CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
The report provides a glance of the repliction trajectory sustained by the project with substantial focus on handson insights delivered by Brno Gdansk and Parma The report is expected to be released in the form of a Handbook presenting synthetic dos and donts in relation to key replication steps followed by the project to the benefit of other interested replication cities
Plan for re-use of waste streams to produce thermal energyBased on Task 22 A plan for the collection and reuse or storage of available waste heat from eg the swimming pool
Summary of energy systems analysis report –conclusions from simulation for the three Lighthouse citiesReport on the impact of upscaling the proposed and demonstrated technologies for the lighthouse cities. The report will point out the system effects of upscaling and will show the potential benefits of a larger deployment of the technologies in terms of decrease in CO2 emissions and system costs. Also potential negative effects such as network congestion, voltage problems, or consequences from e.g the introduction of electric vehicles in a large scale will be analyzed in the report. The analyses are context dependent and will be specific for each city. However, the report will also if possible point out generic conclusions. The report will serve as a basis for decisions on strategies for upscaling of smart solutions to a city scale. Linked to T6.4 and approximately 50 pages
Guide on ruggedized implementation and innovation of smart solutionsBased on task 1.3. The Guide on innovation and ruggedized implementation of smart solutions contains guidance on how to use the smart energy district planner, how to use the Smart City Design and Decision Platform, setting up local innovation labs, and multi-actor financial arrangements and new business models, and especially what is needed to secure and foster implementation of smart solutions in EU-cities.
Digital marketplace for buying and selling heat and coolingBlueprint and report of installation and system design
Visions and RoadmapsThe report illustrates the process and the final outcomes of locallyadapted participatory foresight approaches in Brno Gdnask and Parma to a break throguh small organisational silos overcome institutional inertia and avoid sporadic action b effectively perform a prospective analysis for the development of a shared smart city vision the strategic vision and a midterm tactical decisionmaking to accomplish that vision the roadmap
Monitoring and evaluation manualA manual to assure that the data gathered in the lighthouse cities is comparable. Common standards for monitoring and evaluation are described. On one hand, already existing standards (e.g., Smart City Information System) are catalogued for the use of the cities. On the other hand, calculation methods for results not already covered are described. This is done for the quality of data as well, which will influence the actual monitoring implementation.
Initial findings from the establishment of Innovation PlatformsAn interim summary and conclusions on the establishment of the Platforms. The report serves as a comparative guide between the LHC's with the aim of enabling a discussion between the LHC's and other relevant consortium partners on the benefits and consequences of organisational and strategical decisions. Linked to T6.1 and approximately 30 pages.
Guidance on Smart City Design and Decision PlatformBased on tasks 1.2 and 1.3. The smart energy district planner is a tool that supports decisions on measures to better integrate and optimize the local energy system to reach low carbon output. It will contain information on measures to be taken, dilemmas for integration of the energy system in relation to path dependency, barriers to overcome and how to recognise, involve and cooperate with important actors for the local energy system.
Implementation Report Glasgow (3/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities They will contain1Backgroundcontext Key targets policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project3Detailed descriptions of each solution applied covering precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being describedTechnical implementation detailsProcess descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning procurement implementation and monitoring processBusiness and contractual models applied Integration with other solutions appliedRelevant citizenend user engagement activities 4Results Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures together with individual results per solution where relevantImpact on Energy efficiency environmental performance quality of life and social value Economic assessment Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented in terms of costs for the public authorities involved business cases for the private partners and investors and impact on job creation and wider economic developmentReplication assessment An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the businesscontractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities may be replicated in other European citiesThe Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI
Data privacy report of the 3-D modelBased on Task 2.4. A report on the results of the implementation of LoRa in the context of the project. The report will contain a description of the effect of the LoRa-network on the introduction of new low-cost sensors in the practice area.
