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Storage capacity sharing over virtual neighbourhoods of energy ecosystems


Report on SHAR-Q validation in the context of RES+EV synergy

Report with findings and lessons learned from the SHAR-Q validation in the context of RES+EV synergy.

Recommendations for progress in regulations supporting the collaboration of energy actors

The report describes the recommendations for progress in regulations that has been identified in Task 2.2 and listed in D2.3.

Report on SHAR-Q validation in the context of distributed renewable production

Report with findings and lessons learned from the SHAR-Q validation in the context of distributed renewable. production.

Updated business models for collaboration of EES and RES operators

The deliverable describes a detailed Business Model Canvas per target groups.

Framework for strategic planning of DER with climate service instruments

Recommendations and tools for strategic planning of optimal mixture of different types of distributed RES and EES at specific locations, based on local climatic conditions, that results in minimal unit-cost of energy.

Procedural guides for collaboration of EES and RES operators

The document will provide operational processes for collaboration of DER operators in line with valid professional processes for smart grid operation. An initial release will be delivered on M12.

Report on integration of pilot with focus on distributed renewable

Report including the findings and lessons learned from the integration of pilot with focus on distributed renewable production.

Report on SHAR-Q validation in the context of prosumers collaboration

Report with findings and lessons learned from the SHAR-Q validation in the context of prosumers collaboration.

Dissemination activities (release 2)

Release 2 of the report on Dissemination activities after the 2nd year of the project.

Report on integration of pilot with focus on prosumers collaboration

Report including the findings and lessons learned from the integration of pilot with focus on prosumers collaboration.

Procedural guides for collaboration of EES and RES operators (update with stakeholders feedback)

Resubmission of Procedural guides for collaboration of EES and RES operators reflecting the outcome of consultations with stakeholders.

SHAR-Q functional design document

The document will specify that technical requirements of the SHAR-Q interoperability/collaboration framework based on the business requirements and considering the identified barriers.

Dissemination activities

Document detailing the dissemination activities performed during the reporting period, it includes results obtained and recommends additional activities to improve dissemination. Releases for the document will be delivered at M12 and M24.

SHAR-Q Collaboration Web components (Release 2)

First complete release of SHAR-Q Collaboration Web components reflecting the outcome of consultations with stakeholders.

SHAR-Q Collaboration Web components (Release 4)

Release 4 of the SHAR-Q Collaboration Web components including the changes introduced at the validation activities.

SHAR-Q Communication Server components (Release 4)

Release 4 of the SHAR-Q Communication Server components including the changes introduced at the validation activities.

Specification of validation test cases and pilot environments

Description of validation environments and specification of the corresponding test scenarios.

SHAR-Q laboratory test report

Report including the findings and lessons learned from laboratory testing of the SHAR-Q gateway.

SHAR-Q collaborative business models and business requirements

The delivery will specify the collaborative business models, that are derived from stakeholders drivers and motivations with taking into account theirs barriers for collaboration. Moreover, the deliverable will include the tailoring of business models to business requirement for collaboration of distributed DER operators.

SHAR-Q Collaboration Web components

The deliverable is consisting of the preliminary release of SHAR-Q Collaboration Web components with basic features.

Architecture of SHAR-Q technology components

The document will define the architecture of the SHAR-Q technology framework with its interfaces.

Detailed Specification of the SHAR-Q Interfaces and Semantic Model (post integration update)

Update of Detailed Specification of the SHAR-Q Interfaces and Semantic Model with amendments after integration phase.

Detailed Specification of the SHAR-Q Interfaces and Semantic Model (post development update)

Update of Detailed Specification of the SHAR-Q Interfaces and Semantic Model with amendments after the development phase.

Common requirement capture framework

The deliverable will describe the approach and methodology of the SHAR-Q requirement elicitation process.

SHAR-Q Collaboration Web components (Release 3)

Release 3 of the SHAR-Q Collaboration Web components reflecting the outcome of integration activities.

Report on SHAR-Q collaboration drivers and barriers

The deliverable will provide the results of the analysis of drivers and barriers regarding collaboration of distributed energy ecosystem owners and operators, upon their elicitation.

