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integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - inteGRIDy (integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-07-01 al 2021-06-30

inteGRIDy aims at integrating cutting-edge technologies, solutions and mechanisms in a scalable Cross-Functional Framework of replicable solutions. This framework connects existing energy networks to diverse stakeholders, with enhanced observability of both generation and consumption profiles. inteGRIDy pursues facilitating the optimal and dynamic operation of the Distribution Grid, fostering the stability of the electricity grid and coordination of distributed energy resources, Virtual Power Plants and innovative collaborative storage schemes within a continuously increased share of renewable energy.
- Integration of existing smart-metering/automation systems, with IoT infrastructure, enabling interoperability through standard APIs and efficient data collection and monitoring of grid assets.
- Novel modelling and profiling mechanisms allowing the creation of network topology and Demand Response models, together with battery cycling and charging profiles.
- Predictive algorithms enabling dynamic scenario-based simulation and multi-level forecasting for managing real-time demand and supply of energy and optimised decision making.
- Powerful and efficient visual analytics and end-user applications, using novel human machine interaction techniques.
- A security access control framework, built upon the standardization, regulatory environment for privacy and data protection.
- Innovative business models providing important tools to the energy market for dynamically involving Demand Response strategies and allowing new energy market entrants.
inteGRIDy envisions the realisation and demonstration of a solution covering the aforementioned innovations under a variety of environmental, market and societal conditions at 10 pilot and demonstration sites throughout EU.
The period covered by this document comprises the final stage in inteGRIDy time plan. Buildin upon the results of the second reporting period (namely the final architecture definition and the full development of inteGRIDy tools), the following activities were conducted during the M31-M54 period, closing this way the expected project impacts:
* WP3 concluded in M36 with the final definition of Budiness models and replication plan. Individual business models per pilot site were drafted, together with an initial replicability analysis. This fed WP8 activities
* Based on the tools developed in WP4 and WP1 architecture, WP5 provided the framework integration. This includes the instantiation of inteGRIDy framework in each pilot site, together with the deployment of an overall Solution Space, where inteGRIDy tools can be seen integrated at data level and providing unified visual KPIs
* WP6 and WP7 concluded the pilot deployment activities. This was a challenging tasks, as COVID-19 restrictions made it difficult for pilot site to install all needed components. Nevertheless, most inteGRIDy pilot sites suceeded in deploying as expected
* With all systems installed and integrated, WP8 provided the evaluation layer. This includes the technical (based on WP4 and WP5 requirements) and economical/business (based on WP3) evaluations
* Finally, inteGRIDy boosted the exploitation and stakeholder engagement activities during the period, also challenged by the pandemic situation, but producing nevertheless high impact rates and outcomes.
Objective 1. Indicator: Integrated Cross-Functional Platform
Year 4 success criteria: Evaluation of inteGRIDy Framework and Tools Performance completed [100%]
M31-M54 achievements: -Components develop¬ment completion [100%] - Framework Components Integra¬tion [100%] -Iterative testing [100%] -Pilot Evaluation Framework and validation completed [100%]

Objective 1,3. Indicator: Availability of forecasting, prediction, scheduling & simulation tools
Year 4 success criteria: Adoption by the large-scale Pilots of selected online notification services. Achieved impact target for operability & optimum energy distribution/usage
M31-M54 achievements: -Small-scale Pilots parallel deployment with existing operating systems [100%] -Small-scale Pilots selected functions are online deployed [100%] -Large-scale Pilots parallel deployment with existing operating systems [100%]

Objective 1,4. Indicator: Algorithms for the model-based control and optimization tools
Year 4 success criteria: Successful evaluation of the effectiveness & accuracy of the actions & predictions
M31-M54 achievements: - algorithms, tool deployment at small-scale [40%] - Successful integration to small-scale pilots [100%] - Deployment at large-scale pilots; Full system integration of model predictions [100%]

Objective 1,2,3. Indicator: Availability of Cross-Domain Big data analytics
Year 4 success criteria: Evaluation of unified indicators, Successful provision of analytics
M31-M54 achievements: Successful integration to large-scale pilots - Successful integration to small-scale pilots [100%] - Successful integration to large-scale pilots [100%]

Objective 2. Indicator: Availability of models for grid, DR/DSM, storage
Year 4 success criteria: Successful accuracy to real-life grid behaviour/ response, Reach Impact assessment targets
M31-M54 achievements: - models adapted to the integrated CMP [80%] - Fine-tuning of experimental parameters [100%] - Successful usage at all pilots [100%] - Full system integration of model predictions [100%]

Objective 1,6. Indicator: Mechanisms &methods developed for decision analysis & optimization
Year 4 success criteria: Full implementation & fine-tuning to pilots environment
M31-M54 achievements: - Integration with simulation, forecasting & prediction tools [100%] - Integration with core integrated decision support platform [100%] - Successful implementation at the pilots [100%] - Fine-tuning of experimentally determined parameters [100%]

Objective 1,2,8. Indicator: Availability of Multipurpose Dashboards & HMIs
Year 4 success criteria: Deployment at large scale use cases and evaluation of behavior
M31-M54 achievements: - integration with Scalable reference architecture [100%] - Deployment at small-scale pilots [100%] - integration with analytics framework [100%] - Large-scale pilot testing [100%]

Objective 7. Indicator: Introduction of new market entrants
Year 4 success criteria: Completion & Validation of inteGRIDy’s Business Modelling [100%]
M31-M54 achievements: -Business Modelling analysis [100%]

Objective 1,8. Indicator: Percentage of integration to the field level systems of the demo sites
Year 4 success criteria: Deployment of standards-based interoperability to the use cases
M31-M54 achievements: - integration of connectors at small-scale pilot sites [100%] - integration of connectors at large-scale pilot sites [100%] - Successful Acceptance Tests (i.e. Test Cases showed no errors) [Ν/Α]

Objective 8. Indicator: Pilot Use Case Completion
Year 4 success criteria: Pilot Use Case completed. Overall Evaluation of inteGRIDy Framework [100%]
M31-M54 achievements: - Pilot area deployment planning competed [100%] - Framework tested and necessary changes identified [100%] - Simulation Environment for Multi-Purpose Alternative Scenarios [100%] - Small-Scalle Pilots Deployment Completion [100%] - Large-Scale Pilots Deployment Completion [100%]
inteGRIDy infographic