"Report on feasibility study for implementation first pilot ""Nerdalize"""Based on Task 24 A report on the feasibility of using high performance servers in houses nearby the project area
Analysis of alignment with City strategiesA summary how well the achievements of the demonstration projects are aligned with the cities strategy If alignment is weak or nonexisting this will be reflected upon leading to either recommendations for changes in or expansion of the city strategies or lessons learned for the replication
Implementation Report Umeå (3/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities They will contain1Backgroundcontext Key targets policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project3Detailed descriptions of each solution applied covering precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being describedTechnical implementation detailsProcess descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning procurement implementation and monitoring processBusiness and contractual models applied Integration with other solutions appliedRelevant citizenend user engagement activities 4Results Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures together with individual results per solution where relevantImpact on Energy efficiency environmental performance quality of life and social value Economic assessment Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented in terms of costs for the public authorities involved business cases for the private partners and investors and impact on job creation and wider economic developmentReplication assessment An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the businesscontractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities may be replicated in other European citiesThe Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI
Replication and Investment PlansThe report illustrates in details the individual Replication and Investment Plans of Brno Gdansk and Parma which effectively conclude 5 years of work in the project in view of adoption and deployment of the selected smart city actions as of the year 2022 the postproject phase
Guide for setting up and sustaining Local Innovation PlatformsBased on task 1.2, 1.3 and 6.5. Report containing a guide on how to set-up and sustain local innovation platforms based on the lessons learned from Task 1.2 and experiences of Task 6.5. The Guide describes the concept of Innovation Plattforms, the experiences in the Lighthouse cities, experiences in establishing similar structures in other cities and suggestions for important aspects to think about and things to avoid.
Report on PV panels implemented near bus station for battery storageBased on Task 22 and Task 23 A report on the results of implementing PV panels near the bus station
Monitoring report on measures to maximize the impactThe report provides an assessment of the effectiveness of the measures put forward to maximize the impact of the project thus looking beyond the actual impacts borne the smart solutions in the light house cities The focus is primarily on the effects of the sustaining actions delivered by WP1 WP6 WP7 WP8 and WP9 which relate to knowledge advancement replication of smart solutions in the follower cities and the more general uptake of the smart solutions implemented by the project in the rest of the EU
Implementation Report Rotterdam (3/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities They will contain1Backgroundcontext Key targets policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project3Detailed descriptions of each solution applied covering precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being describedTechnical implementation detailsProcess descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning procurement implementation and monitoring processBusiness and contractual models applied Integration with other solutions appliedRelevant citizenend user engagement activities 4Results Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures together with individual results per solution where relevantImpact on Energy efficiency environmental performance quality of life and social value Economic assessment Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented in terms of costs for the public authorities involved business cases for the private partners and investors and impact on job creation and wider economic developmentReplication assessment An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the businesscontractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities may be replicated in other European citiesThe Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI
Intermediate Replication AssessmentsThe report provides an update on the initial replication assessment in light of the data and the insights thus far produced by the light house cities and thanks to the knowledge accumulated by Brno Gdansk and Parma through the workshops and study visits performed as per the work plan
Plan for balancing geothermal heat-cold storage system by using surface waterBased on Task 22 A plan for the collection and storage of heat and cold from eg road surface
Plan ready for innovative renewable installation (netting off energy generation against consumption)Task G4 Detailed technical and financial plan for the installation and management of innovative renewable energy generation technologies atop a multistorey car park The plan will also detail the integration with the battery EV charging and central management system
Evaluation templatesTemplates to enable distributing the evaluation of the demo sites, formalizing the content of D5.2. Using those templates, responsible persons for certain topics (e.g., renewable heating and cooling) ca be assigned for each demo site to do the evaluation on a local level. This assures that the evaluation process is the same in every city.
Report on implementation LoRa-network on low cost new sensors techniques for HoS areaBased on Task 2.4. A report on the 3D-City Operations model with special focus on privacy issues.
Initial Replication AssessmentsThe report provides an assesment of the initial state of play in Brno, Gdansk and Parma in order to: a) confirm that the smart solutions demonstrated by the lighthouse cities are as described in the proposal or whether minor technical, organisational or temporal changes have been applied; b) assess and update the local state of play regarding replication district level energy efficiency, use of renewables, smart mobility, and quality of infrastructure; c) survey and update the urban development and renovation programmes and plans, financing opportunities, as well as key policy and legislation frameworks affecting smart city project developments; d) assess and update the existing stakeholder participation processes including a survey of the institutional, industrial and user/consumer groups that could be potentially involved in the governing group.