Dissemination activities (final release)

Final report on Dissemination activities.

SHAR-Q Communication Server components

The deliverable is consisting of the preliminary release of SHAR-Q communication server with basic features.

Report on SHAR-Q advancement gaps in the selected standards

The report will provide a snapshot information on the evolution of the selected standards and will identify and replace the missing block of information in their specifications.

SHAR-Q Communication Server components (Release 3)

Release 3 of the SHAR-Q Communication Server components reflecting the outcome of integration activities.

SHAR-Q Communication Server components (Release 2)

First complete release of SHAR-Q Communication Server components reflecting the outcome of consultations with stakeholders.

SHAR-Q pilot surveying report

The deliverable will specify the technical and organizational prerequisites of the pilot sites that will need to be resolved before the demonstration of pilot use-cases.

Report on integration of pilot with adaptive e-vehicle charging

Report including the findings and lessons learned from the integration of pilot with adaptive EV charging.

Report on stakeholder feedback on SHAR-Q processes and architecture

The document will provide a report on the validation of SHAR-Q processes and architecture with stakeholders with highlights on the most important findings, provided by stakeholders.

SHAR-Q Added-value service definitions

Document with the specification of SHAR-Q added-value services.

Detailed Specification of the SHAR-Q Interfaces and Semantic Model

The document will build on analysis delivered in WP1 and define functional requirements which corresponds to the business requirements (T2.4). Regarding state-of-the-art standards in combination with functional requirements, the SHAR-Q interface will be defined.

Report on SHAR-Q regulatory framework

The deliverable will provide a list of regulatory requirements that were identified as applicable regarding SHAR-Q processes and technologies.

Report on overall evaluation of UX and performance of SHAR-Q framework

Deliverable covering the main results and conclusions from the evaluation of SHAR-Q pilots and use cases from a twofold perspective: user experience (more qualitative and subjective) and performance (more objective and related to quantitative KPIs).

SHAR-Q Open Interoperability Gateway API with sample adapters (Release 2)

Release 2 of the SHAR-Q Open Interoperability Gateway API with sample adapters reflecting the outcome of integration activities.

Meteorological services for renewables & climate services

At least certain services will be provided as public ones.

Services for optimal charging of e-vehicles

The services will target the challenges and opportunities raised by the widening spread of e-vehicles.

SHAR-Q Open Interoperability Gateway API with sample adapters (Release 3)

Release 3 of the SHAR-Q Open Interoperability Gateway API with sample adapters including the changes introduced at the validation activities.

SHAR-Q Open Interoperability Gateway API with sample adapters

The deliverable is consisting of API references (most likely javadoc) and libraries (most likely java ones), API source-codes and release notes for three major releases at M24 and M30.

Services for optimal sharing of EES and RES capacities

The deliverable is a principal output of the project regarding the articulation of SHAR-Q business models.


Real time energy efficiency optimization in connected electrical vehicles

Autorzy: Juan Rico, Daniel Calvo, Juan Sancho, Miguel Rodriguez, Martin Wagner, Andrea Rossi, Miguel Mateo
Opublikowane w: 2017 Twelfth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2017, Strona(/y) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-5386-1692-5
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/ever.2017.7935950


Autorzy: juan rico, martin wagner, ugo stecchi, guadalupe rodriguez, begoña molinete, uxuae goitia
Opublikowane w: Libro de comunicaciones del congres Smart Grid 2017, Numer yearly, 2017, Strona(/y) 167-172, ISBN 978-1549-844645
Wydawca: Grupo Tecmared

Distributed Schemes, Innovative Solutions for Smart Grids: P2P, Multi-Agent Systems & Blockchain

Autorzy: Tatiana Loureiro, Juan Espeche, Meritxell Vinyals, Ugo Stecchi, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Dimosthenis Ioannidis, Davy Geysen
Opublikowane w: Proceedings, Numer 20/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 5, ISSN 2504-3900
Wydawca: MDPI AG
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2019020005

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