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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Smart Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of smart Life and Economy


mySMARTLife project aims at the development of an Urban Transformation Strategy to support cities in the definition of transition models, as a suitable path to reach high level of excellence in its development process, addressing the main city challenges and progressing to the smart people and smart economy concepts.
The main instrument to achieve this very ambitious strategy will be the definition of the Advanced Urban Planning, consisting of an integrated approach of the planned city interventions on the basis of a rigorous impact assessment, an active citizen engagement in the decision-making process and a structured business approach, from the city business model perspective, to the economic framework for big companies and local SMEs and Start-Ups.

Nantes (France), Hamburg (Germany) and Helsinki (Finland) are the lighthouse cities and Varna (Bulgaria), Bydgoszcz (Poland), Rijeka (Croatia) and Palencia (Spain) the followers. All of them will be involved in the overall project development assuming different and complementary roles. Energy and Climate mitigation plans in the lighthouse cities are completely compliant with the objectives of Covenant of Mayors initiative, as it is reflected; first regarding the early participation of the cities in Covenant of Mayors and second, considering the ambition of their SEAPs, that were submitted, evaluated, approved and are monitored by Covenant of Mayors. Aligned with these objectives, the commitment of the lighthouses is the deployment of a big set of large scale interventions and at least two years of data collection to make a depth analysis of the results, calculating standard KPIs, evaluating the associated impacts and disseminating the results. Followers will be very close to this demonstration, collaborating in the definition and deployment, analysing the problem from the point of view of their own city challenges and extracting knowledge, best practices and lessons learnt for a further replication.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 153 464,40
47151 Boecillo

Voir sur la carte

Centro (ES) Castilla y León Valladolid
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 1 153 464,40

Participants (48)