Implementation Report Glasgow (1/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented. These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities. They will contain: 1. Background/context – Key targets, policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2. The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project 3. Detailed descriptions of each solution applied, covering (precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being described): - Technical implementation details - Process descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning, procurement, implementation and monitoring process - Business and contractual models applied - Integration with other solutions applied - Relevant citizen/end user engagement activities 4. Results – Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures, together with individual results per solution where relevant - Impact – on Energy efficiency, environmental performance, quality of life and social value - Economic assessment – Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented, in terms of costs for the public authorities involved, business cases for the private partners and investors, and impact on job creation and wider economic development - Replication assessment – An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the business/contractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities, may be replicated in other European cities The Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI.
Prototype Smart Energy District plannerBased on tasks 1.2 and 1.4. This report contains a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City describing background/context, the integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project, detailed descriptions of solutions applied and their results.
Report from the Liaison groups on implementation needsFor the project liaison groups are set up These groups periodically discuss issues that are relevant to the implementation The output of the Liaison Groups is collected and stored for dissemination use
Guidelines ready for share of data between buildings related to Energy Management optimalisationBased on Task 25 Guidelines on the collaction storage and sharing of data of energy use of buildings in the project scope
Plan for balancing geothermal heat-cold storage system by using heat exchanger under pavement/roadBased on Task 22 A plan for the collection and use of heat and cold for the purpose of keeping pavement frost free during winter and cooled during summer
Implementation Report Rotterdam (1/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented. These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities. They will contain: 1. Background/context – Key targets, policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2. The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project 3. Detailed descriptions of each solution applied, covering (precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being described): - Technical implementation details - Process descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning, procurement, implementation and monitoring process - Business and contractual models applied - Integration with other solutions applied - Relevant citizen/end user engagement activities 4. Results – Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures, together with individual results per solution where relevant - Impact – on Energy efficiency, environmental performance, quality of life and social value - Economic assessment – Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented, in terms of costs for the public authorities involved, business cases for the private partners and investors, and impact on job creation and wider economic development - Replication assessment – An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the business/contractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities, may be replicated in other European cities The Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI.
Enhancing smart cities in Europe and Japan through collaborationThe report will describe the findings of the collaboration with Japan
Implementation Report Umeå (2/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities They will contain1Backgroundcontext Key targets policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project3Detailed descriptions of each solution applied covering precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being describedTechnical implementation detailsProcess descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning procurement implementation and monitoring processBusiness and contractual models applied Integration with other solutions appliedRelevant citizenend user engagement activities 4Results Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures together with individual results per solution where relevantImpact on Energy efficiency environmental performance quality of life and social value Economic assessment Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented in terms of costs for the public authorities involved business cases for the private partners and investors and impact on job creation and wider economic developmentReplication assessment An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the businesscontractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities may be replicated in other European citiesThe Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI
Assessment of light house projects (interim report ready at M48)Report on the overall results of the demonstration sites It will contain a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the implemented projects in the three lighthouse cities Furthermore it will describe the tools created for the process evaluation as well as the impact the project had on the processes within the lighthouse cities It will have an interim stage at M48
Overarching innovation and implementation frameworkBased on tasks 1.2 and 1.4. This report contains a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City describing background/context, the integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project, and status of each solution applied. The report describes the details of the implementation measures themselves, the processes/procedures followed, and interim results achieved thusfar.
