bosch
Opublikowane w: Public Management Review, Numer 22/5, 2020, Strona(/y) 726-745, ISSN 1471-9037
Wydawca: Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2020.1718187

EU Smart City Lighthouse Projects between Top-Down Strategies and Local Legitimation: The Case of Hamburg

Autorzy: Katharina Lange, Jörg Knieling
Opublikowane w: Urban Planning, Numer 5/1, 2020, Strona(/y) 107-115, ISSN 2183-7635
Wydawca: Cogitatio
DOI: 10.17645/up.v5i1.2531

Interoperable Open Specifications Framework for the Implementation of Standardized Urban Platforms

Autorzy: José L. Hernández, Rubén García, Joachim Schonowski, Daniel Atlan, Guillaume Chanson, Timo Ruohomäki
Opublikowane w: Sensors, Numer 20/8, 2020, Strona(/y) 2402, ISSN 1424-8220
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/s20082402

Simulation-Based Comparative Assessment of a Multi-Speed Transmission for an E-Retrofitted Heavy-Duty Truck

Autorzy: Vehviläinen, Milla; Rahkola, Pekka; Keränen, Janne; Pippuri-Mäkeläinen, Jenni; Paakkinen, Marko; Pellinen, Jukka; Tammi, Kari; Belahcen, Anouar
Opublikowane w: Vehviläinen , M , Rahkola , P , Keränen , J , Pippuri-Mäkeläinen , J , Paakkinen , M , Pellinen , J , Tammi , K & Belahcen , A 2022 , ' Simulation-Based Comparative Assessment of a Multi-Speed Transmission for an E-Retrofitted Heavy-Duty Truck ' , Energies , vol. 15 , no. 7 , 2407 ., Numer 31, 2022, ISSN 1996-1073
Wydawca: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en15072407

Methodology for integrated modelling and impact assessment of city energy system scenarios

Autorzy: Iñigo Muñoz; Patxi Hernandez; Estibaliz Pérez-Iribarren; Juan Pedrero; Eneko Arrizabalaga; Nekane Hermoso
Opublikowane w: Energy Strategy Reviews, Numer 85, 2020, ISSN 2211-467X
Wydawca: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2020.100553

Replicable and KPI-Driven Evaluation Framework

Autorzy: Ana Quijano; Jose L. Hernández; Pierre Nouaille; Mikko Virtanen; Beatriz Sánchez-Sarachu; Francesc Pardo-Bosch; Jörg Knieilng
Opublikowane w:, Numer 1, 2022, ISSN 2075-5309
Wydawca: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/buildings12020233

Robottibussi pilotoi Kalasatamassa

Autorzy: Eetu Rutanen, Ville Arffman
Opublikowane w: ILMANSUOJELU-LEHTI Magazine of the Finnish Air, Pollution Prevention, 2019, Strona(/y) 12-13, ISSN 1239-8950
Wydawca: The Finnish Air Pollution Prevention Society

Optimal capacities of distributed renewable heat supply in a residential area connected to district heating

Autorzy: Esa Pursiheimo, Miika Rämä
Opublikowane w: Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Numer Volume 9, Numer 1, 1080328, 2021, ISSN 1848-9257
Wydawca: SDEWES Centre
DOI: 10.13044/j.sdewes.d8.0328

Smart City Experimentation in Urban Mobility—Exploring the Politics of Futuring in Hamburg

Autorzy: Philipp Späth, Jörg Knieling
Opublikowane w: Socio-Technical Futures Shaping the Present - Empirical Examples and Analytical Challenges, 2019, Strona(/y) 161-185, ISBN 978-3-658-27154-1
Wydawca: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-27155-8_8

Endlich Smart-City-Leuchtturm: Auswirkungen des EU-Projektes mySMARTLife auf die Planungspraxis in Hamburg

Autorzy: Philipp Späth, Jörg Knieling
Opublikowane w: Smart City - Kritische Perspektiven auf die Digitalisierung in Städten - Digitale Technologien, Raumproduktion, Intervention, 2018, Strona(/y) 345-356, ISBN 9783-839443361
Wydawca: transcript Verlag
DOI: 10.14361/9783839443361-026

Helsinki RobobusLine — Robottibussi Helsingin kaduilla

Autorzy: Eetu Rutanen, Milla Åman
Opublikowane w: TAITO-series 34, 2019, ISSN 2669-8021
Wydawca: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Prawa własności intelektualnej

Financial Loan for housing financing; Building retrofit; Energy efficiency audit (according to Nice classification = 36,37,42)

Numer wniosku/publikacji: BOPI 2015-53 4233221
Data: 2016-04-15
Wnioskodawca/wnioskodawcy: ENGIE ENERGIE SERVICES

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