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CORDIS - EU research results

Ocean Energy ERA-NET Cofund


Launch of Additional Joint Call

Launch of Additional Joint Call - publication of call documents on project website

Joint Selection List of Projects

List of projects selected for funding

Annual Cofund Progress Report – 2019

Annual Cofund Progress Report – 2019, drawing on individual project reports, covering overall performance of the projects

Plan for Other Joint Activities

Plan for Other Joint Activities - list of agreed activities and an implementation plan

Annual Cofund Progress Report – 2018

Annual Cofund Progress Report – 2018, drawing on individual project reports, covering overall performance of the projects

Final Dissemination and Exploitation Report

Final Dissemination and Exploitation Report summarising activities and impact

Evaluators' Ranking List

Ranking list of Full Proposals based on scores agreed by the Evaluation Panel

Final Report on Additional Joint Call

Final Report on Additional Joint Call summarising results of projects

Evaluation of the Co-funded Call

Evaluation of the Cofunded Call including processes and results and impact of funded projects

Report on Other Joint Activities

Report on Other Joint Activities delivered results and impact

Public Report on Additional Call Projects

Public Report on transnational projects funded through the Additional Call providing summary of topic objectives consortium

Annual Cofund Progress Report – 2020

Annual Cofund Progress Report – 2020, drawing on individual project reports, covering overall performance of the projects

R1 report to EC on Joint Selection List of Projects

R1 report to EC on Joint Selection List of Projects (to be submitted to the Commission within 60 days of the end of the stage 2 selection procedure) (compulsory deliverable) The compulsary deliverable will include the ranking list(s) of the projects; the observer’s report on the evaluation; the joint selection list of the projects to be funded; from each consortium partner participating in the join Co-funded Call, a formal and signed commitment on availability of funds for the selected projects; summary information for each of the projects on the selection list (including short project abstract and summary participant data).

Final Cofund Progress Report

Final Cofund Progress Report drawing on individual project reports covering overall performance of the projects to inform the Final Report to the Commission

Financial Procedures Report

Detailed procedures for financial management and payment to partners.

Monitoring Procedures

Monitoring Procedures for funded transnational projects, setting out agreed monitoring procedures, KPIs and tools

Report on Selection of Projects, Additional Joint Call
Approved Call Documents

Call documents for Co-funded Joint Call, to include call topic, guidance for applicants and evaluation criteria

Final Confernce

Final Conference to publicise project results report on conference

List of Successful Stage 1 Projects

List of projects submitted at Stage 1 which have been invited to submit a Full Proposal at Stage 2

Public Report on Cofunded Call Projects

Public Report on Cofunded Call Projects, providing information on project, objectives, consortium etc.

Publication of Call for Proposals

Announcement of Call for Proposals on project website and publication of Call Documents

Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
Interim Dissemination and Exploitation Report

Interim Dissemination and Exploitation Report, reviewing activity to date, impact and lessons learnt

List of Contracted Transnational Projects

List of Contracted Transnational Projects following national / regional contact negotiation

National / regional workshops

National / regional workshops to promote the Cofunded Joint Call and provide information to applicants

2nd Information and Brokerage Event (additional joint call)

2nd Information and Brokerage Event (additional joint call), to provide information to applicants and support partner search

1st Information and Brokerage Event (Co-funded Joint call)

1st Information and Brokerage Event (Co-funded Joint call) - to provide information to applicants and support partner search

Database of funded project

Database of funded projects through OCEANERANET OCEANERANET COFUND and national regional programmes to be hosted on project website

Electronic Submission and Evaluation System

Electronic Submission and Evaluation System or joint calls, hosted on project website

Project Website

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