Business Models for Smart Cities- Cities -conclusions on methods for generating bankable smart solutionsCompilation of plans from each Lighthouse city on how the Innovation Platforms whould be integrated into the ordinary structures and processes of the involved partners The plans will serve as a starting point for the ambition that the platforms are sustained after the end of the project and are harmonised with local and regional ambitions on innovation Compilation of 3 plans and an brief reflective summary in an consolidated document Approximately 50 pages Linked to T61
Report on the Context and Critical Conditions (CCC) process and result for each light house cityThe report will comprise of a summary and comparison of analyses done for each LHC and will identify the main critical conditions for each city. The main outcome is an increased understanding of the socio-economic barriers to upscaling and will provide input to further elaboration of the innovation platforms in each lighthouse city. Despite having a local focus on the LHC's, general conclusions are likely also beneficial to the follower cities, either as direct input or as inspiration. The report is the result of T6.5 and will be of approximately 60 pages.
Plans for integration of Innovation Platforms into local innovation processesCompilation of plans from each Lighthouse city on how the Innovation Platforms whould be integrated into the ordinary structures and processes of the involved partners. The plans will serve as a starting point for the ambition that the platforms are sustained after the end of the project and are harmonised with local and regional ambitions on innovation. Compilation of 3 plans and an brief reflective summary in an consolidated document. Approximately 50 pages. Linked to T6.1.
“Rich narratives” –Scenario analyses for the Lighthouse cities and recommendationsThe deliverable encompasses (2-4) plausible alternative futures for the contextual systems common to the lighthouse cities, in a 15-year perspective. These narratives will identify key determinants (drivers, barriers, framework conditions) in the socio-political landscape, and the interaction of these with the urban innovation system with the intention to inform strategic analysis and system modelling. The 'narrative' format will combine detailed storytelling with illustrative/visual elements (graphics, presentations, etc. to be defined) to support communication of findings within the consortium.
Report on new parking lots implemented for Smart chargingBased on Task 22 A report on the results of outfitting parking lots with smart charging points
Implementation Report Rotterdam (2/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities They will contain1Backgroundcontext Key targets policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project3Detailed descriptions of each solution applied covering precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being describedTechnical implementation detailsProcess descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning procurement implementation and monitoring processBusiness and contractual models applied Integration with other solutions appliedRelevant citizenend user engagement activities 4Results Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures together with individual results per solution where relevantImpact on Energy efficiency environmental performance quality of life and social value Economic assessment Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented in terms of costs for the public authorities involved business cases for the private partners and investors and impact on job creation and wider economic developmentReplication assessment An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the businesscontractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities may be replicated in other European citiesThe Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI
“Lessons learned on the implementation of smart solutions in the Lighthouses”, interim report 1/3Based on task 1.1. This report contains the overarching innovation and implementation framework including the main technical and socio-economic challenges and contextual factors that influence (hampers or enforces) local innovation and the implementation of smart solutions in each of the lighthouse.
Implementation Report Glasgow (2/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities They will contain1Backgroundcontext Key targets policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project3Detailed descriptions of each solution applied covering precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being describedTechnical implementation detailsProcess descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning procurement implementation and monitoring processBusiness and contractual models applied Integration with other solutions appliedRelevant citizenend user engagement activities 4Results Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures together with individual results per solution where relevantImpact on Energy efficiency environmental performance quality of life and social value Economic assessment Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented in terms of costs for the public authorities involved business cases for the private partners and investors and impact on job creation and wider economic developmentReplication assessment An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the businesscontractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities may be replicated in other European citiesThe Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI
Report on project contribution to the SCC1 initiativeThe project contribution to SCC1 eg presentation materials media tools overview of participation in events workshops and conferences is collected and included in a report
Implementation Report Umeå (1/3)To facilitate the replication of the RUGGEDISED solutions within the Follower Cities and beyond a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City on the solutions implemented. These will be aimed at providing relevant information to inform and facilitate the potential replication of the solutions identified in other cities. They will contain: 1. Background/context – Key targets, policies and other implementation drivers and framework conditions 2. The integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project 3. Detailed descriptions of each solution applied, covering (precise aspects covered may vary according to the nature of the solution being described): - Technical implementation details - Process descriptions presenting the different stages of the planning, procurement, implementation and monitoring process - Business and contractual models applied - Integration with other solutions applied - Relevant citizen/end user engagement activities 4. Results – Detailed information on the overall impacts of the implemented measures, together with individual results per solution where relevant - Impact – on Energy efficiency, environmental performance, quality of life and social value - Economic assessment – Quantified information on the economic impact of the measures implemented, in terms of costs for the public authorities involved, business cases for the private partners and investors, and impact on job creation and wider economic development - Replication assessment – An initial assessment of the extent to which the technical solutions and the business/contractual models implemented in the Lighthouse Cities, may be replicated in other European cities The Reports will be produced by the Lighthouse Cities based on a template provided by ICLEI.
