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Storage capacity sharing over virtual neighbourhoods of energy ecosystems


Storages are unavoidable components of the future smart grid with large share of variable renewable generation. However, the unit-cost of energy, that is retrieved from storages, is several times higher than the cost of energy consumed upon its output from RES. Therefore, there is a strong requirement on the optimisation of storage capacities deployed in the grid. This is especially true for the small energy sites such as DER and prosumers’ microgrids which are the segments, targeted by the SHAR-Q bottom-up concept.

The principal objective of the SHAR-Q is to optimize the storage capacities deployed in the grid with the help of a peer-to-peer interoperability network that connects neighbourhooding RES+Storage ecosystems into a collaboration framework. Thus, the optimization of storage capacities can be achieved through their sharing among the participating actors. To get connected to the SHAR-Q network, an open interoperability gateway with semantic interface descriptors will be provided that will be based on the most adopted standards in the field. Moreover, the users will be provided with an ability to manage their contribution to the collaborative models on their own in a way that resembles the well-known social web portals (e.g. users can control with whom they wish to share specific storage capacities).

The viability of the collaborative business models will be proven through added-value services, deployed over the SHAR-Q interoperability network, that will be demonstrated in 3 different pilots, targeting 3 different segments of end-users such as neighborhoods of distributed RES, coalitions of prosumers and locations with e-vehicle charging stations.

The SHAR-Q research and innovation activities will be driven by the opinion of stakeholders involved in the SHAR-Q stakeholder advisory board. Their feedback will be carefully monitored throughout the project duration. Such approach is supposed to maximise the adoption potential of the SHAR-Q concept.

Dziedzina nauki

Klasyfikacja projektów w serwisie CORDIS opiera się na wielojęzycznej taksonomii EuroSciVoc, obejmującej wszystkie dziedziny nauki, w oparciu o półautomatyczny proces bazujący na technikach przetwarzania języka naturalnego.

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