Innovation Platforms for Innovative cities -conclusions and recommendationsThe report is a final conclusion and analysis of the work carried out in the Lighthouse cities which covers all the local actions undertaken and the analyses performed The report will provide a comparison between the LHCs and assess the benefits and downsides to the different chosen strategies Analysis on the prerequisites for follower cities to establish Innovation Platforms or similar structures will be included The report will contribute with findings on the capacity building aspects to urban innovation and upscaling of smart solutions Linked to T61 and approximately 70100 pages The report will be printed in the form of a book
“Lessons learned on the implementation of smart solutions in the Lighthouses”, final report 3/3Based on tasks 1.2 and 1.3. The Smart City Design and Decision Platform is a software tool built up from building level and based on a GIS grid that allows for a representation of the relevant aspects and flows. The guidance will contain what data need to be in place in order to fill the SCDDS, relevant examples of data protocols, choices to be made, the dilemma of openness in relation to privacy, barriers for application of the tool and how to overcome these, and contextual factors that should be in place for a smooth implementation.
Report on thermal distribution system built for exchange system based on low-temperature thermal gridBased on Task 22 A report on the outlay working and results of the newly establised thermal distribution system
Business Case allowing power transfer from CHP to batteryTask G3 A written document detailing the different replicable business models that can be applied to enable transfer of power generated by the CHP to the battery in the absence of a bespoke physical connection that presents best value to the CHP generator the battery owner and the grid operator and recommending the optimal business model This will include detailed finacial modelling for each option The optimal business model will the be subject to being approved by the GCC SPEN WG
“Lessons learned on the implementation of smart solutions in the Lighthouses”, interim report 2/3Based on tasks 1.2 and 1.4. This report contains a detailed Implementation Report from each Lighthouse City describing background/context, the integrated smart city framework developed and applied within the project, and status of each solution applied. The report describes the details of the implementation measures themselves, the processes/procedures followed, and interim results achieved thusfar.
The local dissemination plan will define the activities to be carried out at a local level focus, the primary target group would be citizens, industry and regionally close cities. The strategy will outline the main activities which will be completed by the Lighthouse Cities in the scope of the project including: digital media, the materials to be produced and the activities foreseen.
Implemented Management system to integrate non-domestic properties into a 'smart grid'Task G10 A screenshot of the central management system illustrating the connected nondomestic assets that are under control and a report detailing the control parameters and integration points
Smart Cities Technical FactsheetsFactsheets provide a concise, yet informative tool to share information. For those wishing to find out more technical and detailed information about the smart solutions a series of factsheets will be produced by site managers in WP2-4 together with industry partners. These are designed to share in detail the benefits of the 12 solutions in an easily accessible way. In terms of developing and disseminating them, the following steps are involved for ICLEI: • A design template for the factsheets will be produced as part of Task 9.3 to ensure that these are presented in a clear and consistent way. • The content guide is to ensure that communications texts, material, and publications meet high standards while also being accessible to non-native English speakers. • A reduced template and content guide will be delivered by ICLEI to the site leaders, who are responsible for collating and returning the completed versions. • The text will be edited and proofread by ICLEI’s professional editorial staff. • The text will be embedded by ICLEI into the templates and then uploaded onto the project website for dissemination. • Factsheets will then be promoted through website cross-linking and will be included in the e-update as well as through other project communication channels.
Communications & Dissemination StrategyThe strategy will outline a systematic approach to reaching out and communicating to its target audience actions it wants them to take (i.e. uptake of the smart solutions and transitioning towards smart city development) through tailored activities and appropriate communications mix.
Automatic smart control units (for room climate and lighting) installed in approx. 130 officesTask U4B: Blueprint describing the result of the Automatic smart control units result on the energy including photos of the installations. This is to show that the installation is complete and used in the office buildings.
Implemented Management system to integrate domestic properties into a 'smart grid'Task G9 A screenshot of the central management system illustrating the connected domestic assets that are under control and a report detailing the control parameters and integration points
Article in media 1/3RUGGEDISED will also publish articles on (intermediate and final) results in specialist city, transport, energy and building infrastructure magazines. Published articles will also be disseminated via the RUGGEDISED digital media channels and included on a regular basis in the well-established and widespread communication channels of the respective network partners involved in RUGGEDISED.
First version SCC1 Database (combined calendar, dissemination material, useful links) One per task!The project database will contain the dissemination material that is produced by the project activities. It will contain the most relevant links to websites and information sources such as related projects and it will contain the inputs to the various (e.g. European) portals and databases in the quality and form specified.
Deployment of EV chargers in city centre car parkTask G5 Report detailing the quantity capacity and location of EV chargers deployed as well as a screenshot of the central management system showing the integration of the charging infrastructre with the battery and renewable energy generation
European workshop 3/5The third in a series of workshops designed to provide an opportunity to showcase the experiences of the Lighthouse and Follower cities together with reactions from other stakeholders e.g. industry partners and representatives from other Smart City Projects. With a strong focus on interaction and peer-to- peer exchange, efforts will be made to find innovative ways of documenting these workshops to maximise dissemination. These will be held within the scope or back-to-back with European/International 'Smart city' events.
Smart Cities Thematic FactsheetsFactsheets will be produced focusing on particular aspects of the smart city approach and how these can help tackle common challenges faced by cities and local regions across Europe.
Decision support Platform (ICT solution) for informing strategy and decision makingTask G7: A link to, and screenshot of, the fully formed data based descision ICT platform that integrates open data generated by the the deliverables in WP4, as well as existiing data and data generated by connected senors deployed throgh a series of complimentary smart city initiatives, funded externally to the project. In addition, a case study illustrating the use of the decision platform will be included.
Study visit in Lighthouse City, including one national/regional showcase event per Lighthouse City 2/3Study visits in the Lighthouse cities will be prganised in the scope of the RUGGEDISED project. These would be open principally to the City Interest Group, but other cities may also register their interest via an online form on the project website.
European workshop 1/5The first in a series of workshops designed to provide an opportunity to showcase the experiences of the Lighthouse and Follower cities together with reactions from other stakeholders e.g. industry partners and representatives from other Smart City Projects. With a strong focus on interaction and peer-to- peer exchange, efforts will be made to find innovative ways of documenting these workshops to maximise dissemination. These will be held within the scope or back-to-back with European/International 'Smart city' events.
Corporate design (logos, templates & branding guide)An attractive, modern and authoritative visual identity reflecting the ambition of the RUGGEDISED project and the messages it wants to send will be created as part of this task and applied across all of the project’s communications platforms and products.
Sensors to measure filling of waste containers implemented (Smart waste management)Based on Task 2.5. Waste containers are fitted out with sensors that are connected to LoRa-network.
Project websiteA project website will designed, developed and maintained throughout the lifetime of the project to showcase the RUGGEDISED cities, the smart solutions and engagement opportunities (e.g. registration for study visits, product demos) for other cities, industry and other stakeholders.
Study visit in Lighthouse City, including one national/regional showcase event per Lighthouse City 1/3Study visits in the Lighthouse cities will be prganised in the scope of the RUGGEDISED project. These would be open principally to the City Interest Group, but other cities may also register their interest via an online form on the project website.
Implementation of efficient and intelligent street lighting in HoS (adjustable intensity to real time needs)Based on Task 2.4. New LED-techniques are introduced in the public lighting system and the public lighting system in the project area is connected to the LoRa-network. Data generated by sensors in the public lighting is transported by the LoRa-network.
Article in media 2/3Each partner shall deliver a minimum of 3 short articles published via external media outlets. The project partners’ press and media contacts will be used to strategically place the outcomes of the project on local, regional, national and European levels.
City Decision Support platform readyTask U8: A link or/and a screenshot of the City Decision Support platform with a description of the improvements it has led to. This is to show that the platform is complete and used by the city administration.
E-updateThe e-updates will be disseminated electronically every four months. All issues will be accessible through an updated archive on the project website. Blog posts from the Lighthouse cities will form the key content and smart city events highlighting those that the project will be attending.
Promotional brochureA project brochure, giving an overview of the RUGGEDISED project, will be developed to ensure a good level of visibility of RUGGEDISED at events and communicate the key elements of the project at a glance.
Analysis tools on LED street lighting implemented (to support demand-side management)Task G8 A screenshot of the central management system illustrating the connected LED lighting assets that are under control and a report detailing the control parameters and integration points
European workshop 4/5The fourth in a series of workshops designed to provide an opportunity to showcase the experiences of the Lighthouse and Follower cities together with reactions from other stakeholders e.g. industry partners and representatives from other Smart City Projects. With a strong focus on interaction and peer-to- peer exchange, efforts will be made to find innovative ways of documenting these workshops to maximise dissemination. These will be held within the scope or back-to-back with European/International 'Smart city' events.
Analysis tools on energy consumption implemented on campus (to support demand-side management)Task U9: A link or/and a screenshot of the Analysis Tool with a description of the improvements and changes in working methods that it has led to. This is to show that the implementation is completed.
Web based information platform for energy managementTask U2: A link or/and a screenshot of the platform including a systems analysis map. This is to show that the platform is completed and the improvements are working.
Introduction first six zero emission e-busesBased on Task 2.3. The introduction of six E-buses by RET.
Study visit in Lighthouse City, including one national/regional showcase event per Lighthouse City 3/3Study visits in the Lighthouse cities will be prganised in the scope of the RUGGEDISED project. These would be open principally to the City Interest Group, but other cities may also register their interest via an online form on the project website.
E-charging facilities for e-vehicles installed in UmeåTask U6: Digital blueprint describing the E-charging facility, including travel statistics and photos of the design and building phase and the completed result. This is to show that the construction and installations are completed.
Project Results BrochureA brochure will be produced to present key results from the project
European workshop 2/5The second in a series of workshops designed to provide an opportunity to showcase the experiences of the Lighthouse and Follower cities together with reactions from other stakeholders e.g. industry partners and representatives from other Smart City Projects. With a strong focus on interaction and peer-to- peer exchange, efforts will be made to find innovative ways of documenting these workshops to maximise dissemination. These will be held within the scope or back-to-back with European/International 'Smart city' events.
Article in media 3/3RUGGEDISED will also publish articles on (intermediate and final) results in specialist city, transport, energy and building infrastructure magazines. Published articles will also be disseminated via the RUGGEDISED digital media channels and included on a regular basis in the well-established and widespread communication channels of the respective network partners involved in RUGGEDISED.
Concept “Bus rapid transit station” installed in campus area (New shelter, heating systems, intelligent tickets identification)Task U5: Digital blueprint describing the BRT-station, including travel statistics and photos of the design and building phase and the completed result. This is to show that the construction is complete and used in the area.
Street lights (300) replaced by intelligent LED columnsTask G6 A screenshot of the central management system showing the project district and highlighting the installed intelligent LED lighting infrastructure with a detailed key explaining the extent of the intelligence and connections to comms and EV infrastructure In addition a report detailling the operational parameters of the LED lighting and associated connected assets
European workshop 5/5The fifth in a series of workshops designed to provide an opportunity to showcase the experiences of the Lighthouse and Follower cities together with reactions from other stakeholders eg industry partners and representatives from other Smart City Projects With a strong focus on interaction and peerto peer exchange efforts will be made to find innovative ways of documenting these workshops to maximise dissemination These will be held within the scope or backtoback with EuropeanInternational Smart city events
RUGGEDISED will capitalise on the development of a welldefined Data Management Plan DMP A data management plan will be developed in the first six months of the project D921 as described previously in section 225 It will describe all of the data that will be created in the project and how this data will be handled during the project and after its completion All data and methodologies will be openly accessible at the completion of the project as far as possible via the main project websiteThe Data Management Plan DMP will includeData Types Formats Standards and Capture MethodsEthics and Intellectual PropertyAccess Data Sharing and ReuseResourcingDeposit and LongTerm PreservationShortTerm Storage and Data ManagementDMP will comply with the EC DMP template14 and will specify how the generated data will be easily discovered preferably via DOI and accessed ensuring open access by adopting the adequate licensing scheme eg Creative Commons License Moreover DMP will describe quality evaluating toolsprocedures which will prove the data intelligibility DMP will also define the type of accompanying information in the form of metadata or short description to allow potential users to gain awareness on the data concepts and evaluate their suitability for future useAs the Ethics commission has raised points related to personal data collection storage protection retention and destruction which in turn has lead to the Ethics requirements attributed to Ruggedised the DMP will synchronise with the relevant deliverable of the coordinator
A. Abdelwahed, P.L. van den Berg, T. Brandt, and W. Ketter
Publié dans:
MSOM Conference, Numéro 2021, 2021
On Researchgate
Nick Kelly, John Allison, Graeme Flett, Jon Hand
Publié dans:
Bagheri, Samaneh
Brandt, Tobias
Sheombar, Haydee
Van Oosterhout, Marcel
Publié dans:
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2021, 2021, ISBN 9780998133140
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities
NJ Kelly, J W Hand, A Cowie
Publié dans:
uSIM2022 – Urban Energy in a Net Zero world, Numéro 2022, 2022
Gireesh Nair, Shoaib Azizi, and Thomas Olofsson
Publié dans:
E3S Web Conf. Volume 246, 2021 Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021, Numéro 2021 Conference, 2021
E3S Web of Conferences
A. Abdelwahed, P.L. van den Berg, T. Brandt, and W. Ketter
Publié dans:
MSOM Conference, Numéro 2019, 2019
On researchgate
Azizi, Shoaib; Nair, Gireesh; Olofsson, Thomas
Publié dans:
eceee 2019 Summer Study, Belambra Presqu'île de Giens, France, 03–08 June, 2019, 2019, Page(s) p. 1444-1450
European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE)
A.A.M. Abdelwahed (Ayman), P.L. van den Berg (Pieter) and T. Brandt (Tobias)
Publié dans:
International Conference on Information Systems, December 2019, Numéro 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2019 (December 2019), Munich, 2019
Shoaib Azizi, Ramtin Rabiee, Gireesh Nair and Thomas Olofsson
Publié dans:
"Energies - Special Numéro ""Energy Efficiency Improvements in Buildings to Achieve Climate Goals", Numéro 14(19), 6296, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Shoaib Azizi, Ramtin Rabiee, Gireesh Nair and Thomas Olofsson
Publié dans:
E3S Web Conferences, Numéro 22671242, 2020, ISSN 2267-1242
EDP Sciences
Radek Zavorka, Martin Paar
Publié dans:
Sensors 2022, Numéro 22(20), 2022, ISSN 1424-8220
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Belli, L.; Cilfone, A.; Davoli, L.; Ferrari, G.; Adorni, P.; Di Nocera, F.; Dall’Olio, A.; Pellegrini, C.; Mordacci, M.; Bertolotti,
Publié dans:
Smart Cities, 2020, Page(s) 1039-1071, ISSN 2624-6511
Ayman Abdelwahed, Pieter L. van den Berg, Tobias Brandt, Wolfgang Ketter, Judith Mulder
Publié dans:
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, Numéro 51(5), 2021, Page(s) 391-407, ISSN 2644-0873
Shoaib Azizi, Gireesh Nair, Ramtin Rabiee, Thomas Olofsson
Publié dans:
Building and Environment, Numéro 03601323, 2020, ISSN 0360-1323
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Ayman Abdelwahed, Pieter L. van den Berg, Tobias Brandt, John Collins
Publié dans:
Transportation Science, January 2020, 2020, ISSN 1526-5447
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